今天我们要学的词是on the fence。 On the fence, 犹豫不决的。 "Many potential home buyers are still on the fence, waiting for the housing market to reach rock bottom," 很多想买房的人还在犹豫不决,等待房地产市场触底。 "Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is still on the fence about whether or not she wants to run for President," 阿拉斯加州前州长佩林在是否要参加总统大选的问题上依然犹豫不决。 "Meanwhile, many Republican voters are still on the fence in terms of which candidate to support," 与此同时,很多共和党选民在支持哪位候选人的问题上还是拿不到主意。好的,今天我们学习的词是on the fence...