今天我们要学的词是 suspicion. Suspicion 做为名词,是怀疑的意思。Police arrested a man in West London on suspicion of funding terrorism. 西伦敦的警察逮捕了一名嫌疑人,此人被怀疑资助恐怖主义行动。South...
今天我们要学的词是outlaw. Outlaw 做为动词,有严令禁止的意思。China will outlaw the eating of protected animal species and jail offenders for 10 years or more. 中国将严禁食用受保护的稀有动物,违禁者可能会面临...
今天我们要学的词是lethal. Lethal,形容词,意思是致命的。 The massive landslide in rural Washington last month is one of the most lethal landslides in U.S. history. 上个月在华盛顿州乡村发生的大型泥石流是美国历史...
今天我们要学的词是poised. Poised 形容词,意思是有充分准备的。美国在线影片租赁服务商Netflix今年第一季度业绩颇丰,Netflix is poised to raise prices for the first time in three years. Netflix已经准备好进行...
今天我们要学的词是maritime. Maritime 形容词,意思海洋的,海事的。The United States and countries bordering the Pacific have signed a deal to ease maritime tension. 美国和太平洋周边各国签订协议,缓和海事方面的...
今天我们要学的词是 sustainability. Sustainability 名词,意思是可持续性,指不完全破坏自然资源的发展方式。在以保护环境为主旨的世界地球日,Apple invited competitors to copy its sustainability strategy...
今天我们要学的词是bar. Bar当动词讲是禁止的意思。Owners of the sunken South Korean ferry are barred by authorities from leaving the country. 韩国沉没渡轮的船主被当局禁足,不能离开韩国。克里米亚信奉伊斯兰...
今天我们要学的词是skeleton. Skeleton名词,意思是骨胳,骷髅。British archaeologists have found a 3200-year-old human skeleton that has traces of cancer. 英国考古学家发现了一具3200年前的人体骨架,骨架上带有死...
今天我们要学的词是choppy. Choppy, 形容词,意思是波浪起伏的,突变的。Efforts to find the missing Malaysian flight MH 370 were focused beneath the choppy surface of the southern Indian Ocean. 针对失踪马航MH370的搜寻努力...
今天我们要学的词是 laud. Laud, 动词,意思是称赞,赞美。印度最高法院承认变性人为第三种性别,The landmark judgment was lauded by human rights groups. 这一历史性的裁决受到人权团体的称赞。美国新闻...
今天我们要学的词是eclipse. Eclipse的意思是日食或月食。The first total lunar eclipse of 2014 wowed millions across North and South America. 2014年第一场月全食让北美和南美的数百万观者叹为观止。NASA live stream...
今天我们要学的词是reality check. Reality check的意思是面对现实,看清实际情况。美国推进中东和平的努力连连受挫,U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry declared that it's reality check time on whether an agreement ca...
今天我们要学的是 shell out. To shell out 意思是支付,花费。迪斯尼动画电影冰雪奇缘票房火爆,根据电影推出的各种产品也深受小朋友追捧。Some parents are shelling out over $1000 on ebay to get a limited...
今天我们要学的是 burnout. Burnout 做为名词,意思是疲劳过度。Stress and burnout is becoming an increasingly common concern across all professions. 生活压力和过度疲劳正日益成为各行各业普遍存在的问题。有研究...
今天我们要学的是 peak. Peak 做为名词,意思是顶峰。A recent study suggested that there are two major peaks for happiness, at ages of 23 and 69 respectively. 最近的一项研究显示,人的一生中有两个幸福的顶峰,分别...