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相关教程: 英语单词 单词背诵
  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1409期 discriminate against

    今天我们要学的词是discriminate against。Discriminate against, 歧视。美国司法部指控说, Bank of America discriminated against qualified African-American and Hispanic applicants for home loans from 2004-2008, 美国银行在2004到...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1408期 designated

    今天我们要学的词是designated。 Designated, 形容词,指定的,指派的。 His old house is a designated historical landmark now, 他的故居并定为历史性地标。 The sudden death of Kim Jong-Il has focused world attention on hi...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1407期 keep abreast of

    今天我们要学的词是keep abreast of。 Keep abreast of , 了解最新情况。 You should keep abreast of winter weather information if you're going to be on the road for the holiday season, 如果圣诞季节你要开车出门,最好随时了...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1406期 gridlock

    今天我们要学的词是gridlock。 Gridlock, 意思是全面大堵塞。 Millions of Americans could see their taxes go up while others could soon lose their unemployment insurance because of political gridlock in Washington, 由于华盛顿的政治...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1405期 Christmas season

    今天我们要学的词是Christmas season. Christmas圣诞节。Christmas season就是圣诞节前后一段时间的统称,可以翻译为圣诞季。最新的圣诞季销售数据显示美国经济有所好转。The National Retail Federation pr...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1404期 out of shape

    今天我们要学的词是out of shape. Out of shape意思是身体状态不佳。最近一项新研究发现,Men who stay fit can lower their risk of dying from a heart condition by 30% as compared with those who are out of shape, 与身体状态不...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1403期 proactive

    今天我们要学的词是proactive. Proactive意思是积极主动的。Facebook 脸谱网站推出最新Timeline时间表功能。有些用户担心隐私受到侵犯,社交网络专家建议说,It's best to be proactive and make sure what peo...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1402期 in the interest of

    今天我们要学的词是in the interest of. In the interest of 意思是为了某人的利益。最近传出NBA王牌球星Kobe Bryant 准备离婚。即将分手的Bryant夫妇发表声明说:We ask that in the interest of our young children, t...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1401期 exempt from

    今天我们要学的词是exempt from. Exempt from意思是免除,免做某件事。美国总统奥巴马提倡保证劳工的最低工资和福利保障。Under current U.S. labor law, home-care workers are exempt from minimum wage and overtime p...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1400期 out of date

    今天我们要学的词是out of date。 Out of date, 意思是过时的。 His contact information is out of date, 他的联络方式已经变了。 Technology companies say the 25-year-old federal Internet privacy law is out of date, 高科技公司...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1399期 troubled

    今天我们要学的词是troubled。 Troubled, 形容词,意思是麻烦不断的。 The troubled company let go half of its employees, 这家麻烦不断的公司裁员百分之五十。美国最近出台的经济报告振奋人心。 US jobless...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1398期 call for

    今天我们要学的词是call for。Call for, 意思是呼吁,要求。法德两国领导人呼吁欧洲大陆尽快结束债务危机。 German and French leaders called for quick action on the continent's debt crisis, 五家国际媒体最近签署...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1397期 denounce

    今天我们要学的词是denounce。 Denounce, 是指责,谴责的意思。最近罗得岛州州长办公室为了尊重各种宗教,把圣诞树的名称改成假日树。不料, The governor's office received thousands of calls denouncing t...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1396期 prescription

    今天我们要学的词是prescription。Prescription, 名词,意思是处方。最近美国卫生和公众服务部宣布,不支持在无处方的情况下向16岁以下的女孩销售紧急避孕药。 The Department of Health and Human Servic...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1395期 rush hour

    今天我们要学的词是rush hour。Rush Hour, 交通高峰期。每年12月,美国白宫前都会点亮一颗圣诞树,庆祝节假日的开始。 Several streets were closed in downtown Washington amid the evening rush hour for the National...
