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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>英语口语900句>



简,用最简单的字,教你说最流利的英语 。walk “走路”;“遛狗”就是 walk a dog.
易,用最实用的字教你说最EASY的英语。shampoo “洗发精”;“洗头”却说 have a shampoo.
新,用最新鲜地道的字教你说没有中国味的英语。text “课文”;“给我发信息”竟然是 text me.
快,用最少的字教你说最畅快的英语。thank “感谢”;“千恩万谢”只需说 thanks a million。





  • 英语口语900句 13.08.单句 1.你不知道我心里有多惭愧 You don't know how sorry I am. 2.我后悔做了那件事 I regret doing that. 3.我本不该说那句话的 I shouldn't have said that. 4.我真不该那样 I shouldn't have done it. 5.我要是没做这件事就好
  • 英语口语900句 13.08.对话.1.后悔 I regret I haven't taken your advice. What's the matter? Yesterday I came here to buy lottery and you suggested me choose three as the last number. Yes. If I had listen to you,I would have got the highest price. Thus I'm regretful too. Why? I should
  • 英语口语900句 13.08.对话.2.追悔莫及 Did you really dump Jenny? Yes,but now I regret. I found I still love her. How does she feel? I'm not sure. But I know I broke her heart and she hates me. If we could start over I would treat her as well as I can and I will tell her how much I love h
  • 英语口语900句 13.08.对话.3.自责 Does the wound hurt? Yes,a little. Thank you for coming to see me. Did we win at last? No. But our team is the runner-up. It was all my fault. Don't say that. If I hadn't knocked myself injured we could have won the championship. Don't blame yourself
  • 英语口语900句 14.01.单句 恋爱 1.我想追求她 I'm Trying to make a pass at her. 2.我想我爱上她了 I think I have a crush on him. 3.你是我梦寐以求的女孩 You are the girl of my dream. 4.做我的女朋友吧 Be my girlfriend. 5.愿意跟我一起去看电影吗
  • 英语口语900句 14.01.对话.1.谈论意中人 Hi,Jack,is Jenny coming with us? Yes. Why? Nothing. I'm just asking. Just asking? Why is your face burning like mad? Aha. Someone has a crush on Jenny,doesn't he? Who has a crush? Come on,Ted. Don't be such a chicken. If you like her you've got to te
  • 英语口语900句 14.01.对话.2.坠入爱河 M:Do you have boyfriend? W:Yes,why? M:Well,I came to know a girl 3 weeks ago. We have so much in common. W:So? M:So I think I may fall in love with her. W:You're attracted to her. That sounds great. But how do you know that's a crush or it's real lov
  • 英语口语900句 14.01.对话.3.情人闹矛盾 Shawn,we have to talk. About what? About us. There is nothing wrong with us. We are doing just fine. Let's be serious. We have been dating for 6 months now,and I really like you. But? But you are not dedicated to this relationship. You see it as casu
  • 英语口语900句 14.02.单句 I'm still single. Will you marry me? I will marry you. I don't want to get married yet. I've always been very happy since I married you. I regret having married you. My wife is cheating on me. Let's get divorced. Tomorrow is our thirtieth wedding ann
  • 英语口语900句 14.02.对话.1.谈论婚礼 Are you coming to the bridal shower for Jane? Yes,I am. When is the wedding? August 8. August bride,how nice! By the way,who's going to be the matron of honor.? Mrs.White. Oh, yeah? I wonder who is going to give Jane away at the wedding. You know her
  • 英语口语900句 14.02.对话.2.太太当家 Are you a happy married man? Yes,I am. My wife and I understand each other. You're a lucky man. How about Mr.Smith? I don't know. But they say that Mrs.Smith wears the pants in the house. You mean she bosses her husband around? That's right. She is p
  • 英语口语900句 14.02.对话.3.丈夫不忠 A Disloyal Husband Husband:The Blacks got divorced. Wife: Really? Why? Husband: Mr. Black has been getting a little on the side. Wife: Really? Im surprised. He doesnt look like a guy whod ever cheat on his wife, does he? Husband: No, he doesnt.Anyway
  • 英语口语900句 14.03.单句 1.我很爱我的家人 I love my family very much. 2.你真象你的母亲 You are just like your mother. 3.我是我妈妈的孝顺儿子 I'm a real mama's boy. 4.金窝银窝不如自家的草窝 East and west,home is best. 5.我有很多好朋友
  • 英语口语900句 14.03.对话.1.家人晚归 Mom,I'm home. xx,you are home? Why are you so late today? I've been worried about you and your dad. I wonder why he has not come back yet. Don't worry. Maybe he in the traffic jam. I'll call him. By the way,I'm starving. Is the dinner ready yet? Let
  • 英语口语900句 14.03.对话.2.家庭观念 The world changes,the family changes too. What do you mean? People now like a small family composed of two parents and one child. That is called a nuclear family. I don't like such a family. What kind of family do you like? I like a family composed o