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  • 【英音模仿秀】F1中国大奖赛

    模仿句子:Hello, and welcome to the Chequered Flag podcast. The sun is going down here at the Shanghai International Circuit. Now it's two hours after the race, and we are gonna talk you through what was one of the most thrilling Grands Prix in...

  • 【英音模仿秀】Bastille Day

    模仿句子:Well, Paris is such an interesting city and it's such a sort of split city anyway, so you've got the real fairy-tale Paris that we all know, the Haussmannian and boulevards in the central Paris that tourists go to....

  • 【英音模仿秀】谁知暂别骨肉离

    模仿句子:Lemn was an official poet for the London 2012 Olympics and works to support new writers. But he's been telling me that he didn't have the easiest start in life. He was born to a young Ethiopian woman who just arrived in England. 翻译:...

  • 【英音模仿秀】沙特将公布五年计划

    模仿句子:The oil-rich giant Saudi Arabia has for decades been one of the world's great lender nations. A wash with cash as it seemingly pumps up as much crude as the global market desires. 翻译:数十年来,石油大国沙特阿拉伯都是...

  • 【英音模仿秀】南苏丹反对派领导人宣誓就任副总统

    模仿句子:Despite the atmosphere being tense, Mr Machar's arrival was greeted with optimism by some. 概况:南苏丹反对派领导人、前副总统马沙尔26日返回首都朱巴,并宣誓就任南苏丹副总统。马沙尔在就职仪式...

  • 【英音模仿秀】岂曰无衣,与子同袍

    模仿句子 Every time I come to Brasilia, I'm not really sure what to make of this place. Brazil's capital city is unlike anywhere else in this vast diverse country of more than 200 million people....

  • 【英音模仿秀】伊拉克示威者闯国会反贪

    模仿句子:Protestors storm Iraq's Parliament, demanding an end to corruption. The Kenyan president has set fire to more than 100 tonnes of ivory to signal his determination to stop illegal poaching. 翻译:示威者闯入伊拉克议会,要求...

  • 【英音模仿秀】《索尔之子》

    模仿句子:He works with the SS on the daily tasks of the gas chambers, clearing, cleaning, etc. His survival, from moment to moment, depends on the massacre of his fellows. 翻译:他替纳粹党卫军工作,每天负责毒气室的打扫和尸...

  • 【英音模仿秀】孤女寻亲记

    模仿句子:She was taken to the United States and adopted and given the name Jenna Cook. Jenna was a happy and successful child and got into Yale, one of the top universities in the country. 翻译:后来她被带到美国收养,起名叫詹娜...

  • 【英音模仿秀】印度尼西亚森林大火

    模仿句子:Every year for the past two decades, forest and peak land fires have shrouded Indonesia in a choking yellow haze. 翻译:在过去二十年来的每一年里,印度尼西亚都被森林或高地大火引发的令人窒息的黄色雾...

  • 【英音模仿秀】克鲁兹狠批特朗普为“病态骗子”

    模仿句子:But first a slanging match has broken out in the United States between Donald Trump, the frontrunner to become the Republican candidate for the presidency, and his rival Ted Cruz. 概况:特朗普早前指控克鲁兹父亲与杀害美...

  • 【英音模仿秀】塞拉利昂走出埃博拉阴影

    模仿句子:Here in Sierra Leone, the country is still recovering from the effects of the Ebola outbreak, which is now officially over. And I'm on Lumley beach in Freetown where things certainly look they are now back to normal. 翻译:埃博拉疫...

  • 【英音模仿秀】飞鱼尚在 叛逆如初

    模仿句子: Born in 1937 in Balmain, Sydney, Dawn's attitude and ambition were evident from an early age. 翻译: 1937年,道恩出生于澳大利亚悉尼巴尔梅恩区,她特立独行的态度和勃勃的野心自幼便显而易见。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】《跑调天后》

    模仿句子: It took me a little bit of time to reach the conclusion that there was a film here, but I just played it over and over again and listened to everything that she recorded and it was, I found it very overwhelming, incredibly touching an...

  • 【英音模仿秀】名字塑造人生

    模仿句子:What if a name is more than the thing that other people call you? What if it helps shape you and your life? 翻译:如果一个名字的含义超越别人对你的称呼,如果它能帮助你塑造自我和人生,那将会怎么样...
