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  • 英语听力短文31 Who Cares About Germs? She brought home a salad and a large pizza. She put them on the table. Her husband asked if he could join her. She was surprised, but she said of course. They started eating. This is delicious, he said. He was wolfing the pizza down. Sometimes I don'
  • 英语听力短文32 It's Them Again They had four children and six grandchildren. Someone was knocking loudly at their front door. It was almost midnight. Oh, dear, it's them again, she said. How many times have they come here? They come late at night. They go from room to room. They n
  • 英语听力短文33 Let's Clean Those Teeth (1) It was 8 a.m. Larry was running late. Had he done everything? He had brushed his teeth. He had brushed his tongue. He had gargled with mouthwash. He rushed out of his apartment. He took the M16 bus to 23rd Street. The bus was crowded. A young woman p
  • 英语听力短文34 Let's Clean Those Teeth (2) She asked if he smoked or drank. He didn't. She asked if he flossed. After every meal, he said proudly. She examined his teeth. She said he might need two new fillings. She called her supervising dentist over. He examined Larry's teeth. This is very
  • 英语听力短文35 Those Loud Commercials The TV volume suddenly rose. It was a commercial. He grabbed the TV remote. He quickly lowered the volume to #7. A while later, a new commercial break started. The volume went up to #12 by itself. He lowered it back to #7. He watched TV every night.
  • 英语听力短文36 All Aboard the LIRR (1) Max, I've found a cheaper way to get to JFK, said Dave. You don't have to take a taxi. A taxi will cost you $50 plus tip. You can take the LIRR for only $6. It's only 20 minutes. You'll be there before you know it. Max was visiting New York City from
  • 英语听力短文37 All Aboard the LIRR (2) They ran through the crowd. They ran down the stairs to Track 13. They were five feet from the train's door. The door closed. The train left the station. So close, Max said. They went back upstairs. They looked at the schedule. Another train was leav
  • 英语听力短文38 What Package? A UPL driver rang the doorbell. I'm here to pick up your package, he said. What package? she asked. I don't have a package. A package for Target, he said. Oh, she said. The package for Target. Someone from UPL came by last week. He picked up the pack
  • 英语听力短文39 The Last Stop The Staten Island train ride was about an hour. There were about 20 stops. The view for most of the ride was trees and houses. The train finally arrived at Tottenville, the last stop. Tom said to Jerry, Let's explore this town. A young woman spoke up
  • 英语听力短文40 "That Was Easy!" He was at the Staples checkout counter. A red and white plastic button was on the counter. It was about five inches in diameter. On top of its plastic dome was the word Easy. He asked the clerk, What's this? She said, That's the Easy button. He asked
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)41 Drive to the LA Airport (1) She was moving to New York City. She asked her brother to drive her to the airport in her car. Okay, but I've never driven this heap before, he said. It drives like any other car, she said. And it's a 1993 Cadillac; it's not a 'heap.' Remember, when
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)42 Drive to the LA Airport (2) She opened the manual. She looked under E for emergency brake. She looked under B for brake. Unbelievable, she said. There's nothing in here about the emergency brake. He said, It's got to be in there somewhere. You know what? Maybe it's just a fault
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)43 Where's My Safety Razor? He had been using his electric shaver for a while. But there were a few problems. It produced ingrown hairs occasionally. It didn't give him a really close shave. It left his skin dry and flaky sometimes. He decided to start using his safety razor ag
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)44 An Island Full of Animals The island had many trees and animals. One day, many people in small boats came to live on the island. They went into the woods. They hunted the animals. They killed many animals the first six months. Maybe we are killing too many animals, said Jacob
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)45 What Size Do You Wear? He asked his wife what size pants she wore. I don't know, Annie said. I bought all my pants in China. Sizes are different in America. They went downtown to Century 21. They took the escalator to the third floor. She asked a worker where women's dress