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英语听力精选进阶版 7863

时间:2018-12-24 09:12来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

William: Hello and welcome to On The Town from bbcukchina.com; my name is William Kremer. This coming Sunday is Father's Day here in the UK and in many countries around the world. To celebrate this, I've come to one place which is proof1 of the power of that father-son relationship. Arthur's Cafe in London's East End was first opened in 1935 and is still run by its owner, Arthur Woodham. Arthur learned2 his trade from his father, who was also called Arthur and who also ran a cafe. Let's go inside.

Feifei: 这个星期天是父亲节,为了庆祝这个节日, William 来到 Arthur’s Café. 这是一家传统咖啡店, 店主是 Arthur Woodham。他是从他父亲那里继承了这家咖啡店。正巧他的父亲也叫 Arthur. 那么先让我们听听 Arthur 是怎样描述他父亲的,他提到了哪些特征呢?

Arthur: He was a well-built man, about 16 and a half stone, but he was a smart man with it. And you had to do what you were told, because he was a bit strict.

Feifei: 你有听到Arthur 提到的这些特征了吗? Arthur 形容他的父亲是 well-built, 身体健壮,个子大,同时Arthur 也说 he was a smart man with it 意思是他外表不错,有风度。不过他比较严格 strict,要求大家必须听他的话,服从他的指令。我们再听一遍。

Arthur: He was a well-built man, about 16 and a half stone, but he was a smart man with it. And you had to do what you were told, because he was a bit strict.

Feifei: Arthur 就要 85 岁了,但是他每天还是坚持在咖啡店里上班。还好他有孙子James 当他的好帮手,并认真学习他的经营理念和心得。 Will 问了 James, 和爷爷一起工作是什么样的感受?

James: Very stern3, but fair. You have to understand his little ways to work for him – he's quite hard to work for – but once you get used to him he's fine. But no, I enjoy working for him. I mean, he's looked after me for twenty years. I mean, it's been great, really... I enjoy working for my grandfather.

Feifei: James 说到, Arthur 很stern, but fair. Stern 的解释和strict 相似,是严格,严厉的意思。James 同时也形容他的爷爷处事公平 fair. 所以两人合作愉快,他乐意给他爷爷打工。

William: Arthur's cafe has many regular customers, who come for the big English breakfasts and lunches. I wonder whether some of these customers will be willing4 to speak to me about their fathers too...?

Feifei: 接下来让我们听听咖啡店的常客对他们自己的父亲的描述。首先我们来听听这位顾客从他父亲那里学到些什么呢?

Customer: Hard-working, that would be the main thing. He'd be very hard-working, definitely5. Since he left school he's always worked hard. Even at 66 he's still carrying on working now, so... I think I've learned from him in some respect that if you want something in life you've got to work for it, no matter what it is, you've got to get up and get out and work, so yeah, I do look up to him, definitely.

Feifei: 这位先生形容他的父亲是 hard-working, 努力工作,很勤奋。他从他的父亲那里学到如果你想要得到一样东西,那么你就需要靠自己的努力和劳动才能实现你的愿望,if you want something in life you’ve got to work for it. 那么你刚才听清楚他最后一句话是什么吗?

Customer: Yeah, I do look up to him, definitely.

Feifei: To look up to someone 这句话的意思是敬仰某人,以某人为榜样。那么再让我们来听听另一位顾客对他的父亲的评价,是不是也很严格的呢?

Customer: My dad was from Trinidad, he was very strict... he did have a soft side and he showed me how to do lots of things that have really helped me as I've gone through my life, so even though our relationship was quite difficult quite often I now... I really remember my dad fondly.

Feifei: 这位顾客的父亲非常严格 very strict, 不过他也有很和蔼可亲的一面 a soft side. 他从他父亲那里学到了很多有用的东西,这些东西在他成长的过程当中也都给了他很大的帮助。 他也提到虽然他们相处并不容易 quite difficult, 不过他对自己父亲的记忆还是充满怀念和爱戴。

Customer: …even though our relationship was quite difficult quite often I now...I really remember my dad fondly.

Feifei: 在我们结束之前,让我们再回顾一下今天节目中的一些词汇和表达。个子高大健壮是 Well-built. 两个词都有严格的意思 strict 和 stern. 最后对某人有尊敬和敬仰之心 to look up to someone. 好了,我们今天的节目就到这儿。祝大家父亲节快乐!


1 proof OSUzB     
  • He is living proof of the wonders of modern medicine.他是当代医学奇迹的活证明。
  • The proof was fished up from some old papers.校样在旧文件中被找到了。
2 learned m1oxn     
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
3 stern 4GUz6     
  • The ship was in a blaze from stem to stern.整艘船从头到尾都着火了。
  • The headmaster ruled the school with a stern discipline.校长治校严谨。
4 willing 1gwwV     
  • We never lack food and clothing if we're willing to work.如果我们愿意工作,就不会缺吃少穿。
  • He's quite willing to pay the price I ask.他很愿意照我的要价付钱。
5 definitely RuJzx0     
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
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