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英语听力精选进阶版 11212

时间:2019-04-12 05:48来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


Keep your English up to date 

Make my day! 

Professor David Crystal1 

Of all the mediums that influence language, I think film is the one 

that has the most effect. Not so much from the point of view of 

pronunciation and grammar. I don't think we pick up very many 

sounds and grammatical2 instructions from the films we see – but 

the catchphrases. Right from the earliest days of film, catchphrases 

have been extracted4 from the film medium and "make my day" I 

think is one of the most famous.  

Well, you may remember it, it's Clint Eastwood, isn't it, playing 

Dirty Harry5 in the film Sudden Impact6. He invites an armed thug 

to take him on and Clint Eastwood is holding a very big gun – so 

he's just waiting for the thug to do something horrible, and he says 

"go ahead, make my day!" 

Well it just caught on, it spread in meaning – people started using it, of course not 

with guns in their hands, they started using it within a sort of ironic7 circumstance. 

To say "make my day" means "do something that'll really please me". It implies8

really big deal or something like that. In fact Clint Eastwood himself, when he was 

being elected mayor9 of Carmel, went round the whole of his little town, his little 

city, with a T-shirt on - "elect me mayor – make my day!" 

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up to date 

Teacher’s pack 

Lesson plan and student worksheets  

with answers 

Lesson 1:  

Make my day! 

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1.  Level, topic, language, aims, materials 

2.  Lesson stages 

3.  Answers 

4.  Tapescripts 

5.             Student worksheets 1, 2, 3 

Level:       Intermediate12 and above 

Topic:       The influence of films on language development 

Language:   A catchphrase: Make my day 

                Using present simple to tell a story 

Aims:       Listening skills – A short talk 

                Writing and speaking – describing a film 

Materials:   Worksheet 1             –  Introductory speaking and vocabulary exercises,  

listening section 1 

                Worksheet 2             -   Listening section 2 

                Worksheet 3             –  Extra work: Vocabulary and writing 

                Tapescript                –  Available in teacher’s notes 

                Recording13 of the talk  –  Available online at bbclearningenglish.com 

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Explain to the students that they are going to listen to a talk by Professor David Crystal 

and that the talk is about the way the English language changes. This particular talk is 

about language that has come from films. 

Hand out Student Worksheet 1. Students do Speaking Exercise 1 in small groups or 

pairs. There is some information about Clint Eastwood in the answers below. 

Students do the Vocabulary Exercise 2, without dictionaries at first. 

Practise the pronunciation of the vocabulary, as they will hear it in the talk. 

Students read Listening Exercise 3 and then listen to Section 1 of the talk. 

They answer the questions. 

Students listen again and answer Listening Exercise 4 

Hand out Student Worksheet 2 

Students answer Listening Exercise 5 

Students listen to section 2 of the talk and check their answer for Listening exercise 5 

Students try to answer Listening Exercises 6 and 7. They listen again to Listening 

Section 2 to check/complete their answers. 

If you wish to do some extra work with the class, hand out Student Worksheet 3 

For the vocabulary exercise, give the students copies of the tapescript and play the 

complete talk as they read. 

For the writing, give students as much support as possible, some may find it hard to choose 

a scene or film. If they can’t remember a scene, perhaps they could write a short 

description or review of the film/programme. 

Note: The present simple can be used to tell stories, jokes or commentaries14 e.g. a football 

match commentary15.

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Listening Section 1 

Of all the mediums that influence language, I think film is the one that has the most effect.  

Not so much from the point of view of pronunciation and grammar:  I don’t think we pick 

up very many sounds and grammatical instructions from the films that we see – but the 

catchphrases, right from the earliest days of film, catchphrases have been extracted from 

the film medium and “make my day” I think is one of the most famous.  Anyway, you may 

remember it’s Clint Eastwood, isn’t it, playing Dirty Harry in the Film SUDDEN 

IMPACT.  He invites an armed thug to take him on and Clint Eastwood is holding a very 

big gun – so he’s just waiting for the thug to do something horrible, and he says “go ahead, 

make my day!”.  

Listening Section 2 

Well it just caught on, it spread in meaning – people started using it, not with guns in their 

hands, they started using it in a sort of ironic circumstance, to say “make my day” means 

“do something that’ll really please me”.  It implies a really big deal or something like that.  

In fact Clint Eastwood himself, when he was being elected mayor of Carmel, went round 

the whole of his little town, his little city, with a T-shirt on “elect me mayor – make my 


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d.  Clint Eastwood is an American actor and Director. His films ‘Unforgiven’ and ‘Million 

Dollar Baby’ won Oscars. He started his career as an actor, and was famous for playing 

roles as a cowboy in films such as ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’. He is also famous 

for playing a tough policeman known as Dirty Harry. 



a.  to influence something       to change how something develops 

b.  a catchphrase   an expression connected to a famous person or 


c.  to take someone on            to compete against or fight someone 

d.  a thug   a rough violent person 

e.  to imply16 something         to suggest something is true, without directly saying so. 

f.  a mayor                       the head of the local government of a town or city  



a.  Make My Day 

b.  Sudden Impact (Clint Eastwood plays the character called DIRTY HARRY) 


a.  True 

b.  False – we learn new catchphrases (vocabulary and expressions) 

c.  True 

d.  False – Dirty Harry says it 



b.  Do something that will make me happy 


a.  False 

b.  False 

c.  True 


“Elect me mayor – make my day” 

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a.  to pick something up 

b.  to extract3 something from something 

c.  to catch on 


The example is a description of the key scene from Sudden Impact. You could use your 

own about any film, perhaps one you think your students might be familiar with. 

The present simple is used to describe a scene from a film.

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Make my day! 

? BBC Learning English 



You are going to listen to a short talk given by Professor David Crystal about language 

change and new developments in English. 


1.  Discuss these questions with other students 

a.  Do you often go to the cinema or watch films on DVD? 

b.  What kind of films do you like? 

c.  Who are your favourite actors or directors? 

d.  Have you heard of Clint Eastwood? What do you know about him/ 

e.  Do you ever watch films in English? 

f.  If you do, do you think you can learn English from these films? 


2.  Match these words and phrases to their definitions 

a. to influence something   to change how something develops 

b. a catchphrase    a rough violent person 

c. to take someone on    an expression connected to a famous person or 


d.  a thug   the head of the local government of a town or city 

e. to imply something   to compete against or fight someone 

f.   a mayor  to suggest something is true, without directly saying so 

BBC Learning English – Keep your English up to date 

Make my day! 

? BBC Learning English 



3.  Now, listen to Professor Crystal talking about how films affect the development of 

the English language. Answer these questions. 

a.  What is the phrase he uses as an example of language from films? 

b.  What film does it come from? Have you seen this film? 

4.  Listen again and decide if the following statements are true or false, according to 

Professor Crystal. 

a.  Film affects the language more than any other entertainment medium 

b.  We often learn new grammar from films 

c.  Clint Eastwood and the thug both have guns 

d.  The thug says, ‘Go ahead, make my day’ 

BBC Learning English – Keep your English up to date 

Make my day! 

? BBC Learning English 




5.  Many people started using the phrase ‘make my day’. What do you think it 

means, in general use? 

a.  Let me do something horrible 

b.  Do something that will make me happy 

c.  Do something that will make you happy 

d.  Let me do something lovely 

Listen to Section 2 of the talk and check your ideas. Were you correct? 

6.  Are the following sentences true or false? 

a.  People who had guns started using the phrase first 

b.  Carmel is a large city 

c.  Clint Eastwood wanted to become Mayor of Carmel 

7.  What did Clint Eastwood put on his t-shirt? Fill the gaps17

“_________ me _________ - _________ my _________!” 

Listen again to check your answers. 

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Make my day! 

? BBC Learning English 




1  Look at the tape script11 and find words or phrases that mean the following. 

a.  to learn something by listening to or watching people 

b.  to remove something from a place or situation  

c.  to become popular or fashionable 


2.  Think of a film or TV programme that you really like. Make some notes about it below. 

Use the questions below to help you. 

·  What is it called?  

·  Who are the main characters?   

·  What is the basic story?  

·  Why do you like it? 

3.  Can you remember an important or powerful moment from the film or programme? 

·  Was there a fight between two characters?  

·  Was there a romantic scene?  

·  Was there a moment when something important was discovered by a character? 

Make notes first and then write a short description of this scene or moment.  

Here is an example. What verb tense is used? 

"Clint Eastwood is Dirty Harry, a tough policeman. In one scene, he chases18 some thugs 

through an empty industrial area. He has a large gun, and he shoots at the criminals. He 

catches one of the criminals and, after a fight, he stands above the thug, who is on the floor. 

Harry points his gun at the thug. The thug does not know if Harry’s gun has got any bullets 

left. The thug tries to decide if he should try to pick up his own gun. Harry smiles and dares 

the thug to try to get his gun. He says, ' Go ahead. Make my day’" 

4.  Tell your partner about the film you have chosen? Have they seen it? Do they remember 

the scene you have described? 


1 crystal Qy7xu     
  • It used to be a crystal stream.那曾是条清澈见底的小溪。
  • Those fine wine glasses are made of crystal.那些漂亮的酒杯是用水晶做的。
2 grammatical SfLx6     
  • His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.他的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误。
  • He can barely form a grammatical sentence.他几乎造不出合乎语法的句子。
3 extract 6PszS     
  • The article was a choice extract from her writings.这篇文章是从她的著作中摘录出来的精粹。
  • We can extract oil from olive.我们可以从橄榄中榨油。
4 extracted extracted     
adj. 萃取的 动词extract的现在分词
  • Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree. 槭糖浆是用糖槭树中提取的树液制成的。
  • The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth. 牙医拔掉了她的智牙。
5 harry heBxS     
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
6 impact Ganx3     
  • The computer had made a great impact on modern life.计算机对现代生活产生了巨大的影响.
  • How will the war impact on such a poet?战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响?
7 ironic 1atzm     
  • That is a summary and ironic end.那是一个具有概括性和讽刺意味的结局。
  • People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school,but they were being ironic.人们中学时常把我称作“万人迷先生”,但他们是在挖苦我。
8 implies 2598f3762fcf50448e187d14e38d82d1     
暗示,暗指( imply的第三人称单数 ); 必然包含; 说明,表明
  • They believe that submission in no way implies inferiority. 他们认为服从决不意味着低人一等。
  • Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals. 你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。
9 mayor iBOxX     
  • The new mayor said he would clean the city up.新市长说,他要整顿本市。
  • The mayor hurried into his office,brushing off the reporters.市长赶快走进办公室,拒不接见记者。
10 learning wpSzFe     
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
11 script 2Z4x4     
  • It's easy to identify his script.他的笔迹容易辨认。
  • The script is massaged into final form.这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
12 intermediate n4RyT     
  • This country is now at an intermediate stage of development.这个国家目前正处于发展的中间阶段。
  • Gray is intermediate between black and white.灰色介于黑色和白色之间。
13 recording UktzJj     
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
14 commentaries 02c32bb8d14a3864811910b6360c7fd3     
n.实况报道( commentary的名词复数 );评论;评注;批评
  • The schools produced diligent excerpting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and commentaries. 各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录、总结和评注工作。 来自辞典例句
  • The schools produced diligent excepting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and commentaries. 各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录,总结和评注的工作。 来自辞典例句
15 commentary kXeyu     
  • He is giving the commentary on the basketball game.他正在对篮球赛作评论。
  • His running commentary on the football match was excellent.他对这次足球赛所作的实况报道十分精彩。
16 imply DaXxY     
  • Cheerfulness doesn't always imply happiness.快活并不总是意味着幸福。
  • What did she imply in her words?她的话意味着什么?
17 gaps bbe42eaa7764c91d334cb43068f0cb9d     
n.缺口( gap的名词复数 );不同;间隔;[植物学]裂
  • Contraction of the timbers left gaps in the fence. 木料收缩,结果围墙露出缝来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The record is not complete; there are several gaps in it. 这份纪录不完整,中间有几处间断。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 chases a2901c3e7b0bc8c0d0982d08452afb86     
n.打猎( chase的名词复数 );猎物 (指鸟兽等);槽
  • When Bull and his men rob the payroll, Gene chases them down. 当公牛和他手下抢夺工资后,基尔追踪他们。 来自互联网
  • It was one of these boring films with endless police chases. 这是那种乏味的电影,尽是没完没了的警察追击的场面。 来自互联网
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