讲解 Today's key word is Freckle Freckle f-r-e-c-k-l-e 雀斑 Freckles are small light brown spots on someone's skin, especially on their face. She is a tall, freckle - faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile. 她是一个身...
讲解 Today's key word is Yogurt Yogurt y-o-g-u-r-t 酸奶 It is a food produced through the bacterial 细菌的 fermentation发酵 of milk. Here is a very delicious example: I like to have a bowl of yogurt with fruit for my breakfast. 我早餐喜欢...
讲解 Today's key word is BFF Best Friend Forever 永远的好朋友 Here is an example: Hey yo, that guy is my BFF, we have been friends our whole lives and will be until we die. 他是我最好的朋友,我们从小就是朋友,直到死也会...
讲解 Today's key word is Jet Jet j-e-t 喷气式飞机 A jet is an aircraft that is powered by jet engines. Here is a really fast example: There was a huge bang; it sounded like a supersonic jet. 刚刚听到一声巨响,可能是超音速喷气式...
讲解 Today's key word is Eraser Eraser E-r-a-s-e-r 橡皮 An eraser is an object which is used for removing something that has been written using a pencil or a pen. Here is an example: You used to ask me for half of the eraser. 你从前总是很小心...
讲解 Today's key word is Pee Pee p-e-e 小便 嘘嘘 When someone pees, they urinate(小便). Here is an example: I must go for a pee. 我得去小便。 不要惊讶,没错,我们今天要说的就是 Pee Pee. Don't be shy. So what do you...
讲解 各位看官,愚人节终于来了!!!这个无节操,没下线,整人有理,骗人无罪,各自珍重,告白被拒不尴尬的日子,你得手了?被骗了? 快把你的愚人趣闻砸过来,我们也长长见识吧!...
讲解 Today's key word is Spaghetti Spaghetti 意大利面 大家应该都吃过或者听过意大利面。But do you know how to make spaghetti? Obviously, British people in 1957 didn't know!怎么回事呢? In April 1st 1957,就是愚人节April...
讲解 Today's key word is Pajamas Pajamas p-a-j-a-m-a-s 睡衣 A pair of pajamas consists of loose trousers and a loose jacket that people wear in bed. Here is an example: At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. 睡觉时,我会脱掉...
讲解 上次的小丑雕像是不是有点恐怖啊。心脏还好吗。今天给大家讲的是来自陌生人的wedding gift And the key word is Anonymous Anonymous a-n-o-n-y-m-o-u-s 匿名的 If you remain anonymous when you do something, you do...