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时间:2016-11-21 06:36来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
If you've ever marveled to hear about somebody who's life is so full of adversity that you feel yours is easy, listen up. NPR's Julie McCarthy examines the improbable path of an Indian child bride who literally1 wrestled3 her way into a new life. It is the first report in occasional series on Indians making change, "Against The Odds4."
JULIE MCCARTHY, BYLINE5: She prefers to be known simply by one name - Neetu. But there is nothing simple about the roll call of duties this two-time child bride has assumed - cook, mother, wife, homemaker and breadwinner. With a seventh-grade education, Neetu's been a beautician, a maid, a shop clerk, a cotton picker and a self-taught tailor.
NEETU: (Through interpreter) I learned to sew just by unstitching old suits and re-stitching them back together. I couldn't afford training. I had no money.
MCCARTHY: But being poor seem to fuel her dreams. Since childhood, she had a knack6 for sports. Neetu recalls astonished neighbors seeing her, a young girl, haul home heavy iron canisters of gas for cooking. Watching international games staged in New Delhi several years ago, Neetu was inspired by wrestling, an individual sport. You get lost in a team, she says. In four short years, it's become her passion.
NEETU: (Through interpreter) I love my wrestling. Wrestling is my life. I have to do this for my children.
MCCARTHY: Disadvantaged girls like Neetu increasingly see the sport, with its potential earnings7, as a path out of poverty. But few train with Neetu's discipline.
For more than two years, Neetu rose at 3 a.m. for an hour and a half bus ride to, it seems like, boot camp - the Chhotu Ram8 Stadium and Wrestling Center in the state of Haryana, known for its wrestling tradition. Early morning light filters into the cavernous gym as Neetu lunges, climbs and contorts her body into impossible stretches. After practice, she'd trek9 home to do housework, then journey back in the afternoon for more punishing drills.
MANDEEP SINGH: Defense10 - ready - stop. (Foreign language spoken).
MCCARTHY: Coach Mandeep Singh puts Neeta through her paces. Don't be passive, he sternly instructs. Her broad shoulders slump11. But Neetu listens to him with a rapt devotion reserved for a priest. Shorn hair, sweat-ringed T-shirt - Neetu looks like a well-built boy. Pinning her practice partner to the mat, she seems to have wrestled the child bride out of herself. Coach Singh says she takes direction like few do.
Do you see something that you don't see in other girls?
SINGH: (Foreign language spoken).
MCCARTHY: "She's different in terms of willpower. And being married with small children from a deprived background, it's an achievement to even be here," he says, adding, "during training, she doesn't take a break for even one minute. She's determined12," Singh says, "to become something."
So determined, Neetu now lives in a small room near the gym, sparing herself the long commute13. She squats14 on the concrete floor, fixing an egg and milk, her meager15 diet. Neetu offers food...
NEETU: (Foreign language spoken).
MCCARTHY: ...And vivid details of her turbulent life - married off at 13 to a man three times her age and who was mentally challenged. When he defecated in the house, she incensed16 her in-laws by refusing to clean it up. Worse was a father-in-law who acted like a sexual predator17.
NEETU: (Through interpreter) One day when no one was home, he took me into his bedroom and pulled off my veil and warned me, don't tell anyone.
MCCARTHY: Neetu says if a man does something bad to a girl, it's her fault.
NEETU: (Through interpreter) Parents think they will be dishonored.
MCCARTHY: Neetu alerted her father all the same, and he extracted her from the marriage. But fearing social stigma18, her parents soon married her off again. Neetu says her second husband, however, has been like a savior.
NEETU: (Through interpreter) He's given me a new life. He pulled me out of hell and brought me to heaven. I'm able to wrestle2 because of him. I'm away, and we don't have a usual husband-wife relationship. He's made a huge sacrifice.
MCCARTHY: When she first confided19 her dream to wrestle, husband Sanjay Kumar called it crazy. Neetu weighed 175 pounds, but she shed 60 pounds and any inhibition about pursuing her God-given talents. Sanjay lent moral support, and when his business selling milk failed, he adjusted to a new role as house-husband
SANJAY KUMAR: (Foreign language spoken).
MCCARTHY: "The hard work is Neetu's. I've just encouraged her. And I'm with her all the way. But Neetu is not the kind of girl to back down," he says.
Still, Sanjay had a caveat20.
KUMAR: (Foreign language spoken).
MCCARTHY: "If you start, you have to succeed," he said, "or we'll get a bad name."
Bad name, disgrace, dishonor - terms used to frustrate21 female independents, says Jagmati Sangwan, a former member of the Indian national volleyball team. Sangwan now leads the All-India Democratic Women's Association. Like Neetu, she is from Haryana and calls her home state a, quote, "predominantly feudal22 patriarchal society," especially tough for female athletes.
JAGMATI SANGWAN: The mindset behind this is that if women participate in sports, they will become more and more confident, and they will be losing their control over these women.
MCCARTHY: A child bride no more, Neetu puts her age at 21. A competitor alleged23 she's older, but her passport says she's 20. Absent official birth records, there's often confusion about how old people are in India. In her second marriage, Neetu gave birth to twin boys at age 14.
Nothing in Neetu's surroundings lends itself to athletic24 glory. The streets of her village are open sewers25; the playing field, a stony26 lot where she wrestles27 with her boys. The hardscrabble reality makes her dream to be a world-class athlete seem implausible. Conservative mores28 make the climb steeper.
NEETU: (Foreign language spoken).
MCCARTHY: There were insinuations - is she really at a gym, asked gossipy neighbors. Then, the young woman who had changed her husband, her in-laws and herself transformed a village.
NEETU: (Through interpreter) Even people who had spoken ill of me - they said, train our daughters to wrestle; make them like you.
MCCARTHY: Neetu had begun winning. Neighbors delighted in the attention she brought to their inconspicuous village, beginning with her first national medal in February of last year. Last summer, she competed in Brazil. Balkesh Ahlawat is a proud 45-year-old villager.
BALKESH AHLAWAT: (Foreign language spoken).
MCCARTHY: "She's changed everything. Everybody believes that a girl can now say, I want to do something," Ahlawat says.
MCCARTHY: After upending stereotypes29 in her own village, Neetu quietly raises awareness30 in others. At a girl's school, she tells her story of striving despite every disadvantage. Neetu tears up sharing painful facts of her life and encourages the girls to dream big dreams. Neetu looks to the future, eyeing Tokyo and the 2020 Olympics.
NEETU: (Through interpreter) I will go there. I'm 21, and four years ago, the silver medalist was 34 and a mother. That gives me confidence. I can do it.
MCCARTHY: Julie McCarthy, NPR News.


1 literally 28Wzv     
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
2 wrestle XfLwD     
  • He taught his little brother how to wrestle.他教他小弟弟如何摔跤。
  • We have to wrestle with difficulties.我们必须同困难作斗争。
3 wrestled c9ba15a0ecfd0f23f9150f9c8be3b994     
v.(与某人)搏斗( wrestle的过去式和过去分词 );扭成一团;扭打;(与…)摔跤
  • As a boy he had boxed and wrestled. 他小的时候又是打拳又是摔跤。
  • Armed guards wrestled with the intruder. 武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 odds n5czT     
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?
5 byline sSXyQ     
  • His byline was absent as well.他的署名也不见了。
  • We wish to thank the author of this article which carries no byline.我们要感谢这篇文章的那位没有署名的作者。
6 knack Jx9y4     
  • He has a knack of teaching arithmetic.他教算术有诀窍。
  • Making omelettes isn't difficult,but there's a knack to it.做煎蛋饼并不难,但有窍门。
7 earnings rrWxJ     
  • That old man lives on the earnings of his daughter.那个老人靠他女儿的收入维持生活。
  • Last year there was a 20% decrease in his earnings.去年他的收入减少了20%。
8 ram dTVxg     
(random access memory)随机存取存储器
  • 512k RAM is recommended and 640k RAM is preferred.推荐配置为512K内存,640K内存则更佳。
9 trek 9m8wi     
  • We often go pony-trek in the summer.夏季我们经常骑马旅行。
  • It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天的时间艰难地穿过那片遍布岩石的地带。
10 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
11 slump 4E8zU     
  • She is in a slump in her career.她处在事业的低谷。
  • Economists are forecasting a slump.经济学家们预言将发生经济衰退。
12 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
13 commute BXTyi     
  • I spend much less time on my commute to work now.我现在工作的往返时间要节省好多。
  • Most office workers commute from the suburbs.很多公司的职员都是从郊外来上班的。
14 squats d74c6e9c9fa3e98c65465b339d14fc85     
n.蹲坐,蹲姿( squat的名词复数 );被擅自占用的建筑物v.像动物一样蹲下( squat的第三人称单数 );非法擅自占用(土地或房屋);为获得其所有权;而占用某片公共用地。
  • The square squats in the centre of the city. 广场位于市中心。 来自互联网
  • Various squats, lunges, jumps and sprints are incorporated for the humans. 主人们还要进行下蹲、弓步、跳跃和短跑等各项训练。 来自互联网
15 meager zB5xZ     
  • He could not support his family on his meager salary.他靠微薄的工资无法养家。
  • The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal.两个男人同一个女人围着火,开始吃起少得可怜的午饭。
16 incensed 0qizaV     
  • The decision incensed the workforce. 这个决定激怒了劳工大众。
  • They were incensed at the decision. 他们被这个决定激怒了。
17 predator 11vza     
  • The final part of this chapter was devoted to a brief summary of predator species.本章最后部分简要总结了食肉动物。
  • Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.科摩多龙是目前存在的最大蜥蜴,它是一种令人恐惧的捕食性动物。
18 stigma WG2z4     
  • Being an unmarried mother used to carry a social stigma.做未婚母亲在社会上曾是不光彩的事。
  • The stigma of losing weighed heavily on the team.失败的耻辱让整个队伍压力沉重。
19 confided 724f3f12e93e38bec4dda1e47c06c3b1     
v.吐露(秘密,心事等)( confide的过去式和过去分词 );(向某人)吐露(隐私、秘密等)
  • She confided all her secrets to her best friend. 她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了自己所有的秘密。
  • He confided to me that he had spent five years in prison. 他私下向我透露,他蹲过五年监狱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
20 caveat 7rZza     
n.警告; 防止误解的说明
  • I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling.为防止发生误解,我想对那些想要步我后尘的人提出警告。
  • As I have written before,that's quite a caveat.正如我以前所写,那确实是个警告。
21 frustrate yh9xj     
  • But this didn't frustrate Einstein.He was content to go as far as he could.但这并没有使爱因斯坦灰心,他对能够更深入地研究而感到满意。
  • They made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy.他们作好准备挫败这个阴谋。
22 feudal cg1zq     
  • Feudal rulers ruled over the country several thousand years.封建统治者统治这个国家几千年。
  • The feudal system lasted for two thousand years in China.封建制度在中国延续了两千年之久。
23 alleged gzaz3i     
  • It was alleged that he had taken bribes while in office. 他被指称在任时收受贿赂。
  • alleged irregularities in the election campaign 被指称竞选运动中的不正当行为
24 athletic sOPy8     
  • This area has been marked off for athletic practice.这块地方被划出来供体育训练之用。
  • He is an athletic star.他是一个运动明星。
25 sewers f2c11b7b1b6091034471dfa6331095f6     
n.阴沟,污水管,下水道( sewer的名词复数 )
  • The sewers discharge out at sea. 下水道的污水排入海里。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Another municipal waste problem is street runoff into storm sewers. 有关都市废水的另外一个问题是进入雨水沟的街道雨水。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
26 stony qu1wX     
  • The ground is too dry and stony.这块地太干,而且布满了石头。
  • He listened to her story with a stony expression.他带着冷漠的表情听她讲经历。
27 wrestles bdef7c841834b3bf99a24907d02ed3eb     
v.(与某人)搏斗( wrestle的第三人称单数 );扭成一团;扭打;(与…)摔跤
  • The book also wrestles with the idea of individualism. 书中也与个人英雄主义的观念进行搏斗。 来自互联网
  • He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. 和我们搏斗的人锻炼了我们的勇气,磨练了我们的技能。 来自互联网
28 mores HnyzlC     
  • The mores of that village are hard to believe.那村子的习俗让人难以置信。
  • We advocate a harmonious society where corruption is swept away,and social mores are cleared.我们提倡弊绝风清,建设一个和谐社会。
29 stereotypes 1ff39410e7d7a101c62ac42c17e0df24     
n.老套,模式化的见解,有老一套固定想法的人( stereotype的名词复数 )v.把…模式化,使成陈规( stereotype的第三人称单数 )
  • Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes. 这样的笑话容易渲染种族偏见。
  • It makes me sick to read over such stereotypes devoid of content. 这种空洞无物的八股调,我看了就讨厌。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
30 awareness 4yWzdW     
  • There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.人们普遍认识到吸烟有害健康。
  • Environmental awareness has increased over the years.这些年来人们的环境意识增强了。
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