If you are new to online dating, it can be hard to understand, with numerous pages and questions to fill out, profile pictures to add in, text-style lingo1, blank responses and site navigations. However, persevere2 and there could be something - or someone - worth while waiting for you at the end.
To help you on your journey we've compiled a list of what to avoid and why…谨记:少即是多 Remember less is more填写、编辑自己的个人信息时,试想一下别人的哪些信息能吸引你。亲切简洁的语言彰显了你简明的个性,不仅不会被误认为是在胡扯,还让对方知道你是一个了解自己想要什么的人。
When writing or compiling your profile try to think about what keeps you keen and interested when reading other profiles. Keeping things short and sweet not only shows people that you are concise3 and don't waffle, but that you also know what you want.
信息要真实 Keep it real上传相片时,人们总挑选自己认为最好的呈现给大家。但如果是15年前的照片,那时的你还没有小肚子,头发也没有脱落,劝你还是诚实点--上传一些最新的照片吧。同理,不要妄称自己是个百万富翁,拥有游艇和法拉利--这些如果是真实的才能让人印象深刻。在这些问题上撒谎无济于事,因为谎言总有一天会被人们识破。
When you upload images of yourself some people tend to leave in their best pics. However, if the photo is 15 years old and show you with a long-lost flat stomach and full head of hair, then keep it honest - ask a friend to take some updated versions instead. The same works with claiming you are a millionaire, own a yacht and drive a Ferrari - it's only impressive if it's true. There is no point in lying; people always find out.
切勿借钱给网友 Never, ever, give away money不管你对TA有多了解,也不管你们在网上甚至现实生活中爱得多么死去活来,不要借钱给对方--不管什么情况都不能借。
No matter how well you get to know someone or feel your relationship has blossomed online, or in the flesh, never ever lend out money - whatever the circumstance.
保持亲切随和 Always be polite现实生活中,即便对他人的谈话感到厌烦不已,你也不会断然终止对话。但在网上却可以。如果最初的邮件往来很好,后来却发现对方不是想要的那个"真命天子",你大可礼貌地终止这种交流。如果对方没看懂这种暗示,你还可以假装没收到邮件或者直接忽略这种沟通方式。
In reality you wouldn't stop chatting to someone in the street mid-flow if they were boring you in a conversation; however, online you can. If an email conversation starts out well but then you realise this person isn't 'the one' then politely back away. Failing that, if they don't take the hint, then their emails conveniently getting 'lost in cyberspace4' or ignoring all contact should also work.
不要操之过急Don't expect too much too soon网上相亲需要时间。因此,在某个相亲网站上订购包月服务是比较乐观的。你需要确立明确的目标并坚持不懈地努力。如果你遵循上述规则,随着时间的积累,感情慢慢升华,或许你的白马王子就在不远处,等着与你一起欣赏日落美景……Online dating takes time. Therefore, buying a one month subscription5 to an online dating site seems a bit optimistic. You need to set goals and stick to them and if you follow the rules above and allow a relationship to blossom over time, then maybe, just maybe, Prince Charming will be waiting to carry you off into the sunset…

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n.语言不知所云,外国话,隐语 | |
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v.坚持,坚忍,不屈不挠 | |
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adj.简洁的,简明的 | |
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n.虚拟信息空间,网络空间,计算机化世界 | |
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n.预订,预订费,亲笔签名,调配法,下标(处方) | |
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