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相关教程: 托福英语
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    否定句型: 1. There is not a moment to be lost. 分秒必争。 2. There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。 3. Not a soul was anywhere visible. 到处见不到一个人。 4. I felt sorry for not coming in time....

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  • 托福口语万能模板(一)

    Well, the place I want to say is a small town in Santa Barbara. First, it has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the town. You know, we just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the...

  • 托福口语万能模板(二)

    1. Where do you like to go when you are with friends? And why? ,06. 1.14; 06. 2.11-./ Well, when I stay with my friends, I would like to go to a small town in Santa Barbara. First, it has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over...

  • 托福口语万能模板(三)

    2. Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation. Well, when I'm free, I would like to go to a small town. First, it has a very mysterious moun...

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  • 破解托福口语七大武器

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  • 托福口语必背词汇

    1. be (verb.) Can such things be? 可能有这样的事吗? He is come. 他已经来了。 2. come (verb.) Come here! 到这里来! He will never come to much (= will never be successful). 他将来绝不会很有作为。 How did you come to be so f...

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