You have a good sense of humor. 你真幽默。(别人讲笑话不管好笑不好笑,都用这句。美国人极其喜欢的表扬!) Your Chinese is really surprising! 你的中文令人惊讶!(用来鼓励说汉语的老外。) Your English is inc...
规则就是用你最快的速度说绕口令5遍! 1. Peggy Babcock. 人名吧? 2. Red leather yellow leather. 红皮衣黄皮衣。 3. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Peter Piper挑了一peck腌青椒。(P.S. peck是1个计量单位,就...
忠言逆耳。 Good advice is harsh to the ear. 欲尽得,必尽失。 Grasp all, lose all. 慎思而后行。 Look before you leap. 有志者,事竟成。 Where there is a will there is a way. 海纳百川。 All rivers run into sea. 一寸光阴...
1. I'm afraid I've no idea. 不好意思,我不太清楚。 2. Sorry, I can't help you there. 不好意思,我也帮不上什么了。 3. I don't know anything about... 这事儿我一点儿也不造啊! 4. I haven't got a clue. 我一点儿头绪也...
让我们每天看上去都神采奕奕,气色好好。今天我们就来学习一些关于气色的英语表达,而描述气色的句子有很多,你又知道哪些呢? 1. look good/very well/nice/great/terrific/fresh-complexioned 看起来气...
1. Do what? 你说什么? 2. You can't do me like this. 你不能这样对待我。 3. Everything will do. 任何东西都可以。 4. He is doing his master degree in Madison. 他正在Madison攻读他的硕士学位。 5. Sometimes, you really want...
女士: 1.I'd like my hair a little bouncy. 我想我的头发有点弹性。 2.I'd like to get a new perm. 我想重新烫一下。 3.I prefer the shoulder length style. 我喜欢齐肩式。 4.Leave the fringe as it is. 刘海别动。 5.I like t...
Improve your Pronunciation 改善发音方式 Choose a paragraph and read aloud. 选择一个段落并大声朗读。 Choose a paragraph and mark each sentence with a sound script (helpful pronunciation markup). This will help you read more naturally...
1. Just wait and see. I won't let you get away with that. 咱们走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的。 2. You'll be sorry. 你会后悔的。 3. You're gonna get what's coming to you. 你会得到报应的。 4. If you're looking for a fight, you do...
近日,在四川男篮主场面对天津男篮的比赛中,场上爆发了严重的冲突,双方球员陷入群殴,裁判也被推倒在地,四川外援嘴角被打破。 来看新闻: An ugly brawl occurred during the match between Sichu...
一个人呆着无聊,想打发时间。那么如何打开话匣子,和陌生人攀谈呢? 1. What kind of drink is that? 你喝的是什么? 如果你默认对方是枚吃货,而他又正好在品尝美味,不妨从他嘴边的食物开问...
小伙伴吃不下,睡不着,做什么都不能集中,心里一直焦虑某件事。你该如何让他放宽心呢? 1. It'll turn out all right. 一切都会好的。 2. There's nothing to worry about. 没什么好担心的! 3. It isn't as...
年底到了,又到了小伙伴们任性看电影的时候啦! 《匆匆那年》(Fleet of Time)、《太平轮(上)》(The Crossing Part 1)、《我的早更女友》(Meet Miss Anxiety),除了这几部影片外,另一部备受瞩目的大片就...
说话故弄玄虚,欲言又止,有些人总是一句话掰成两半说,吊足别人胃口。英文里,你也想来卖卖关子?那就快来围观吧! 1. I'll tell you when you're older. 等你长大了,我再告诉你。 2. I'd rather...