不管看影视剧也好,小说也罢,通常要提到订婚仪式,肯定就有男主角给女主角戴戒指的场景,这个订婚戒指叫做engagement ring我们也都知道。不过,最近有个新趋势,女方也开始给男方送订婚...
1. Shop around and do your research. If you are interested in buying gold, sterling, or even brass, understand each metal and the costs the research will be worth it! 逐店选购,货比三家。如果你想购买黄金、纯银制品甚至黄铜,就...
你我都有被惹毛的时候,虽然我们应该抑制冲动、保持冷静、避免争吵,但是老虎不发威,你当我是Hello Kitty啊!大打出手是万万不可,耍耍嘴皮子发泄一下还是可以的嘛,有时候就应该警告那...
1、如果打电话的人非常熟悉,可以说一句来结束通话。 Is there anything else I can do for you? 还有什么我可以帮忙的吗? 2、如果你认识对方家人不太熟悉的话,不妨加上这样的问候: Say hello to...
In a sleek uptown nightclub, the queen is holding court. At her dinner table, men hang on her every word, and women echo her pearly laugh as she raises a wine glass in a toast。 在台湾一个时髦光鲜的夜店里,女王正在主持晚宴。餐桌...
广告不仅是商业发展的结果,到今天也有不少成为了一门艺术。今天小编就为你介绍广告中的经典励志语言。 Don't be afraid to be different。 不要害怕与众不同。 We can't spell SUCCESS without U。 少了...
Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases earthquakes, Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media。 There is no other solution but to...
Artists, conservationists, business leaders and film and music stars from around the globe are marking the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with a Green Auction to benefit the environment。 Organizers of the live auction on Thursday at Christie's, and...
British revellers drink more alcohol than anyone else in Europe, a survey reveals。 The disturbing findings expose the massive failure of the introduction of 24-hour drinking five years ago。 Ministers predicted new relaxed licensing laws would cre...
These amazing images were taken at Horsetail Falls in Yosemite National Park, California by wildlife photographer Penny Adams. For just a few days each year the sun sets over the falls creating a vivid red amber glow - leading it to be re-named Yosem...
在日常生活中,有的时候我们会觉得自己好像站在十字路口,不知道往哪儿走才好。如果我们做出错误的决定,就可能会陷于困境,in the doghouse。Doghouse就是狗睡觉的房子,也就是狗窝。In th...
请看《中国日报》的报道: The Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination reminds visitors that May 1-3 are designated days. Only visitors with a ticket valid for one or more of these three days can enter the Expo Garden. Those withstandard...
遥记得小时候放学了一般会几个伙伴相约到其中一个家中一起写作业,那时候这也算是 串门的一种形式吧。到了现在,大家住在一个屋里都有可能只在QQ或MSN上聊天,到彼此的网络空间去串门...