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相关教程: 英语美文
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    As the fifth-year college reunion approaches, we have been looking forward to it with equal parts excitement and unease. 期待已久的大学第五次聚会日益临近,我们激动满怀的同时又有些惴惴不安。 Of course there's the enjo...

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  • 人生如此精彩 永不轻言放弃(双语)

    Not until you realize that life itself is a beautiful thing will you really start to live. Although living combines tragedy with splendor, life is beautiful and even tragedies reflect something engaging. If you were simply to live, do more than that;...

  • 善待他人 你也将成为更好的自己

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    Red 红色 It says poison, passion and stop right there. It is the most powerful colour on the planet and it is rife with contradictions. Its universal meanings are heat, blood, danger and emotion. 红色意味着毒药、激情和立即停止。红色...

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  • 双语美文:如何种植幸福

    Step one: Plant yourself deep in a bed of faith, and pack it down solid and tight. Drench daily with positive thinking, and keep saturated just right. Mulch often with forgivenss, for this will help you grow. Quickly remove any seeds of worry, for th...

  • 双语美文:What is immortal

    To see the golden sun and the azure sky, the outstretched ocean, to walk upon the green earth, and to be a lord of a thousand creatures to look down giddy precipices or over distant flowery vales, to see the world spread out under one's finger in a m...
