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  • 写好英文书信结尾的18种方法

    中国有句古话,叫善始善终,我想我们既然有了漂亮的开头,当然也不能少了一个画龙点睛的结尾呀!所有我整理了一个美国朋友写给我的十八封邮件的结尾(closing statements)跟大家分享,并...

  • 如何用英语写借据和收据


  • 母亲节英语作文

    母亲节就要到了,你准备好为妈妈做些什么了吗?看看其他同学在母亲节这一天,为妈妈做了什么,是如何表达对妈妈的爱的。 My Mothers Garden【妈妈的花园】 My mother is very good at raising plants a...

  • 高考作文写作

    高考作文写作 如果你曾经为英语作文日日伤心以泪洗面,如果你曾经面对作文题目苦思冥想头脑里天马行空却不知如何动笔,如果你看到发下来的卷子上英语作文上犯的一些小错误后感到痛心疾首大呼懊恼,如果你明明会满腔的词汇句式却写作时总感到天不逢时英雄无用武之地,...

  • 英语作文-初中An Unforgettable Day

    An Unforgettable Day Late one afternoon, I was on my way home from school. I walked slowly along the street with my head drooped. The scenes on both sides of the street were beautiful, but I had no interest in them at all. I walked and walked, thinki...

  • 英语作文-初中Traditional Teaching Method-传统教育方式

    Traditional Teaching Method Do your teachers still use traditional techniques to teach you nowadays? A revol- ution in teaching techniques is required now. In the past, we just took it for granted that a teacher' s aim was to teach the students all t...

  • 英语作文-初中To Be a Teacher or a Businessman

    To Be a Teacher 0r a Businessman More and more students have chosen to enter the commercial field instead of the teaching field after graduating from colleges in recent years. It has become a trend. The graduates would rather be businessmen than teac...

  • 英语作文-初中Do We Need Space Exploration

    Do We Need Space Exploration Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years, It has been almost over forty years since man' s first landing on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money...

  • 英语作文-初中The Earth——Our Mother-地球——我们的母亲

    The EarthOur Mother Pcople often say that the earth is like our mother. She gives life to all the living things on the earth and provides us with air, food, water and other essential things we need for living. Once she was beautifhl and rich, but no...

  • 英语作文-初中Pollution: a Social Problem-污染——一个社会

    Pollution: a Social Problem When we read newspapers, we often come across the word pollution. This word was not familiar to the people some decades ago. But now, it is a serious threat to us because.it means the poisoning of the air, seas, rivers an...

  • 英语作文-初中TV: a Blessing or a Curse-电视是福

    TV: a Blessing or a Curse Nowadays television plays such an important role in pepople' s life that watching TV has become part of people' s life in many families. Is TV a blessing or a curse? Obviously, television, like anything else, has more than o...

  • 英语作文-初中 A Letter of Sympathy-一封慰问信

    A Letter of Sympathy-一封慰问信 A Letter of Sympathy to the Parents of the Columbia Astronauts Dear parents of the Columbia astronauts. I am a student from X X Middle School in China. My name is Li Ming. I was very sorrowful when I learned from TV t...

  • 英语作文-初中-A Letter to Haiqing

    A Letter to Haiqing Dear Haiqing, I am very sorry to learn that you are unhappy now. But I don' t think you should be unhappy. I know that your iamily is not rich. So your parents can' t afford to buy you something of famous brands, which makes you...

  • 英文作文-小学Look at the Yangtze River

    Today, we came to the city of Wuhu in Anhui, Wuhu Yangtze River side is a beautiful city. Good morning, bright red rising sun, the horizon of Yunxia red. Zhaoxia magnificent in the vast Jiang Yinghong surface. Like a fairy of the Red Silk Cut, the ri...

  • 英文作文-小学 A Dream

    Lily is the second most beautiful girl in the school. She has lots of brown hairs and a beautiful face. She is tall, too. But, Linda is more beautiful than Lily. Linda has a beautiful face, too. Her hairs are longer than Lilys and they are more beaut...
