   当前位置:首页>英语网刊>2008年英语网刊(上)> 英语周刊第51期
在线英语听力室 (2008-01-06)  字体: [ ]  
本 期 目 录 :

1.英语听力-经典教程 最新精选
3.美文欣赏-A Plate of Peas 一盘豌豆
8.双语诗歌-天使之吻 An Angel Kiss
9.英文演讲-President Meets With Working Group On Financial Markets


英语听力-经典教程 最新精选




新视野大学英语读写教程 (3)

新视野大学英语读写教程 (4)











  What would you think of this lady's physical attractiveness if she exhibited bad personal traits?

  If you exhibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be perceived as a good looking person, for a new study has found that the perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person's personality.

  The study, led by Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr, found that people who exhibit negative traits, such as unfairness and rudeness, appear to be less physically attractive to observers.

  In the study, the participants viewed photographs of opposite-sex individuals and rated them for attractiveness before and after being provided with information on personality traits.

  After personality information was received, participants also rated the desirability of each individual as a friend and as a dating partner.

  Information on personality was found to significantly alter perceived desirability, showing that cognitive processes modify judgments of attractiveness.

  "Perceiving a person as having a desirable personality makes the person more suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind," said Lewandowski.

  The findings show that a positive personality leads to greater desirability as a friend, which leads to greater desirability as a romantic partner and, ultimately, to being viewed as more physically attractive.

  The findings remained consistent regardless of how "attractive" the individual was initially perceived to be, or of the participants' current relationship status or commitment level with a partner.

  "This research provides a more positive alternative by reminding people that personality goes a long way toward determining your attractiveness; it can even change people's impressions of how good looking you are," said Lewandowski.











go a long way toward:to be very helpful in achieving something(十分有助于……)


美文欣赏-A Plate of Peas 一盘豌豆

  My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father's office, which we referred to as "the back room." She carried with her a powerful aroma. I don't know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barreled, ninety-proof, knockdown, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose-killing variety. She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lillian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.

  This, then, was my grandmother at the time of the infamous pea incident.

  It took place at the Biltmore Hotel, which, to my eight-year-old mind, was just about the fancies place to eat in all of Providence. My grandmother, my mother, and I were having lunch after a morning spent shopping. I grandly ordered a salisbury steak, confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas. I do not like peas now. I did not like peas then. I have always hated peas. It is a complete mystery to me why anyone would voluntarily eat peas. I did not eat them at home. I did not eat them at restaurants. And I certainly was not about to eat them now. "Eat your peas," my grandmother said.

  "Mother," said my mother in her warning voice. "He doesn't like peas. Leave him alone."

  My grandmother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eye, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life: "I'll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas."

  I had absolutely no idea of the impending doom. I only knew that five dollars was an enormous, nearly unimaginable amount of money, and as awful as peas were, only one plate of them stood between me and the possession of that five dollars. I began to force the wretched things down my throat.

  My mother was livid. My grandmother had that self-satisfied look of someone who has thrown down an unbeatable trump card. "I can do what I want, Ellen, and you can't stop me." My mother glared at her mother. She glared at me. No one can glare like my mother. If there were a glaring Olympics, she would undoubtedly win the gold medal.

  I, of course, kept shoving peas down my throat. The glares made me nervous, and every single pea made me want to throw up, but the magical image of that five dollars floated before me, and I finally gagged down every last one of them. My grandmother handed me the five dollars with a flourish. My mother continued to glare in silence. And the episode ended. Or so I thought.

  My grandmother left for Aunt Lillian's a few weeks later. That night, at dinner, my mother served two of my all-time favorite foods, meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Along with them came a big, steaming bowl of peas. She offered me some peas, and I, in the very last moments of my innocent youth, declined. My mother fixed me with a cold eye as she heaped a huge pile of peas onto my plate. Then came the words that were to haunt me for years.

  "You ate them for money," she said. "You can eat them for love."

  Oh, despair! Oh, devastation! Now, too late, came the dawning realization that I had unwittingly damned myself to a hell from which there was no escape.

  "You ate them for money. You can eat them for love."

  What possible argument could I muster against that? There was none. Did I eat the peas? You bet I did. I ate them that day and every other time they were served thereafter. The five dollars were quickly spent. My grandmother passed away a few years later. But the legacy of the peas lived on, as it lives on to this day. If I so much as curl my lip when they are served (because, after all, I still hate the horrid little things), my mother repeats the dreaded words one more time: "You ate them for money," she says. "You can eat them for love."



             Mushroom and Toadstool

  Younger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?

  Older Scout: Just eat one before you go to bed. If you wake up the next morning, it was a mushroom.






                The Clever People

                      Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

  One day a peasant took his good hazel stick out of the corner and said to his wife, "Trina, I am going across country, and shall not return for three days. If during that time the cattle dealer should happen to call and want to buy our three cows, you may strike a bargain at once, but not unless you can get two hundred talers for them, nothing less, do you hear."

  "In God's name, just go in peace," answered the woman, "I will manage that."

  "You, indeed," said the man. "You once fell on your head when you were a little child, and that affects you even now. But let me tell you this, if you do anything foolish, I will make your back black and blue, and not with paint, I assure you, but with the stick which I have in my hand. And the coloring shall last a whole year. You may rely on that." Having said that, the man went on his way.

  The next morning the cattle dealer came, and the woman had no need to say many words to him. When he had seen the cows and heard the price, he said, "I am quite willing to give that. Honestly speaking, they are worth it. I will take the animals away with me at once."

  He unfastened their chains and drove them out of the stall, but just as he was going out of the farmyard gate, the woman clutched him by the sleeve and said, "You must give me the two hundred talers now, or I cannot let the cows go."

  "Right," answered the man, "but I have forgotten to buckle on my money belt. Have no fear, however, you shall have security until I pay. I will take two cows with me and leave one, so you will have good collateral."

  The woman saw the wisdom of this, and let the man go away with the cows, and thought to herself, "How pleased Hans will be when he finds how cleverly I have managed."

  The peasant came home on the third day as he had said he would, and at once inquired if the cows were sold. "Yes, indeed, dear Hans," answered the woman, "and as you said, for two hundred talers. They are scarcely worth so much, but the man took them without making any objection."

  "Where is the money?" asked the peasant. "Oh, I have not got the money," replied the woman. "He had happened to forget his money belt, but he will soon bring it, and he left good security behind him."

  "What kind of security?" asked the man.

  "One of the three cows, which he shall not have until he has paid for the other two. I have managed very cunningly, for I have kept the smallest, which eats the least."

  The man was enraged and lifted up his stick, and was just going to give her the beating he had promised her, when suddenly he lowered the stick and said, "You are the stupidest goose that ever waddled on God's earth, but I am sorry for you. I will go out into the highway and wait for three days to see if I find anyone who is still stupider than you. If I succeed in doing so, you shall go free, but if I do not find him, you shall receive your well-deserved reward without any discount."

  He went out into the great highway, sat down on a stone, and waited for what would come along. Then he saw a farm wagon coming towards him, and a woman was standing upright in the middle of it, instead of sitting on the bundle of straw which was lying beside her, or walking near the oxen and leading them.

  The man thought to himself, "That is certainly one of the kind I am in search of," and jumped up and ran back and forth in front of the wagon like one who is not in his right mind.

  "What do you want, my friend?" said the woman to him. "I don't know you, where do you come from?"

  "I have fallen down from heaven," replied the man, "and don't know how to get back again. Couldn't you drive me up?"

  "No," said the woman, "I don't know the way. But if you come from heaven you can surely tell me how my husband is, who has been there these three years. You must have seen him."

  "Oh, yes, I have seen him, but not everyone can get on well. He herds sheep, and these creatures give him a great deal to do. They run up the mountains and lose their way in the wilderness, and he has to run after them and drive them together again. His clothes are all torn to pieces too, and will soon fall off his body. There is no tailor there, for Saint Peter won't let any of them in, as you know by the story."

  "Who would have thought it?" cried the woman. "I tell you what. I will fetch his Sunday coat which is still hanging at home in the cupboard. He can wear that and look respectable. You will be so kind as to take it with you."

  "That won't be possible," answered the peasant. "People are not allowed to take clothes into heaven. They are taken away at the gate."

  "Then listen to me," said the woman. "I sold my good wheat yesterday and got a lot of money for it. I will send that to him. If you hide the purse in your pocket, no one will know that you have it."

  "If you can't manage it any other way," said the peasant, "I will do you that favor."

  "Just sit still where you are," said she, "and I will drive home and fetch the purse. I shall soon be back again. I do not sit down on the bundle of straw, but stand up in the wagon, because it makes it lighter for the cattle."

  She drove her oxen away, and the peasant thought, "That woman has a perfect talent for folly. If she really brings the money, my wife may think herself fortunate, for she will get no beating."

  It was not long before she came in a great hurry with the money, and with her own hands put it in his pocket. Before she went away, she thanked him again a thousand times for his courtesy.

  When the woman got home again, she found her son who had come in from the field. She told him what unexpected things had befallen her, and then added, "I am truly delighted at having found an opportunity of sending something to my poor husband. Who would ever have imagined that he could be suffering for want of anything up in heaven?"

  The son was full of astonishment. "Mother," said he, it is not every day that a man comes from heaven in this way. I will go out immediately, and see if he is still to be found, he must tell me what it is like up there, and how the work is done.

  He saddled the horse and rode off with all speed. He found the peasant who was sitting under a willow tree, and was about to count the money in the purse. "Have you seen the man who has come from heaven?" cried the youth to him.

  "Yes," answered the peasant, "he has set out on his way back there, and has gone up that hill, from whence it will be rather nearer. You could still catch him up, if you ride fast."

  "Alas," said the youth, "I have been doing tiring work all day, and the ride here has completely worn me out. You know the man. Be so kind as to get on my horse, and go and persuade him to come here."

  "Aha," thought the peasant. "Here is another who has no wick in his lamp."

  "Why should I not do you this favor?" said he, and mounted the horse and rode off at a quick trot. The youth remained sitting there until night fell, but the peasant never came back.

  "The man from heaven must certainly have been in a great hurry, and would not turn back," thought he, "and the peasant has no doubt given him the horse to take to my father." He went home and told his mother what had happened, and that he had sent his father the horse so that he might not have to be always running about.

  "You have done well," answered she. "You still have young legs and can go on foot."

  When the peasant got home, he put the horse in the stable beside the cow which had been left as security, and then went to his wife and said, "Trina, as your luck would have it, I have found two who are still more stupid fools than you. This time you escape without a beating. I will store it up for another occasion."

  Then he lighted his pipe, sat down in his grandfather's chair, and said, "It was a good stroke of business to get a sleek horse and a great purse full of money into the bargain, for two lean cows. If stupidity always brought in as much as that, I would be quite willing to hold it in honor."

  So thought the peasant, but you no doubt prefer the simpletons.










 Lesson 1

  Too Clever

  Text A

  A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from a severe pain in the chest. This never seemed to get any better. The farmer eventually decided that he would consult a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was a miserly person he thought he would find out what he would have to pay this doctor. He was told that a patient had to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second' visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and then he decided to go and consult the doctor in the town. As he came into the doctor's consulting room, he said causally,′ Good morning, doctor. Here I am again.' The doctor was a little surprised. He asked him a few questions, examined his chest and then took the pound which the farmer insisted on giving him. Then the doctor said with a smile , Well , sir. There's nothing new. Please continue to take the same medicine I gave you the first time you came to see me.'

  Text B

  A man went to see his doctor one day because he was suffering from pains in his stomach. After the doctor had examined him carefully, he said to him, `Well, there's nothing really wrong with you, I'm glad to say. Your only trouble is that you worry too much.

  Do you know, I had a man with the same trouble as you in here a few weeks ago, and I gave him the same advice as I'm going to give you. He was worried because he couldn't pay his tailor's bills. I told him not to worry his head about the bills any more. He followed my advice, and when he came to see me again two days ago, he told me that he now feels quite all right again. ' `Yes, I know all about that,' answered the patient sadly.`You see , I'm that man's tailor.'

  Additional Information

  Doctor: Good morning. How are you?

  Patient: I'm very worried; doctor. Doctor: Oh? What are you worried about?

  Patient: I'm afraid that I'm very ill. Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think so?

  Patient: Because I feel tired all the time, even when I wake up in the morning. I find it very difficult to do any work. 1 have no appetite. My wife cooks me delicious meals but I can only eat a little. Doctor: How do you sleep?

  Patient: Very badly, doctor. Doctor: Do you find it difficult to get to sleep, or do you wake up early?

  Fatient: Both, doctor. I never get to sleep until 2 o'clock and I always wake at 5. Doctor: Are you worried about anything?

  Patient: Well , yes , I am. I'm worried about my work. I've just taken a new job. I earn a lot of money but it's difficult work. I'm always afraid of making a mistake. Doctor: I see. Please take off your shirt and lie down on the couch. Patient: Yes , doctor.(The Doctor examines the patient )

  Doctor: Well , there's nothing very much wrong with you , I'm glad to say. You're working too hard and worrying too much. Do you take much exercise?

  Patient: No, doctor. I never have enough time for exercise. I start work very early in the morning and finish late in the evening. Then I can't get to sleep.Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep?

  Doctor: I can, but I'm not going to. You don't need medicine. You need advice. Don't work so hard. Too much work is bad. for you. Don't worry about your work. It's silly to worry. Take regular exercise. Patient: But I may lose my job , doctor ! It's hard to get a job like mine. Doctor: Then get an easier one , even if you earn less money. Which would you rather have, health or wealth?

  Patient: You' re right , doctor. It's more important to be healthy than wealthy. I'll change my job. I'm grateful for your advice. Doctor: Come and see me again in a month's time. I think you'll be a different man !



  美国前财政部长拉里?萨默斯(Larry Summers)称,美国政府应当马上向美国经济注入500亿美元到750亿美元的财政刺激,以抵消日益增加的全面衰退风险。萨默斯曾在比尔?克林顿(Bill Clinton)任总统期间担任财长。

  Washington should inject a $50bn-$75bn fiscal stimulus into the US economy in the very near future to offset the mounting risks of a full-blown recession, according to Larry Summers, Treasury secretary during the presidency of Bill Clinton.


  Mr Summers warned that without timely counter-cyclical fiscal action, the average US family could lose up to $5,000 in income, the country could suffer hundreds of thousands more home foreclosures and national debt could significantly increase - "even in a mild recession".

  一些共和党议员认为,扩大布什(George W. Bush)的减税政策是一个有效的财政补救方法,对此,萨默斯予以了驳斥。他表示:"财政刺激至关重要,但如果没有及时性、针对性和临时性,就可能有相反的效果。


  " He dismissed suggestions by Republican lawmakers that an extension of George W. Bush's tax cuts would provide an effective fiscal remedy. "Fiscal stimulus is critical but could be counterproductive if it is not timely, targeted and temporary," he said.


双语诗歌-天使之吻 An Angel Kiss

         An Angel Kiss

An Angel kissed my tears away

today when I was sad.

I wasn't feeling quite myself

my day had been so bad.

I felt a warmth brush by me

that quickly dried my tears;

A gentle, kind, and loving touch

that seemed to hold me near.

Immediately, I felt so much better

and the day seemed brighter, too.

I guess that's just the way you feel

when an Angel comforts you.
















英文演讲-President Meets With Working Group On Financial Markets

January 4, 2008

I had quite a fascinating and productive meeting with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets, chaired by Secretary Paulson. I want to thank the members for working diligently to monitor our capital market system, our financial system. And while there is some uncertainty, the report is, is that the financial markets are strong and solid. And I want to thank you for being diligent.

This economy of ours is on a solid foundation, but we can't take economic growth for granted. And there are signs that will cause us to be ever more diligent and to make sure that good policies come out of Washington. For example, we've had 52 straight months of job creation, but job growth slowed last month. The core inflation is low, but U.S. consumers are paying more for gasoline and for food. Consumer spending is strong, yet the values on many of the homes in America are beginning to decline, which leads me to say to the American people: For those of you who are paying more and are worried about your home, we understand that. That's why we have an aggressive policy to help credit-worthy people stay in their homes.

The Congress and the President have got to work together when they come back to, one, make sure taxes remain low. If there are -- if the foundation is strong, yet indicators are mixed, the worst thing the Congress could do is raise taxes on the American people and on American businesses. Secondly, we have got to understand that if we are worried about gasoline prices, we ought to expand refineries here in the United States, and we ought to explore for oil and gas in environmentally friendly ways in the United States. As I mentioned, the Secretary and Secretary Jackson are leading an initiative on housing, called HOPE NOW, but there's legislation that can be passed to make it easier for people to refinance their homes.

And so when Congress comes back, I look forward to working with them to deal with the economic realities of the moment, and to assure the American people that we will do everything we can to make sure we remain a prosperous country.

Thank you very much.

END 1:50 P.M. EST






在不同语言的互译中,要注意转换表达方法以符合译文习惯。比如汉语成语"一箭双雕"或"一举两得",用英语说是"一石打死二鸟":"To kill two birds with one stone"。英语句子"He has taken the bread out of my mouth",不能译成"他从我嘴里拿走了面包",而应为"他砸了我的饭碗"、"他抢走了我的工作"或"他断了我谋生的路"。中国人在向外国人介绍自己爱人(妻子) 时,常用"lover"一词,外国人听了十分惊奇,因为"lover"在英语里表示"情妇"或"情夫"即"情人"的意思。而汉语中的"爱人",相当于英语的"husband"或"wife"。

中国人把猫头鹰当作不吉祥的象征,但英语中却说"as wise as an owl",把猫头鹰当作智慧的象征。

中国人把"龙(dragon) "视为吉祥的神物,有不可思议的伟大力量,因而成为至尊无上的帝王象征,甚至把它看作是光明的未来, "望子成龙"(long to see one′s son become a dragon) 。可是英美人却把"dragon"视为喷烟吐火的凶残怪物(a fierce fire breathing monster ) 。

美国人打招呼时,经常说"Hello", "Hi",英国人见面时喜欢谈天气,如"Lovely weather , isn't it ?"之类的话,而中国人碰面时却经常说"你吃饭没有?"(Have you had your meal ?) 外国人听了很不理解:"你们为什么老问我吃饭没有? 我有钱!"中国人喜欢问:"Where are you going ?Where have you been ?"外国人听了很不高兴,心里说"It′s none of your business ! (你管得着吗?) "外国人告别时通常"Goodbye ,bye-bye"或"Bye"或"See you later",或微微一笑伴以再见的手式就可以了。而中国人却通常说:"慢走"、"好走"、"走好"、"请留步"。"你辛苦了",这句话在中国使用范围很广,而英语没有完全对应的说法,若译为"You've had a hard time. "或"You've gone through a lot of hardships. "都是不贴切的,有时还会引起误解。对于一个长途旅行后刚到达中国的外国人,可以说"You must have had a tiring journey. "或"You must be tired from a long trip ?"表示"路上辛苦了", "一路好吗?"之类的客套话。而对刚刚完成一项艰难任务的人,可以说"Well done ,that was a hard job. "或"You′ve got a hard job。"

再如,在汉民族文化里, "狗"总是受到鄙视、诅咒的对象,与"狗"有关的词语几乎都有贬义,诸如"狗胆包天"、"狗急跳墙"、"狗血喷头"、"狗眼看人低"、"狗仗人势"、"狗嘴里吐不出象牙"等等,但在西方文化里,狗却是"人之良友",地位要高得多。当某人碰到好运时,人们会对他说:"You are a lucky dog"(你真幸运) ,当某人感到累的时候,他会说自己"像狗一样累坏了"(dog-tired) ,英语谚语"Every dog has his day"是说"人人都会有得意之时",以狗喻人,却无贬义。又如"Give a dog a bad name and hang him",意为"愈加之罪,何患无词",其同情之心明显在狗的一边。由此可见,在外国人眼里, "狗"是多么的可爱。


语言是表达思想的,而思想是客观地反映。由于受到客观上的制约,不同文化的人生活习惯和思维方式都有很多不同之处,不同的民族往往用不同的比喻表达不同思想。例如,汉语的"山中无老虎,猴子成霸王",英语用"In the land of the blind , the one-edged man is king";汉语表示一个人大口大口地喝水,常说"像牛饮",英美人却说"drink like a fish。"同一客观的事物,在不同的文化里可以包含不同的价值,引起不同的联想,具有不同的内涵。比如,自然界是五颜六色的,人类的感觉是相同的,但颜色用于人类社会,在人们心目中就产生了特定的意义,引起特殊的联想,激发特别的感情,这样的颜色已不再是客观的物质色,而变成了抽象的象征色,进入了文化的染体。黑色变成了压抑的象征,白色表示无辜与纯洁,绿色带来一片生机。然而,颜色也常因特定环境与文化不同,其象征意义也不同。在英语世界黑色表示悲哀与庄重,而在中国以白色表示哀悼,有时也用黑色;绿色对英美人有时意味着嫉妒,紫色一般是权力的象征,而在中国黄色是不可侵犯的权贵颜色。




⑴ She felt that she must not yield. She must go on leading her strained, humdrum life. This was her punishment for having made a mistake. She had made her bed, and she must lie on it .



⑵ Britain′s economic policy is now being pulled by the magnet of the next election.


这里把原文里的隐喻(metaphor) 变成了译文中的明喻(simile) 。

⑶ Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.




近几年,由于文化全球化的影响,中英文化不断地相遇和碰撞,产生了许多文化融合,如:英语Doggie bag(吃剩的饭菜打包) , Internet (英特网--互联网络) ,E-mail (伊妹儿--电子邮件) 等均被汉语接受,但总体来看,中英文化中的个性差异仍然较大,文化差异因素对英语学习的影响不可低估。因此,对英汉词语跨文化差异的研究和探讨,既有利于英语文化教学,也有利于提高学生学习英语的兴趣。


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