
206 瓦西德推迟与议会对质日期

时间:2005-04-29 16:00:00



206 瓦西德推迟与议会对质日期

Wahid Postpones1 Confrontation2 with Parliament
Patricia Nunan
20 Jul 2001 10:09 UTC

Indonesia's president appears to be backing off plans to declare a state of emergency seven hours from now, 1)postponing a 2)confrontation with Parliament. But with the president's history of conflicting statements, nothing is for sure. Lawmakers may still move to hold snap 3)impeachment3 hearings.
Officials close to President Abdurrahman Wahid say it is likely the president will not declare a state of emergency at the deadline he imposed for 1800 UTC local time Friday. Indonesia's top security minister, Agum Gumelar, says there will be no emergency 4)decree today. But he says the president will issue a type of warning instead.
Presidential spokesman, Wimar Witoelar, seemed less certain saying that they "don't yet know if that announcement will be made today."
The president appears now to be leaning toward waiting until July 31 to declare a state of emergency and to call snap elections, if 5)lawmakers do not abort4 August 1 impeachment hearings.
Political analyst5 Doug Rammage from the Asia Foundation says, if Mr. Wahid does not issue the emergency decree, it would be a political 6)defeat for him. "If he just issues a warning and is not able to issue a decree declaring a state of emergency, it would be seen as continued evidence of his 7)inability to force his will on the government and on the body politic," he says.
Assembly Speaker Amien Rais has thrown another wrinkle into the already confusing political situation. Mr. Rais says, if President Wahid goes through with plans to replace Indonesia's police chief, impeachment 8)proceedings would be called on Saturday.
National police chief General Suroyo Bimantoro has waged a test-of-wills with President Wahid, by saying he would not 9)enforce an emergency decree. President Wahid fired him. But the general refused to leave. The move also angered Parliament, which says that the replacement6 of top security officials must be approved by lawmakers.

(1) postpone[pEJst5pEJn]vt.推迟, 使延期, 延迟
(2) confrontation[9kCnfrQn`teIFEn]n.面对, 面对面, 对质
(3) impeachment n.弹劾, 指摘
(4) decree[dI5kri:]n.法令, 政令, 教令v.颁布
(5) lawmaker[5lC:meIkE(r)]n.立法者
(6) defeat[dI5fi:t]n.击败, 战胜, 失败vt.击败, 战胜,挫折v.击败
(7) inability[InE5bIlItI]n.无能, 无力
(8) proceeding[prE5si:dIN]n.行动, 进行
(9) enforce[In5fC:s]vt.强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强




1 postpones b8ca487edf3d9d533d42cb7311524ddf     
v.延期,推迟( postpone的第三人称单数 )
  • So it at least postpones the amount of taxes on due. 因此它至少推延了税金的交纳。 来自互联网
  • Even if it does, this just postpones the day of reckoning. 但即便如此,也只是推迟了不得不解决根本问题的日子而已。 来自互联网
2 confrontation xYHy7     
  • We can't risk another confrontation with the union.我们不能冒再次同工会对抗的危险。
  • After years of confrontation,they finally have achieved a modus vivendi.在对抗很长时间后,他们最后达成安宁生存的非正式协议。
3 impeachment fqSzd5     
  • Impeachment is considered a drastic measure in the United States.在美国,弹劾被视为一种非常激烈的措施。
  • The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career.他遭弹劾后得到的判决毁了他的政治生涯。
4 abort Tzgzxu     
  • The captain instructed them to abort the mission.上尉指示他们中止执行任务。
  • With this button the user can abort the audio sequence.用户可以用该按钮终止音频序列。
5 analyst gw7zn     
  • What can you contribute to the position of a market analyst?你有什么技能可有助于市场分析员的职务?
  • The analyst is required to interpolate values between standards.分析人员需要在这些标准中插入一些值。
6 replacement UVxxM     
  • We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant.我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。
  • They put all the students through the replacement examination.他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。

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