
252 以色列军队摧毁巴勒斯坦安全带

时间:2005-04-29 16:00:00



252 以色列军队摧毁巴勒斯坦安全带

Israeli Troops Destroy Palestinian Security Posts
Ross Dunn
27 Jul 2001 09:20 UTC

Israeli troops have destroyed Palestinian security posts in the West Bank, following a 1)fatal 2)sniper attack on a Jewish teenager. In response to the killing1, Israel imposed a closure on the Palestinian-controlled city of Ramallah.
Israeli tanks entered Ramallah in the West Bank and destroyed three positions of Force 17, the elite2 security unit of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
The action came after Palestinian snipers shot dead 17-year-old Ronen Landau, as he traveled in a car toward his settlement of Givat Ze'ev, between Jerusalem and Modi'in.
Israeli army officials say Palestinian gunmen took up positions on a hilltop 3)overlooking a road, and began firing on vehicles with Israeli 4)license plates.
At least two other Israelis have been killed and several others wounded in other shooting 5)incidents on the highway linking Jerusalem and Modi'in.
In the latest attack, the Jewish youth, who was traveling with his father and brother, was critically wounded and later died at a hospital.
Earlier, the same Palestinian gunmen had reportedly also opened fire on a playground at the nearby Jewish settlement of Givon.
Israeli security officials believe that the 6)mastermind behind the attacks is Mahmoud Damara, who is on the army's most wanted list of 7)suspected terrorists.
He is the head of Mr. Arafat's presidential guard in Ramallah, and an attempt by Israel in May to 8)assassinate him failed when Mr. Damara left a building just minutes before it was bombed.
Israeli Cabinet Minister Danny Naveh says that, ultimately, Mr. Arafat himself is to 9)blame for the killing of the Jewish teenager and other similar attacks.

(1) fatal[5feIt(E)l]adj.致命的, 毁灭性的
(2) sniper[`snaIpE(r)]n.狙击兵
(3) overlook[EJvE5lJk]vt.俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺 n.眺望, 俯瞰中的景色
(4) license[5laIsEns]n.许可(证), 执照vt.许可, 特许v.许可
(5) incident[5InsId(E)nt]n.事件, 事变adj.附带的, 易于发生的
(6) mastermind[5mB:stEmaInd]v.策划
(7) suspect[5sQspekt]n.嫌疑犯adj.令人怀疑的, 可疑的v.怀疑, 猜想
(8) assassinate[E5sAsIneIt]vt.暗杀, 行刺
(9) blame[bleIm]n.过失, 责备vt.责备, 谴责




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