
北师大初中英语七年级上--Unit 4-13

时间:2011-03-26 03:16:22



[00:00.00]Unit 4 Food 
[00:05.13]Lesson 13 
[00:09.97]Exercise 1.1 
[00:13.87]So, what so we need for the party?
[00:16.96]Let's write a list .Is there any soda1?
[00:19.95]No,there isn't any soda.What else?
[00:23.49]Is there any milk ?
[00:25.07]Yes, there is .
[00:26.98]Good.What about donuts2 and orange juice?
[00:29.96]There are some donuts,
[00:31.78]but there isn't any orange juice.
[00:33.96]Are there any cookies?
[00:35.85]No,there aren't ,but there is some cake.
[00:38.83]And what about potato chips?
[00:41.10]No, there aren't any potato chips.
[00:43.98]So, we need to buy ...soda, orange juice,
[00:48.17]cookies,and potato chips .
[00:49.69]We don't need to buy any donuts, milk, or cake.
[00:53.38]Great .Okay.Well, see you later
[00:56.87]What?Hey,Tim!You come back here right now!
[01:07.98]Exercise 1.2  
[01:10.12]Work it out  
[01:11.40]Is there any milk ? 
[01:12.77]Yes ,there is .
[01:14.70]Is there any orange juice?
[01:16.37]No,there isn't.
[01:18.26]Are there any cookies?
[01:19.84]Yes, there are.
[01:21.53]Are there any donuts?
[01:23.22]No,there aren't.
[01:24.92]There isn't any chocolate.
[01:27.07]But , there is some ice cream.
[01:29.35]There aren't any potato chips.
[01:31.82]But, there are some cookies.
[01:34.28]There isn't any cheese.
[01:36.66]But, there is some juice.
[01:39.02]There isn't any apples.
[01:41.28]But, there are some bananas.
[01:44.02]Is there any milk?
[01:45.29]Yes, there is .
[01:47.67]Are there any cookies?
[01:49.50]No, there aren't..



1 soda cr3ye     
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
2 donuts 6c493f3632cf8c85348ebd89d1e3cafa     
n. 炸面圈
  • As McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and other fast-food chains moved upmarket, Starbucks looked less distinctive. 随着麦当劳,Dunkin'Donuts以及其它快餐联锁店朝着上流市场发展,星巴克失去了自己的特色。
  • You can walk to the bakery to buy donuts! 你可以步行去面包店买油炸圈饼!

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