
北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit4 14-1

时间:2011-03-26 06:46:52



[00:00.00]UNIT 4
[00:07.20]Lesson 14
[00:12.57]Exercise 1.1
[00:15.46]Detecitive Wiley drove1 to Avery Towers
[00:18.83]immediately when he got the call for help
[00:21.90]from Lord2 Avery.
[00:23.75]It was a beautiful morning.
[00:26.28]The sun was shining and birds were singing.
[00:29.58]A servant opened the front door
[00:32.11]and showed him into the library
[00:34.54]where Lord Avery was waiting.
[00:37.14]He was smiling.
[00:39.91]"Detective Wiley. I'm so happy to see you!"
[00:43.13]said Lord Avery.
[00:45.23]"I came as soon as I could," answered Wiley.
[00:48.99]"What happened, Lord Avery?"
[00:51.67]"Last night someone stole my gold ring
[00:54.84]while I was sleeping," explained Avery.
[00:58.57]"Hm, I want to examine the whole house,"
[01:02.38]said Detective Wiley.
[01:04.40]He went from room to room
[01:06.41]and examined all the evidence3 carefully.
[01:09.43]Then he returned to the library.
[01:12.07]"Tell me, Lord Avery,
[01:13.92]who was here in the house last night?"
[01:17.50]Lord Avery replied, "Myself, Lady Avery,
[01:22.46]our son Jonathan, Lady March,Hodge the gardener
[01:27.84]and Lily the cook."
[01:30.25]"Hm.I see."
[01:32.54]"So,what now?" asked Lord Avery.
[01:36.24]"Call them to the library.
[01:38.20]I want to ask them where they were
[01:40.91]and what they were doing just now."
[01:44.03]"Just now?" asked Lord Avery.
[01:46.99]"But someone stole the ring last night,
[01:50.27]not just now..."
[01:52.26]"I know," replied Wiley.
[01:54.75]"Trust me, Lord Avery."



1 drove brAxi     
  • He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.他以每小时60英里的速度开车。
  • They drove foreign goods out of the market.他们把外国货驱逐出市场。
2 lord t0NxW     
  • I know the Lord will look after him.我知道上帝会眷顾他的。
  • How good of the Lord not to level it beyond repair!上帝多么仁慈啊,竟没有让这所房子损毁得不可收拾!
3 evidence WnZx2     
  • The first signs of spring are in evidence.春天的最初迹象已显然可见。
  • From the evidence I must conclude that you are wrong.从证据看,我敢断定你错了。

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