

时间:2011-03-26 06:50:51



[00:03.34]Exercise 6
[00:05.77]Dr.Edna's Pesonal Problems Page...
[00:09.19]Dear Edna,
[00:10.54]I get lots of headaches.
[00:12.54]I think it's my age
[00:14.24]but I also like to listen to heavy metal music.
[00:18.40]My dad also shouts at me a lot.
[00:22.21]Should I take some medicine?
[00:24.39]Or should I stop listening to my music?
[00:27.70]Or should I talk to my dad?
[00:30.58]Yours, Bill
[00:32.90]Dear Edna,
[00:34.60]I always have a sore throat.
[00:37.03]My friends say it's because I talk all the time
[00:40.95]But I don't know.
[00:42.56]I eat lots of fast food and I also smoke.
[00:46.65]What should I do?
[00:48.45]Eat more fruit?
[00:50.13]Stop smoking1?
[00:51.53]Stop talking?
[00:53.74]Yours, Nicole
[00:56.33]Dear Edna,
[00:58.03]My sister and I think we are very ugly.
[01:02.55]We are thinking of having operation
[01:06.40]to reduce the size of our noses.
[01:09.57]What do you think?
[01:11.59]Should we have the operation?
[01:14.12]Should we talk to someone first?
[01:16.61]Or should we just forget it
[01:18.71]like other ugly people?
[01:21.50]Yours, Joanna



1 smoking NilzKh     
  • He was wise to give up smoking.他戒烟是明智的。
  • He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.他已决心戒烟、戒酒。

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