
北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit5 17-1

时间:2011-03-26 06:51:08



[00:00.00]UNIT 5
[00:08.42]Lesson 17
[00:14.17]Exercise 1.2
[00:17.57]He says he's too busy to spend time with us.
[00:21.39]Then, when he is with us,
[00:23.84]he's thinking1 about other things
[00:26.01]and he's too nervous to enjoy himself.
[00:29.99]It's like we're not important enough
[00:32.11]or something.
[00:33.66]Or his work is too important to him.
[00:37.39]It's not fair.
[00:39.94]He doesn't understand how things are today.
[00:43.71]Things were different when he was a teenager
[00:46.87]but he's too stubborn2 to see that.
[00:49.67]It's not easy ot make him understand how I feel
[00:53.73]What can I do?
[00:55.89]I told him
[00:57.75]"You're too young to have a motorcycle3."
[01:00.84]He says that all his friends have motorbikes.
[01:04.61]But I know he's not old enough.
[01:07.23]He's too young to ride a motorcycle on the road
[01:10.64]in busy traffic.
[01:12.61]But he won't listen to me.
[01:15.72]She says one thing and then she says another.
[01:19.74]For example, first,she complains
[01:22.77]that we're not rich enough to buy a new car
[01:25.95]like all her friends have.
[01:28.67]Then she tells us that
[01:30.69]we're too interested in material things.
[01:33.84]So what does she really want?
[01:36.16]It seems I can't win!



1 thinking ggzz2u     
  • All thinking men will protest against it.凡是有思想的人都会抗议这件事。
  • Thinking is mainly performed with words and other symbols.思想主要是用言语和其他符号来表达的。
2 stubborn VGHzT     
  • I can not cope with that boy;he is stubborn.我对付不了那个孩子,他很固执。
  • When he's in his stubborn mood,he isn't easily talked round.他那股牛劲上来了,一时不容易说服。
3 motorcycle 1Fnxy     
  • Tom went there by motorcycle.汤姆乘摩托车去的那儿。
  • He was also the first person in town to buy a motorcycle.他也是镇里第一个买摩托车的人。

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