
北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit5 17-3

时间:2011-03-26 06:51:53



[00:00.00]Exercise 2.2
[00:05.74]Now adays, parents tell us that
[00:09.03]teenagers complain all the time.
[00:11.24]Is this true?
[00:12.62]Well, yesterday we went out into the street and
[00:16.38]we asked teenagers to tell us their problems.
[00:19.47]As you can hear,
[00:21.10]some of the complaints2 are quite serious
[00:23.58]while others are...
[00:25.19]Well, you decide what you think.
[00:28.29]Hi. What's your name?
[00:31.24]And what's the biggest problem in your life
[00:33.36]right now?
[00:35.04]Right now?
[00:36.36]Well. I have a problem with my surfboard.
[00:40.10]It's too big to keep in my bedroom!
[00:42.89]I see. And what's your name?
[00:47.67]And what's your big complaint1 at the moment?
[00:50.53]My parents won't let me see that horror3 movie
[00:54.44]that's showing at the moment.
[00:56.58]They say I'm not old enough!
[00:58.74]Well,maybe they have a point,
[01:01.34]Anyway, who's next?
[01:02.83]What's your name?
[01:04.58]Lenny. And I have a BIG problem.
[01:06.54]Oh, yes?
[01:07.54]And what's that?
[01:08.53]I can't finish my homework.
[01:10.42]It's too much.
[01:12.22]Oh, dear!
[01:13.96]That does sound serious.
[01:16.27]Well, I hope you can work it out.
[01:19.29]What's your name?
[01:21.95]And what's your problem, Patty?
[01:23.99]It's my hair.
[01:25.68]I don't like the way it looks.
[01:28.08]I think I look terrible!
[01:29.84]Well, there you have it.
[01:32.01]Today's teenagers and their problems!



1 complaint FOPz5     
  • This is a cause of complaint.这是抱怨的原因。
  • He has a heart complaint.他有心脏病。
2 complaints 1c2af6696c4c67949752fa8006c4e63d     
抱怨( complaint的名词复数 ); 诉苦; 投诉; 疾病
  • a litany of complaints 喋喋不休的抱怨
  • The company had received complaints both verbally and in writing. 这家公司收到了口头和书面的投诉。
3 horror DdUzN     
  • The public has been awakened to the full horror of the situation.公众完全意识到了这一状况的可怕程度。
  • The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.一想到要夜间工作我就觉得惨兮兮的。

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