
北师大初中英语九年级(全一册)--Unit 6-21

时间:2011-03-28 03:29:36



[00:01.38]Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports
[00:05.34]Lesson 21
[00:10.28]Exercise 1.3
[00:12.81]Do you know that China's history of basketball
[00:15.98]is almost as long as America's?
[00:18.97]Americans who came to China in the 1890s
[00:22.51]introduced the sport.
[00:24.51]This makes China the second oldest basketball-
[00:27.21]playing country,after the United1 States.
[00:30.62]Many people in China love the game:
[00:33.21]about 210 million Chinese play basketball,
[00:37.42]teach it,or are involved with activities
[00:39.88]related to the sport.
[00:41.84]The number of basketball players,games,
[00:44.29]and leagues keep growing:
[00:46.56]and as the number of games grow,
[00:48.64]so do the number of fans.
[00:50.70]But many people believe that basketball started
[00:53.27]to become more popular in China
[00:55.84]when NBA games began to be shown on TV
[00:59.28]in the 1990s.
[01:01.29]Today basketball is played by Chinese school
[01:04.48]children all over the country.
[01:07.08]Nearly every school has a basketball team,
[01:10.19]and there are many matches at different levels.
[01:20.77]I'm here with Clyde Drexler at the Beijing
[01:23.60]Worker's Stadium2 at half-time.
[01:26.35]His team of NBA ALL Stars is up
[01:29.04]against China's men's national team.
[01:32.14]The All Stars are leading 53-47.
[01:36.22]Clyde, what do you think of basketball
[01:38.47]playing in China?
[01:40.46]I find many people love this game in China
[01:43.13]and you've got great players.
[01:45.31]Could you tell us what has impressed you most?
[01:48.27]I'm really impressed with the height of
[01:50.20]some of the players.
[01:51.33]A few are over 7 feet tall.
[01:53.82]And what about their skills?
[01:56.14]They've got really good moves,
[01:58.05]but they need to build more strength.
[02:00.36]They need to start working out
[02:01.83]in the weight room and building up muscles3
[02:04.18]if they want to play in the NBA one day.
[02:06.18]NBA players are stronger,
[02:08.26]but these guys have got great skills.
[02:10.50]And have you worked with any young players
[02:12.78]in China?
[02:13.95]Yeah, I talked and played with some children
[02:16.18]here in Beijing.
[02:17.27]These kids' basic skills were really amazing.
[02:20.36]Their levels were similar to the kids
[02:22.17]in the States.
[02:23.26]Could you tell us
[02:24.15]whether you'll come to China again?
[02:26.69]Sure. The fans here are great and you can tell
[02:29.67]that they love basketball very much.
[02:31.84]Yao Ming and other Chinese players have already
[02:34.55]made it big in the NBA
[02:35.67]and I'm sure there are more good players
[02:37.54]in China now.
[02:39.13]And my last question:
[02:40.91]do you think you'll win tonight's game?
[02:43.92]We hope we can win,
[02:45.07]but it's very hard to say.
[02:46.38]We'll do our best.
[02:48.07]Thank you!



1 united Yfmz2c     
  • The whole nation is closely united.全国人民紧密团结。
  • The two men were united by community of interests.共同的利益使两个人结合在一起。
2 stadium du7wx     
  • The new football stadium can hold eighty thousand people.新的足球场可以容纳八万人。
  • The stadium is being used for a match.那个露天运动场正在进行一场比赛。
3 muscles Cnmza9     
n.肌肉( muscle的名词复数 );(操纵他人的)力量;权力;肌肉组织
  • I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles. 我必须活动活动使肌肉放松些。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Gosh! My muscles is going to ache all over tomorrow. 哎呀!明天我全身肌肉都会痛了。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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