
北师大九年级英语听力(全一册)--Unit 6-22

时间:2011-03-28 03:30:17



[00:01.15]Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports
[00:05.24]Lesson 22
[00:10.10]Exercise 1.2
[00:12.53]Most people would be happy to
[00:14.21]win one Olympic medal.
[00:16.19]Imagine winning1 medals at four Olympic Games!
[00:19.62]Chinese athlete Wang Yifu achieved this amazing
[00:23.65]success when he won a gold medal at the 2004
[00:27.99]Olympic Games in Athens2.
[00:29.90]He had already won three Olympic medals in the
[00:33.71]a gold in Barcelona in 1992 and two silver
[00:37.55]medals in Atlanta in 1996 and in Sydney in 2000
[00:43.28]Before he went to Athens,
[00:45.22]many people had doubted the decision to have
[00:47.54]Wang Yifu in the Chinese shooting3 team:
[00:51.16]he was 44 years old
[00:52.89]and he was not in good health.
[00:55.05]His success proved his ability.
[00:57.74]Before the final round,
[00:59.36]a Russian athlete has set a new Olympic record
[01:03.18]All through the final round,
[01:04.84]Wang Yifu had been behind that athlete,
[01:07.89]but he scored well on his final shot4 to win the
[01:10.33]gold and set a new Olympic record with a total
[01:14.25]of 690.0 points.
[01:17.82]Wang Yifu's gold medal was the second one of
[01:20.75]the 2004 Olympics and the second for China.
[01:24.93]Earlier, his teammate5 Du Li had won the first
[01:28.33]gold medal of the Olympics in the women's
[01:30.75]10-meter air rifle6 event.
[01:33.30]Du Li's success was similar to Wang Yifu's.
[01:37.25]A Russian athlete had been in the first place
[01:39.92]for most of the final round but,
[01:41.71]like Wang Yifu,Du Li was able to come from
[01:45.51]behind to beat her and win the gold melal.
[01:49.62]These two gold medals did not surprise
[01:51.92]some Chinese officials.
[01:53.74]They had predicted7 that the shooting team
[01:55.94]would win a few medals in the shooting events.
[01:58.86]At the 2004 Olympic Games.
[02:01.31]China won a total fo 63 medals,
[02:04.10]including 32 gold medals.
[02:06.75]China had never won so many medals before.
[02:10.36]In 2000, China won 59 medals
[02:14.10]including 28 gold medals.
[02:21.88]Exercise 2.2
[02:24.46]Kong Linghui is one of the most famous
[02:27.17]table tennis players in the world.
[02:29.66]He started playing table tennis
[02:31.61]when he was six years old.
[02:33.59]In 1991, he became a member of the Chinese
[02:37.03]national table tennis team.
[02:39.84]He has attended many world competitions
[02:42.63]and has won a number of medals.
[02:45.17]By 2004, he had already attended three Olympic
[02:50.30]Games and five World Table Tennis Championships
[02:54.20]By the end of 2003, he had come in the first
[02:58.00]place five times, second place four times,
[03:01.79]and third place twice at the World Table
[03:04.89]Tennis Championships.
[03:06.71]And by the end of 2004,
[03:09.03]he had alredy won two gold medals
[03:11.89]and one silver medal at the Olympic Games.



1 winning ieLzBt     
  • Team A has no chance of winning.A队没有获胜的可能。
  • They have great hopes of winning.他们获胜的希望极大。
2 Athens Dyazl9     
  • Athens is often called the queen of the Aegean.雅典时常被人称为爱琴海上的皇后。
  • China did very well in the last Olympics in Athens.中国在上届雅典奥运会上取得了优异的成绩。
3 shooting 5iFzcD     
  • The soldiers began shooting away at the enemy positions.战士们开始朝敌人的阵地不断地射击。
  • I was in the act of shooting him when I suddenly recognized him.我正要向他开枪时,突然认出了他。
4 shot xyiwb     
  • He shot a wild duck.他射中一只野鸭。
  • All the children shot out their hands for the money.所有的孩子突然伸出手来要钱。
5 teammate iqgwS     
  • He is a great teammate.他是一个伟大的队友。
  • He missed the ball passed from his teammate.他没能接住队友传来的球。
6 rifle 5CMzu     
  • The soldiers keep a tight hold of the rifle.战士们紧握手中的枪。
  • They armed him with a rifle.他们发给他一支步枪。
7 predicted 0354acb0e92301b0fbf0f886719a3731     
预言,预测,预示( predict的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise. 他赞扬协会的目标,但预期这一协会很快会消亡。
  • She delivered exactly when the doctor predicted she would. 她恰好在医生所说的预产期分娩了。

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