
北师大初中英语九年级(全一册)--Unit 6-23

时间:2011-03-28 03:30:34



[00:00.76]Unit 6 The Spirit1 of Sports
[00:04.95]Lesson 23
[00:09.60]Exercise 1.2
[00:12.36]Two years ago,there was a serious earthquake2
[00:15.03]in my country.
[00:16.52]Many people lost their homes.
[00:18.66]In my school, we decided3 to organize a 5--
[00:21.85]kilometer run to collect money for the people
[00:24.15]who were injured4 in the earthquake.
[00:26.56]Students singed5 up for the run
[00:28.30]and asked their relatives6,friends,and neighbors
[00:30.70]to support them.
[00:32.48]These people agreed to give
[00:33.79]some money-50 cents or a dollar,
[00:36.63]for example,
[00:37.50]for every kilometerthat the students completed.
[00:40.42]Joe Johnson was my classmate.
[00:42.93]He was the heaviest student in my class
[00:45.11]because he seldom did any exercise
[00:47.13]and he ate plenty of junk7 food.
[00:49.54]He never walked to school.
[00:51.43]He always took the bus.
[00:53.23]When our teacher asked him
[00:54.59]if he was going to take part in the run,
[00:56.97]he said he would think about it.
[00:58.88]A few students laughed
[01:00.60]and I think Joe felt embarrassed8.
[01:02.88]I felt a bit sorry for him.
[01:05.43]The next day, as I was cycling to school,
[01:07.83]I saw Joe walking in the street.
[01:09.97]I stopped and asked him why he was walking.
[01:13.47]He said he was training.
[01:15.25]He said he was going
[01:16.32]take part in the 5--kilometer run.
[01:18.85]"Good for you, Joe!" I said.
[01:21.25]Later, I told my friends about Joe.
[01:23.62]Most of them just laughed and said that
[01:25.72]they didn't think he would complete the run.
[01:28.68]I wasn't sure,
[01:29.66]but I decided that I would help Joe.
[01:32.22]So, for the two weeks before the run,
[01:34.68]I was his trainer9.
[01:36.09]He walked to school for a few days.
[01:38.24]Then he started to jog--slowly!
[01:41.26]Joe got a lot of support from his friends
[01:43.25]and relatives.
[01:44.53]People didn't know if he was going to
[01:46.06]complete the run,
[01:47.41]but they wanted to encourage him,I guess.
[01:50.70]On the day of the run,
[01:52.11]Joe lined up with the other students.
[01:54.93]The race began.
[01:57.19]The other students ran off
[01:58.60]and soon left Joe behind.
[02:01.26]Well, it took him hours to finish
[02:03.66]and he didn't expect to catch up
[02:05.34]with the other students,
[02:06.81]but he tried to do his best.
[02:08.79]And finally he completed the 5-kilo-meter run.
[02:11.90]Everyone was very happy
[02:13.33]and said."Well done,Joe!"
[02:15.11]What is more, Joe collected more money
[02:16.96]than any other student!



1 spirit CvGwC     
  • You're feeling her spirit.你感受着她的精神。
  • His selfless spirit is worth praising.他的无私精神值得赞扬。
2 earthquake fmiyK     
  • The earthquake is a disaster!地震是一种灾难!
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
3 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
4 injured fqIzAN     
  • Our best defender is injured and won't be able to play today.我们最佳的防守员受伤了,今天不能参加比赛。
  • The injured men have been dug out of the snow.受伤人员从雪中被挖了出来。
5 singed dad6a30cdea7e50732a0ebeba3c4caff     
v.浅表烧焦( singe的过去式和过去分词 );(毛发)燎,烧焦尖端[边儿]
  • He singed his hair as he tried to light his cigarette. 他点烟时把头发给燎了。
  • The cook singed the chicken to remove the fine hairs. 厨师把鸡燎一下,以便去掉细毛。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
6 relatives e5e157178e74f0776237fee94dbbfed4     
n.亲属( relative的名词复数 );相关物;亲缘植物(或动物);[语法学]关系词
  • She went to visit relatives in Wales. 她去威尔士看望亲戚了。
  • They're always farming out their children on their relatives. 他们总是把孩子寄养在亲戚家。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 junk G3gxJ     
  • I bought this old table in a junk shop.我在旧货店里买了这张旧桌子。
  • They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny beds.他们将废品间清理用作小卧室。
8 embarrassed vtrztT     
  • He was very embarrassed to hear people speak so highly of him.他听见别人这样夸他,感到很难为情。
  • He is somewhat embarrassed.他稍微有点窘迫。
9 trainer WgtzTT     
  • The trainer is walking his dogs.那位驯兽人正在遛他的狗。
  • She's been working as a personal trainer for two years.她做私人教练有两年了。

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