
北师大初中英语九年级(全一册)--Unit 7-25-4

时间:2011-03-28 03:32:58



[00:00.00]Exercise 2.2
[00:10.05]Soon they came to an apple tree full of fruit
[00:14.22]The best apples were at the top,
[00:16.90]so the giant bent1 the branches over for the
[00:19.46]tailor to pick some.
[00:21.70]But when the little tailor caught hold of the
[00:24.47]top branch,
[00:26.01]the tree pulled him right over the top.
[00:29.37]"You can't even hold down a little branch!"
[00:32.70]said the giant.
[00:34.41]"Of course I can," replied the tailor.
[00:37.08]"I wanted to jump over the tree
[00:39.45]and eat the fruit here. Can you?"
[00:42.76]The giant tried to jump over
[00:44.92]but got his foot caught in the branches.
[00:48.17]Just then the king and his soldiers came by.
[00:52.12]"What's this?" the king asked.
[00:56.03]"I've just caught this giant,"
[00:58.33]said the tailor.
[00:59.96]Since the giant had been a great headache
[01:01.82]in the country,
[01:02.93]the king gave the tailor a bag of gold.
[01:06.49]Soon, everyone in the land had heard about
[01:09.03]the brave little tailor who caught the giant.
[01:12.24]And so the little tailor became famous
[01:14.81]and rich and lived happily ever after.



1 bent QQ8yD     
  • He was fully bent upon the project.他一心扑在这项计划上。
  • We bent over backward to help them.我们尽了最大努力帮助他们。

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