
北师大版高中英语模块2--Unit 4 Cyberspace Les3-1

时间:2011-03-30 01:23:23



[00:00.00]Unit 4 Cyberspace1
[00:06.77]Lesson 3 Virtual2 Reality
[00:12.72]Hi,Cathy.What are you up to this weekend?
[00:16.72]Don't ask,Tom.I have lots of work to do.
[00:20.17]If I don't finish my project on the history
[00:22.44]of the Internet for next Monday's lesson,
[00:25.09]the science teacher will be angry.
[00:27.64]What about you?
[00:28.92]Do you have anything planned for
[00:30.18]Saturday and Sunday?
[00:32.72]It depends on the weather.
[00:34.79]If it's good,Dad,Mum and I will probably
[00:36.96]go camping.
[00:38.59]But we won't go if it rains.
[00:41.16]Hey,if I stay home,I'll help you with
[00:42.98]your project if you like.
[00:44.37]Thanks for the offers.
[00:46.33]Tom,can you suggest any good books
[00:47.96]for my project?
[00:49.56]If you tell me some titles,
[00:50.85]I'll look for them in the library.
[00:53.41]Use the library computer.
[00:55.62]If you go to the Science Museum website,
[00:57.68]you'll find lots of good information.
[01:00.34]I'll send you the website address
[01:01.64]when I get home.
[01:02.88]Thanks.Just think,if we had virtual reality
[01:06.85]holidays,we wouldn't have any problems
[01:08.92]with the weather.
[01:10.43]What's more,
[01:11.42]we wouldn't have to spend a long time
[01:13.16]traveling on planes
[01:14.28]to get to our holiday destinations.
[01:16.92]What do you mean?



1 cyberspace YvfzLi     
  • She travels in cyberspace by sending messages to friends around the world.她利用电子空间给世界各地的朋友们发送信件。
  • The teens spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family.青少年花费在电脑上的时间比他们和真正的朋友及家人在一起的时间要多。
2 virtual yhfwi     
  • This reply is a virtual acceptance of our offer.这一回答实质上是接受了我们的建议。
  • At that time the East India Company was the virtual ruler of Bengal.那时东印度公司是孟加拉的实际统治者。

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