
北师大版高中英语模块2--Unit 5 Rhythm Les1-2

时间:2011-03-30 01:25:07



[00:00.00]She also played a few songs from her new album,
[00:03.67]such as "Everything But…"which tells the story
[00:07.13]of someone looking for love in the wrong places
[00:11.41]Morissette gave a creative and powerful
[00:13.60]performance in another song"Utopia".
[00:17.04]Her singing was full of feeling;the first part
[00:20.25]of the song was filled with anger,
[00:22.52]while the last part expressed love and joy.
[00:26.86]Although the concert hall was cold and the
[00:29.35]sound system caused a few problems,the audience
[00:32.59]could still enjoy the concert.
[00:35.06]Many people in the crowd were obviously1
[00:37.56]long-time fans,and they knew the words and sang
[00:40.80]along to nearly every song.
[00:44.27]Throughout the concert,the atmosphere inside
[00:47.03]the concert hall was extremely exciting.
[00:50.41]Everyone agreed that they were greatly
[00:52.57]impressed by Morissette's brilliant music and
[00:57.95]At the end of the three hours,Morissette
[01:00.74]showed that she was a true performer,
[01:03.52]singing a well-known song"Heartache".
[01:06.90]She finished the evening with a new song about
[01:09.58]the life of a superstar.
[01:11.81]While I watched and listened,I knew that I was
[01:14.49]seeing the performance of a real superstar.



1 obviously uIKxo     
  • Obviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。
  • Obviously he was lying.显然他是在撒谎。

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