
北师大版高中英语模块4--Unit 11 The Media workshop2

时间:2011-03-31 01:17:06



[00:08.25]Exercise 1 Listen to Phil
[00:11.27]and Liz discussing advertisements.
[00:14.23]Which of them interrupts2 the other rudely?
[00:17.68]Hey, Liz. Have a look at this.
[00:20.01]It's a really sweet ad for Mother's Day.
[00:22.75]Don't you see this is an ad for selling flowers
[00:25.94]Really? Oh,see.Very smart.But I still like...
[00:29.60]I can't stand ads like that.
[00:31.73]Honestly, no child of that age is going
[00:34.03]to go and buy her mum flowers
[00:36.24]I'm sure the person who...
[00:37.75]Can I say something?
[00:39.27]All right.
[00:40.24]I think you're over-reacting
[00:41.87]although you have a point.
[00:43.34]Many ads try to create a picture
[00:45.03]of a perfect world or life but...
[00:47.02]Of course they do!
[00:48.46]They think that we're all stupid
[00:50.57]and are going to believe that if we by flowers
[00:52.86]from their shop then we'll have perfect
[00:55.10]relationships within our families!
[00:57.03]Can I interrupt1 a moment?
[00:59.08]Companies have to sell their products.



1 interrupt t5jxU     
  • It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking.在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。
  • You'd better not interrupt him.He is sleeping.你最好别打扰他,他在睡觉。
2 interrupts d5881bb0d29376e42e024b908fcc9706     
v.打断( interrupt的第三人称单数 );暂停;中断;阻断
  • I shall step on her very firmly if she interrupts me again. 如果她再来打扰我,我要毫不客气地斥责她。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Anyone who interrupts again will be escorted from the meeting. 任何人再捣乱都将被押出会场。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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