
北师大版高中英语模块5--Unit 14 Careers Lesson1-2

时间:2011-03-31 03:09:28



[00:00.00]3.You are on a school trip
[00:05.12]when the coach has an accident.
[00:07.67]No one is hurt,but you are stuck
[00:09.62]on a forest road with no traffic.
[00:12.52]It is getting dark and it has started to snow.
[00:15.72]What would you do?
[00:17.35]a)Talk to anybody who looks afraid or worried.
[00:21.52]Tell them not to worry.
[00:23.45]b)Keep calm.
[00:25.65]You know that the situation
[00:26.90]is not really dangerous,
[00:28.28]and somebody is going to get help.
[00:30.93]c)Tell your friends a story,
[00:33.32]while you are waiting for help.
[00:35.14]d)Take control of the situation.
[00:38.00]Tell everybody not to panic1.
[00:40.48]Ask a small group to go to the nearest village
[00:43.13]to get help.
[00:44.85]Tell everybody on the bus
[00:46.28]to put on more clothes to keep warm.
[00:50.05]4.Last week your teacher asked your class
[00:52.89]to perform a short play for the school.
[00:55.16]So far,nothing has been done,
[00:57.14]and there are only ten days
[00:58.32]before the performance.
[01:00.29]What would you do?
[01:02.01]a)offer to take part
[01:03.73]and ask others to do the same.
[01:06.36]Help people to learn their lines.
[01:08.98]b)Organise some of the practical2 things,
[01:11.69]such as costumes,scenery and sound effects3.
[01:15.30]c)Think of ideas for the play.
[01:18.77]Write the dialogue and show it to the class.
[01:22.08]d)Offer to direct4 the performance.
[01:25.19]Choose people for different roles5.



1 panic C48zD     
  • There was a panic when the building caught fire.大楼起火时,人们一片惊慌。
  • She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car.她突然惊慌失措起来,于是停住了车。
2 practical GPExc     
  • He is a practical person.他是位很讲实际的人。
  • Your invention is clever,but not practical.你的发明很巧,但不实用。
3 effects OuYzXG     
n.动产,财物,家财;结果( effect的名词复数 );效果;感受;个人财产
  • the accumulative effects of pollution 污染的累积效应
  • I was a little apprehensive about the effects of what I had said. 我有点担忧我说的话的后果。
4 direct aPzzp     
  • This train is direct,you do not have to change.这辆火车是直达的,你不必换车。
  • The army is under the king's direct command.军队由国王直接统帅。
5 roles 4295e8065f2f640103f566df3329e17f     
n.作用( role的名词复数 );地位;角色
  • the patterning of husband-wife roles 夫妻角色的形成
  • She chose two untried actors for the leading roles. 她选了两个没有经验的演员饰演主角。

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