
how are you

时间:2006-01-02 16:00:00



  [00:00.00]19.How are you?
[00:11.21]How are you?
[00:15.67]How're you doing?
[00:20.04]How's it going?
[00:25.99]I'm fine,thank you.How about you?
[00:32.84]I'm good,and you?
[00:38.30]All rigth,I guess.
[00:43.65]I've been doing well.
[00:48.93]Pretty good.
[00:53.37]Not bad.
[00:58.83]Not so good.
[01:03.19]Not good.
[01:07.13]I could be better.
[01:11.86]It could be better.
[01:16.02]Life stinks1/sucks.
[01:21.01]Not so hot.
[01:27.25]How are you?(I'm fine,thank you.How about you?)
[01:33.02]How're you doing?(I'm fine,thank you.How about you?)
[01:37.88]How's it going?(I'm good,and you?)
[01:41.93]How are you?(I'm good,and you?)
[01:46.37]How're you doing?(All right,I guess.)
[01:50.92]How's it going?(All right,I guess.)
[01:55.96]How are you?(I've been doing well.)
[02:00.63]How're you doing?(I've been doing well.)
[02:05.60]How's it going?(Pretty good.)
[02:09.96]How are you?(Pretty good.)
[02:14.43]How're you doing?(Not bad.)
[02:19.08]How's it going?(Not bad.)
[02:23.44]How're you doing?(Not so good.)
[02:27.80]How's it going?(Not so good.)
[02:32.24]How are you?(I could be better.)
[02:36.81]How's it going?(I could be better.)
[02:41.38]How're you doing?(I could be better.)
[02:46.35]How're you doing?(Life stinks.)
[02:51.10]How's it going?(Life stinks.)
[02:55.65]How's you doing?(Not so hot.)
[02:59.80]How's it going?(Not so hot.)



1 stinks 6254e99acfa1f76e5581ffe6c369f803     
v.散发出恶臭( stink的第三人称单数 );发臭味;名声臭;糟透
  • The whole scheme stinks to high heaven—don't get involved in it. 整件事十分卑鄙龌龊——可别陷了进去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The soup stinks of garlic. 这汤有大蒜气味。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》

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