
新标准初中英语第三册--MODULE 4 Education

时间:2012-12-13 06:20:53




[00:00.00]MODULE 4 Education1

[00:01.60]模块 4 教育

[00:03.20]Unit 1 How long have youstudied English?


[00:07.11]Listening and vocabulary2


[00:09.29]1 Listen and match theyears with theactivities.


[01:07.81]3 Listen and read.Betty:When does Sallyarrive in Beijing?Lingling:Next month.

[01:13.38]3 听一听,读一读。贝蒂:萨利什么时候到      北京?玲玲:下个月。

[01:18.95]Betty:And how long have      you known3 her?Lingling:For two years.Betty:But have you ever4      met her?

[01:22.22]贝蒂:你认识她多久了?玲玲:两年。贝蒂:你已经和她见过面      了吗?

[01:25.49]Lingling:No, I haven't.But I get on well withher. We like the samethings.


[01:31.82]Betty:Does she speak      Chinese?


[01:34.06]Lingling:Yes, a little.She's studied it for ayear. She says it's verydifficult.


[01:40.18]Betty:Yes, it is!It's easier to learna foreign5 language6 whenyou visit the country.


[01:45.54]Lingling:How long have         you lived here?Betty:Since7 2004.


[01:50.52]Lingling:And how long        have you studied        Chinese?


[01:54.19]Betty:For a year.What does Sally wantto do here?


[01:58.36]Lingling:Well, herschool orchestra8 hassome concerts9,


[02:02.18]but shehas heard about the HopeSchools and she wants tovisit a school in Gansuor Qingdao.


[02:08.39]Betty:What's a HopeSchool?


[02:10.11]Lingling:It's a schoolfor poor children. Infact, since 1989 ProjectHope has built12 schoolsall over China.


[02:18.90]Betty:Really? Thatsounds interesting. Tellme more.


[02:23.04]4 Answer the questions.Now listen again andcheck.

[03:00.57]4 回答问题。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[03:38.11]Pronunciation13 andspeaking


[03:43.05]7 Listen and repeat14.

[03:44.71]7 听录音,并跟读。

[03:46.36]1 How long have youstudied English?2 How long have youlived here?

[03:49.43]1 你学习英语多久了?2 你生活在这多久了?

[03:52.49]3 How long have you beena student at yourschool?4 How long have youknown your best friend?

[03:55.98]3 你在你们学校学习多久了?4 你认识你最好的朋友多久了?

[03:59.46]Unit 2 Project11 Hope10 hasbuilt many schools.

[04:02.99]第二单元 希望工程已经建立了许多学校。

[04:06.51]Reading and vocabulary


[04:08.49]2 Read the passage15 andchoose the main16 idea.

[04:10.97]2 阅读短文,选择主要思想。

[04:13.44]Hope for the futureLiu Sanzi is aneight-year-old boyfrom a village in HunanProvince.


[04:20.28]His parents want him todrop out of school.


[04:23.25]It's important17 for himto work on their farmbecause there are sevenpeople in Liu's familyand they are very poor.


[04:31.03]Li Yinming is 14 andfrom Zhangxian in GansuProvince. He stoppedgoing to school a fewyears ago.


[04:36.32]His parents have beenill and he has to lookafter them.


[04:42.69]Many children like LiYinming and Liu Sanzican't get an educationbecause their familiesare poor.


[04:49.95]Now they can go toschool with the help ofProject Hope. In thelast 15 years,


[04:55.44]this project has raisedmoney and paid18 for theeducation of 2.5 millionpoor students in thecountryside.


[05:02.92]People in China andabroad have given20 2.2billion yuan. With thismoney,


[05:09.00]Project Hope has builtmany schools andlibraries.


[05:12.31]It has also trainedteachers and it has sentstudents to highschools.


[05:17.26]Last year Shen, a boyfrom Shanxi Province,went to a school with noelectricity and only afew books.


[05:25.47]But this year he's at anew school with bigclassrooms and lots ofbooks. Project Hope paidfor it.


[05:34.08]Most people in Chinahave heard of ProjectHope and have givenmoney.


[05:39.17]But 40 million19 childrenfrom poor families stillneed help.


[05:43.82]Because of Project Hope,thousands of childrenhave better lives.


[05:48.46]Perhaps we should allask:What can we do forProject Hope? How can wehelp?


[05:55.15]Unit 3 Language in use

[05:58.35]第三单元 语言的运用

[06:01.56]Language practice7 Listen and answer thequestions.

[06:29.60]语言练习7 听录音,回答问题。

[06:57.64]WorkbookMODULE 4 Education

[07:01.29]练习册模块 4 教育

[07:04.93]Vocabulary, listeningand pronunciation


[07:09.20]6 Listen and write downthe numbers.

[07:29.80]6 听录音,写下听到的数字。

[07:50.39]7 Listen and underlinethe words you hear.

[07:54.30]7 听录音,在你听到的单词下划横线。

[07:58.20]Zhao Yang started schoolin 1999 when he was21 (1)six/seven. He was a goodstudent and enjoyedschool a lot.


[08:06.90]But in 2002 Zhao Yang(2)left/dropped out of s╛h-ool because his fatherwanted him to (3) work/help on the family farm.


[08:15.30]Zhao Yang was sad aboutthis. Fortunately,Project Hope gave22 somemoney to Zhao Yang'sfather,


[08:23.09]and in (4) 2003/2004,Zhao Yang started schoolagain.


[08:27.55]He has been back atschool for (5) two/threeyears now and is one ofthe best students in theclass.


[08:33.62]8 Listen to theinterview and check (√)the true23 sentences24.

[09:15.32]8 听采访录音,勾出正确的句子。

[09:57.02]Now listen again andcorrect the falsesentences.


[11:19.34]9 Listen and repeat.

[11:22.24]9 听录音,跟读。

[11:25.13]1 I've been at the  university for five  months.2 I've studied it for  about a year.


[11:32.86]3 I've learnt a lot  since September.4 I've known him since  2004.

[11:36.86]3 从九月份以来我已经学习了很多东西。4 从2004我认识他了。

[11:40.86]Reading and writing10 Read the passage and   put the events26 in the   correct25 order27.

[11:46.45]阅读和写作10 阅读短文,按正确顺序排列事件。

[11:52.05]A girl in NepalThe picture showseighteen-year-old KatyRoss in Nepal,


[11:59.18]a small country north ofIndia. Katy left schooleight months ago andsoon she will go touniversity.


[12:08.29]She loves travelling29 anddecided to visit Asiabefore she goes touniversity.


[12:14.86]Katy is living31 with afamily in the capital32 ofNepal.


[12:19.05]She has learnt a lotabout the country sinceshe arrived four monthsago.


[12:24.22]The family has twochildren but many unclesand cousins live withthem in their big house.


[12:31.24]They have taken Katy tomany parties.


[12:34.47]Katy teaches for fourhours a day at a smallschool.


[12:39.75]All the classes are inEnglish, and the pupilshave spoken34 Englishsince the age of six.


[12:47.57]The older children speakEnglish very well. Katyhas taught35 writing,grammar, and art, all inEnglish.


[12:57.37]She enjoys art the most,and she thinks thechildren like theselessons best, too!


[13:04.31]Katy has not had36 a lotof time to see Nepal,butsoon, she will stop tea-ching and travel28 aroundNepal with a friend.


[13:14.15]“After that,”Katysays,“we'll visit morecountries in Asia30. We'renot sure which onesyet.”


[13:22.61]Words and expressionsModule 4


[13:25.11]study/'st╘di/v.学习;研究teach/ti:t╞/v.(taught, taught)教

[13:30.11]head teacher 校长since/sins/prep.&conj.从……以来get on (well) with与……相处(融洽)

[13:35.36]same/seim/adj.相同的;同一的hear about 听说


[13:40.62]still/stil/adv.仍然,依旧raise/reiz/v.筹集take part33 参加describe/di'skraib/v.描述;形容

[13:45.67]drop/dr╛p/v.扔;落下drop out of school 退学important/im'p╛:tnt/adj.重要的

[13:49.97]ill/il/adj.生病的look after 照顾pay/pei/v.(paid, paid)支付;付


[13:58.23]electricity/i,lek'tris╓ti/n.电hear of 听说perhaps/p╓'h╗ps/adv.也许






1 education fqpxq     
  • He had a good education.他受过良好的教育。
  • We mustn't cut the cost of education.我们不应该削减教育经费。
2 vocabulary 8hVw0     
  • How can I widen my vocabulary?怎样扩大自己的词汇量?
  • You can find all the new words in the vocabulary of the text.你能在课文的词汇表中找到所有的生词。
3 known hpKzdc     
  • He is a known artist.他是一个知名的艺术家。
  • He is known both as a painter and as a statesman.他是知名的画家及政治家。
4 ever ZijzR     
  • Have you ever been to hangzhou?你曾经去过杭州吗?
  • I will be young and strong and beautiful for ever.我将永远年轻、强壮,永远漂亮。
5 foreign AiVxr     
  • Are you interested in foreign languages? 你对外语感兴趣吗?
  • To welcome our foreign friends. 欢迎我们的外国朋友。
6 language G2ExH     
  • Is English a hard language to learn?英语是一种难学的语言吗?
  • Language is a wonderful thing.语言是极好的东西。
7 since syswX     
  • He's been working in a bank since leaving school.自从毕业后,他就一直在一家银行工作。
  • I have known him ever since I was a child.我自孩提时代起就已经认识他了。
8 orchestra 90OyN     
  • He plays the violin in an orchestra.他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴。
  • I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.我真想留下来听这支高超的管弦乐队排练。
9 concerts bcdd174ab93ecda9d0bc0735cd2ca820     
n.音乐会;演唱会;(音)协奏曲(concert的复数);合奏(曲);音乐会( concert的名词复数 )
  • He kept a scrapbook containing press cuttings of his concerts. 他有一本剪贴簿,面有他的一些音乐会的剪报。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I have no time for concerts, cinemas and suchlike. 我没有时间去欣赏音乐会,看电影以及诸如此类的消遣。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
10 hope Kcwx9     
  • We hope you can come.我们希望你能来。
  • Hope you'll enjoy yourself there.愿您度过愉快的一天。
11 project 3Rrxv     
  • The project will start next year.这项工程明年上马。
  • I'm doing a project on Chinese history.我正在做一个有关中国历史的研究课题。
12 built XS6y2     
  • My father built his business on years of hard work.我父亲多年奋斗创立了自己的事业。
  • Ten years later,the school built out two buildings.10年后这个学校又增建了两栋建筑。
13 pronunciation U09zt     
  • Please correct my pronunciation.请纠正我的发音。
  • She speaks English with a good pronunciation.她的英语发音很正确。
14 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
15 passage gLnxf     
  • I'll read you another passage.我来读另一段给你们听。
  • The house has an underground passage.这房子有一条地下通道。
16 main wAWxH     
  • The building is the main object of his interest.他最感兴趣的是这栋建筑物。
  • This is the main purpose of my coming here.这就是我到这儿来的主要目的。
17 important wcIzI     
  • It's important to find out what he is doing.弄清他在干什么是重要的。
  • This is a very important problem.这个问题很重要。
18 paid 7KYx6     
adj.有报酬的;领取报酬的;领钱的;付费的v.付给( pay的过去式);付款;有利可图;(对…)有利
  • You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives. 你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。
  • My salary is paid directly into my bank. 我的工资直接拨到我的银行。
19 million D7QzO     
  • I've seen it a million times.我在书上看过无数遍了。
  • What will you do if you had a million dollars?如果你有一百万美元,你会干什么?
20 given tsNzSl     
  • This was given me as a birthday gift.这是给我的生日礼物。
  • He was given every chance to try the job.他得到一切可能的机会去试做这件事。
21 was bglwv     
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
22 gave YgSxz     
  • He asked for money and I gave him some.他要钱,我给了他一些。
  • I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost. 我给你一张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。
23 true nm2wH     
  • He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。
  • I will come and see if it is true.我要来了解一下,是否真有其事。
24 sentences 9cc49ff7cdca6cb5a0646f1e962943a4     
n.[律]判决,宣判,课刑;句子( sentence的名词复数 );宣判,判决v.宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 )
  • Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。
  • The example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type. 本词典中的例句都是用斜体排印的。
25 correct Xo8zh     
  • She gave a correct answer.她给了个正确的答案。
  • Choose the correct one from these words.选择正确的词填空。
26 events 16908b0605f2645dfcb4c3a8d248cef3     
n.事件;事件,大事( event的名词复数 );运动项目
  • Recent events had no bearing on our decision. 近期的事件与我们的决定没有关系。
  • She beguiled them into believing her version of events. 她哄骗他们相信了她叙述的事情。
27 order iJJxt     
n.订单;命令;n.顺序,整齐;勋章;阶级,决议;vt.命令; 调整;定购
  • His desk is always in order.他的书桌上总是整整齐齐的。
  • You pay for it at the time you order it.订购时就得付款。
28 travel omLwp     
  • We can now travel by air.现在我们可以坐飞机旅行。
  • Autumn is the best season for travel.秋天是旅行的最好季节。
29 travelling 0m5wp     
adj.旅行的v.行进( travel的现在分词 );步行;经过;走过…
  • her adventures travelling in Africa 她在非洲旅行时的冒险经历
  • She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. 她一想到独自旅行的情景就害怕。
30 Asia 9y2zqq     
  • He went to some place in Asia.他到亚洲某地去了。
  • An Asian is a person born or living in Asia. 亚洲人是指出生或居住在亚洲的人。
31 living bpPzW0     
  • Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.现今谋生很容易。
  • I'll never forget that as long as I am living.这事我至死也不会忘记。
32 capital 5Tuy5     
  • Beijing is the capital of china.北京是中国的首都。
  • We don't have enough capital.我们没有足够的资金。
33 part m45zX     
  • This is the broken part.这就是损坏的部件。
  • Which part do you play?你演哪一个角色?
34 spoken QhjzoD     
  • His spoken English is very good.他的英语口语非常好。
  • We'll hold a talk on how to improve our spoken English.我们将要举行一次关于如何提高我们的英语口语的会谈。
35 taught Sq2wK     
  • Children must be taught to be careful of traffic.必须教育孩子要当心车辆。
  • Miss Brown taught my daughter last year.去年是布朗小姐教我女儿的。
36 had FeBxb     
  • I just had a good idea!我有个好主意!
  • The boy had a small branch of a tree in his hand.这个男孩手上拿一条小树枝。

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