
新目标初中英语七年级上 Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? 课文 -Section A

时间:2013-04-03 05:44:23




[00:00.00]Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?

[00:06.26]Section A

[00:08.29]1b Listen and circle the kinds of movies

[00:11.52]in 1a you hear.

[00:14.07]Do you want to go to a movie?

[00:15.79]Yeah,I do.

[00:17.35]Do you want to go to an action movie?

[00:19.98]No,I don't.I want to go to a comedy.

[00:24.46]2a Listen to Ben and Sally's conversation.

[00:30.19]Number the kinds of movies in the order

[00:33.24]you hear them[1-4].

[00:36.91]Do you want to go to an action movie?

[00:39.27]No,I don't like action movies.

[00:42.35]What kind of movies do you like?

[00:44.62]I like docmentaries.

[00:46.38]What kind of movies do you like?

[00:48.87]I like docmentaries,too,and comedies.

[00:52.25]I don't like thrillers1.

[00:54.13]You don't?

[00:55.03]No.They're scary.




1 thrillers 50c5cfce6641afc98610d7ca9bb71e11     
n.紧张刺激的故事( thriller的名词复数 );戏剧;令人感到兴奋的事;(电影)惊悚片
  • He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits. 他已经写了7本惊悚小说,显然很喜欢这样的智力活动。 来自辞典例句
  • Most Americans prefer to read fast-moving adventure stories that we call "thrillers". 大部分美国人喜欢看我们称之为"惊险小说"的情节多变的冒险故事。 来自辞典例句

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