
赖世雄初级美语入门篇 45

时间:2007-07-18 02:39:22



lesson21 changing mong
A: i would like to cash this traveller's check,pls? 
B: how much do you have?
A: five hundred us dollars.
B:do you have any identification?/I.D.
A:will my passport do?
B:that'll be fine.
A:what's the exchenge rate for US dollars,pls?
B:which currency do you want to change your money into?
A: HK dollars,pls.
B:it's 7.89 HK dollars to one US dollar.
A:can you change one hundred US dollars?
B: how do you want your money?
A: 7hundreds (HK dollars bills) 8 ten (HK dollars) and rest in change,pls.
B: no problem.
1. could you pls exchenge the ten-dollar-bill for tow five.
2. would you like exchange gift with me?
1.change money=exchange money
i want to change 30 thousand HK dollars into US dollars.
may i exchany my car for your house?
1.i would like to cash this traveller's check.
   can you cash this  check for me?
  this is a rubber check.   =this check will bounce somr day.
2. how much cash do you have?/how much do you have in change?
3. do you have any identification?
4. driving license1; passport
5.will my passport do?
   i do my homework every day.
6. would you like some drike?
    water will do.
7. can you lend me some money?
   will one hundred dollars do?




1 license B9TzU     
  • The foreign guest has a license on the person.这个外国客人随身携带执照。
  • The driver was arrested for having false license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被捕。

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