
赖世雄初级美语入门篇 46

时间:2007-07-18 02:50:07



that'll be fine./ok/do

let's meet at 8in the morning.

that  will be too eraly for you.

no, that'll be fine.

ok,see you then.


i went to bed late last night.


1. what's  the exchange rate for US dollar,pls?

    what's the exchange rate between HK dollar and US dollar?

2. which currency do you want change your money into?

   how much foreign currency do you have?

3. it's 7.89 HK dollars to one US dollar.

4. how do you want your money?

5. 7 hundred 8 ten and rest in change,pls.

6. only 2 students are absent and the rest of students are all present today.

7. no problem.


1. i woulld like to cash the check,pls?

2. will my passport do?

3. what's the exchange rate  for US dollars.pls?

4. how much do you have in change/ cash?= how much change do you have?

5.i have only ten dollars in change.


1. i need some money. 50 dollars will do.

2.i would like cash this check.

3. tom always carry his identification1 card with him.

    i always some money with me.

5. what the exchange rate between the yen2  and the US dollar.

6 how do you want your money?

7. i'll take this books, the rest are  for you.


1. can you cash the traveller's checks for me,pls?

2. sure, i need some identification. 

3. ok ,here is my id card.

4. which currency do you want your money in?

5. in US dollars

6. can i have money in hundred 

7. no problem. that will be 20 hundred and rest in ten.

8. that will be fine.


lesson 22 booking airline ticket

dialog A

A: hi, my name is John lin. i'd like to book a flight to Rome,pls.

B:do you wish to fly first-class,business or economy?

A: economy.

B: date of the departure?

A: july fourth.

B: your book on flight NO 167 at the  depart at 11:15 am.



1 identification RbFxK     
  • He's made a formal identification of the body.他正式确认了死者身份。
  • We should have identification card on the person when we go out.我们外出时应随身携带身份证。
2 yen JfSwN     
n. 日元;热望
  • He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen.他想将美元换成日币。
  • He has a yen to be alone in a boat.他渴望独自呆在一条船上。

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