

时间:2018-11-20 23:10:15



Candlelight vigils have become all too familiar images in the United States. The shooting in Thousand Oaks1 California means reliving a nightmare2 for Kayla Sanford who survived the mass shooting in Las Vegas Nevada in 2017.


I’ve lived a year now through it. I guess this just really hits home for me. I can’t imagine what these people are going through. I’ve been to this bar many many times. I love college nights. On her way to give blood, she never expected another mass shooting would happen so close to home. It doesn’t get easier to hear, but it gets more normalized, it’s desensitized completely.


At the same time, it haunts3 her. I think twice about going anywhere honestly. Not just here, I mean the grocery store, the mall. From a shooting at a bar in California to a Jewish4 synagogue in Pennsylvania to a school in Texas, all these mass shootings happened within a year. To live in a constant state affair, that is terrorism. That’s what terrorism is. And I think that this meet needs to be called exactly that, you know, we are living in a state of fear within our own country, within our own borders, amongst5 ourselves.


Grace6 Fisher showed up to the scene of the Los Angeles-area shooting, demanding action on gun control. Fisher says she fears for her own children. Some people are like, oh it’s another mass shooting. And it’s disgusting, you know. I’m sick to my stomach every time it happens because I sit there and I empathize and I put myself in those kids shoes, in the parents shoes. And I say like, how could they think of say goodbye to their child, and say goodnight to their child like and then wake up and find out that they may not be coming home ever. And that’s not okay and all these kids have been killed in schools.


Parents and teachers now have to have those conversations with kids who are in school and what are you gonna do if this happens, you know. What do you...what is your plan, where you gonna go, what do you...And they should have to worry about that. I think that the problem in this country is multifaceted. It’s going to take a multifaceted approach to solve this problem.


But to say that guns are not the problem is a total cop-out. As Americans deal with mass shootings through activism or caution7, they adapt to this new reality and many will teach their children to do the same.




1 oaks 8be81eec3a21ccc7972e3759a684a11d     
n.栎树( oak的名词复数 );橡树;栎木;橡木
  • Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm. 芦苇耐风暴,橡树却会倒。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Great oaks from little acorns grow. 万丈高楼平地起。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 nightmare 8GvxM     
  • I was glad to awake from such a nightmare.我庆幸终于从噩梦中醒来了。
  • I had a nightmare last nightand,lost sleep.昨夜我作了个恶梦,失眠了。
3 haunts cfce5407c726c46b6589adfcf9faa56e     
v.(鬼魂)出没( haunt的第三人称单数 );经常出没于;(不快的事情)萦绕于脑际;长期不断地缠扰(某人)
  • A headless rider haunts the country lanes. 一个无头骑士常出没于乡间的小路上。
  • This is a problem that haunts all of us. 这是一个使我们大家都担忧不已的问题。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 Jewish tzEzJ     
  • The coin bears a Jewish symbol.硬币上有犹太标记。
  • They were two Jewish kids;I was friendly with both of them.他们是两个犹太小孩;我同他们都很要好。
5 amongst ELsyC     
  • He was sitting amongst a group of children,telling them a story.他正坐在一群孩子中间讲故事。
  • You must settle the matter amongst yourselves.你们必须彼此商量,自行解决这些问题。
6 grace Xehzb     
  • She is a beautiful girl with the grace and poise.她是一位仪态优雅的佳丽。
  • I hope the grace of God would descend on me.我期望上帝的恩惠。
7 caution caution     
  • You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog.在雾中开车要极为小心。
  • There is no need for such caution.不必如此小心谨慎。

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