

时间:2021-05-07 00:33:08



Japan has issued a third state of emergency for Tokyo and three western districts to curb1 a surge in the coronavirus just three months ahead of the Olympics. AP's Charles De Ledesma has details. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced the emergency for Tokyo and three other cities from April 25 through to May 11. Japan's third emergency since the pandemic comes only a month after an earlier toothless emergency ended in the Tokyo area. This time, after a law stipulating2 virus measures was toughened in February, authorities can issue binding3 orders for businesses to shorten their hours or close. Suga says the step is intended to stop people from traveling over upcoming holidays. I'm Charles De Ledesma.


Jailed Russian opposition4 politician Alexei Navalny said Friday he would begin gradually ending a hunger strike. He had called to demand proper medical care. Reuters Lauren Anthony reports. Navalny's announcement came on the 24th day of his hunger strike after a medical trade union that supports him and which has treated him in the past appealed to him to start eating again or risk death. The worsening health of President Vladimir Putin's biggest domestic opponent and the authorities' initial failure to give him the treatment he demanded has triggered a Western diplomatic offensive designed to cajole Moscow into making concessions5. In an Instagram post arranged via his lawyers on Friday, Navalny said he was still demanding that he be seen by a doctor of his own choosing, and that he was losing feeling in parts of his legs and arms. He said, however, that he had been twice seen by civilian6 doctors and undergone tests. That's Reuters Lauren Anthony. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd, VOA News.




1 curb LmRyy     
  • I could not curb my anger.我按捺不住我的愤怒。
  • You must curb your daughter when you are in church.你在教堂时必须管住你的女儿。
2 stipulating 58c3dca05f6ed665a9603096b93b9e85     
v.(尤指在协议或建议中)规定,约定,讲明(条件等)( stipulate的现在分词 );规定,明确要求
  • Shall we first sign a barter trade agreement stipulating the general terms and conditions? 我们先签一个易货贸易协议,规定一般性条款,行吗? 来自互联网
  • The other firm are stipulating for and early exchange of information regarding the contract. 作为协议条件,另一家公司坚持要求早日交换有关合同的信息。 来自互联网
3 binding 2yEzWb     
  • The contract was not signed and has no binding force. 合同没有签署因而没有约束力。
  • Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding. 双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。
4 opposition eIUxU     
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。
5 concessions 6b6f497aa80aaf810133260337506fa9     
n.(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权
  • The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike. 要想避免罢工,公司将不得不作出一些让步。
  • The concessions did little to placate the students. 让步根本未能平息学生的愤怒。
6 civilian uqbzl     
  • There is no reliable information about civilian casualties.关于平民的伤亡还没有确凿的信息。
  • He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.他辞去军职而从事平民工作。

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