

时间:2009-11-07 08:07:57



[00:00.00]Module9   Unit1
[00:06.40]1. Listen, point and find "going to".
[00:23.95]It's going to be sports day on Friday.
[00:30.96]I'm going to do long jump.
[00:35.11]Amy is going to do high jump.
[00:39.18]I'm going to run a race. I can run very fast.
[00:45.43]Come on, daming!Ru!
[00:54.80]Yes! I'm the winner! I'm the winner!
[00:59.43]2. Listen and say.
[01:11.16]I'm going to do long jump.
[01:14.40]Amy is going to do high jump.
[01:20.93]I'm going to run a race.
[01:24.72]Module9   Unit2
[01:33.86]1. Listen and repeat1.
[01:41.90]Look, that's my father. He's a driver.
[01:46.95]I'm going to be a driver. What are you going to be, daming?
[01:51.49]I'm going to be a doctor.
[01:54.26]Come and help, doctor!
[01:56.11]2.Listen and point.
[02:07.76]I'm going to be a
[02:16.10]train driver
[02:25.53]taxi driver
[02:35.92]bus driver
[02:40.94]3.Listen and say. Then say the poem.
[02:54.21]I'm going to be a driver.
[02:57.97]I'm going to drive a train.
[03:00.11]I'm going to be a pilot.
[03:02.75]I'm going to fly a plane.
[03:05.21]I'm going to be a doctor.
[03:07.85]I'm going to help the ill.
[03:10.20]I'm going to be a nurse.
[03:12.84]I'm going to give a pill2.




1 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
2 pill FNtxF     
  • The child could not get the pill down.孩子吞不下药片。
  • The pill is coated with sugar.这药丸包了糖衣。

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