
新课标小学英语第八册 MODULE 3

时间:2009-11-09 03:01:10



[00:07.08]Unit 1 It's more expensive.
[00:14.34]1.Listen and point.
[00:24.69]Lood at all these computers!
[00:29.23]It's going to be difficult to choose!
[00:33.99]Look,Dad.This computer is prettier than the other computers.
[00:40.23]It's purple.
[00:43.18]Yes,it is pretty.But we want a more powerful computer.
[00:50.42]Look,Mum.This computer is really good for computer games.
[00:57.99]It's got a bigger screen.
[01:01.94]Yes,but it's more expensive than the other ones.
[01:08.81]And I don't want a big screen.
[01:12.86]This one is perfect.It's small and powerful.
[01:18.73]And I can take it to school on my bicycle.
[01:28.19]Unit 2 Lucy Locket lost her wallet.
[01:35.95]1.Listen and repeat.
[01:45.01]brown                bridge               cry                  Chistmas
[02:08.47]2.Listen and say.
[02:19.73]Lucy Locket lost her wallet,
[02:31.09]Nicky Nelson foud it.
[02:36.13]Not a penny was there in it,
[02:41.31]Only lace1 around it.
[02:46.27]Lucy Locket lost her wallet,
[02:55.12]Nicky Nelson foud it.
[03:00.09]Not a penny was there in it,
[03:06.64]Only lace around it.
[03:16.81]Unit 3 This computer is more powerful.
[03:25.06]1.Listen and point.
[03:34.13]This computer is more expensive than the other one.
[04:01.37]Word List
[04:06.54]choose               computer             computer game        more beautiful
[04:17.46]选择                 电脑                 电脑游戏             更漂亮的
[04:28.38]more expensive       more powerful        perfect              prettier
[04:39.72]更昂贵的             功能更强大的         完美的               更漂亮的
[04:51.06]screen               wallet
[04:56.88]屏幕                 钱夹



1 lace 1xvyE     
  • She let a piece of lace into her dress.她在衣服上镶了一块花边。
  • The bride is wearing a wedding dress made of lace.新娘穿一件蕾丝婚纱。

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