

时间:2009-11-30 02:53:36



[00:04.78]1 Explaining where things are(pape 20)
[00:11.44]Ouch!What's up?
[00:15.10]I've just cut my finger on this nail.
[00:19.17]Let's have a look.Oh,yes.That's quite nasty1.
[00:24.14]I'd better run it under the tap.
[00:27.51]Have you got any plasters3? I'll go and get you one.
[00:32.05]Yes,I think there are some on the shelf in the bathroom.
[00:38.32]I can't see any.Are you sure they're here?
[00:42.87]Do you see the cupboard by the bath? Have a look in there.
[00:48.64]I think there are some in the top drawer.
[00:52.19]I've found them.Thanks.
[00:56.03]I also found these.
[00:59.27] did you find those?
[01:06.14]They were on the floor.
[01:09.09]Whose are they? Well,they're not mine!
[01:13.46]2 Using grammar:questions with have you got...?
[01:25.71]Oh No! Have you got a CLOTH? I've just spilt wine all over your carpet.
[01:35.16]Yes,there's one in the kitchen by the sink.
[01:41.12]Ouch!Have you got a plaster2? I've just cut myself.
[01:48.88]Yes,there are some in the drawer in the kitchen.
[01:53.92]Have you got a pen?
[01:57.47]I've just met an old friend and want to make a note of his phone number!
[02:04.55]Yes,just a Minute.There's one in my bag somewhere.
[02:11.21]Have you got any scissors? I just need to cut this bit of string.
[02:17.98]Yes,there's a pair on the table in the front room.
[02:23.62]Have you got a screwdriver4?
[02:28.79]I just need to open this plug up to see if the fuse5 is ok.
[02:34.96]Yes,there's one in a box in the garage,I think.
[02:40.31]Have you got any correction fluid/ I just need to change this word here.
[02:47.97]Yes,one minute.There's some on my desk.
[03:02.94]Conversation 1
[03:06.46]No,I'm an only child,actually.
[03:11.61]Oh really? I didn't know that.
[03:16.47]What was it like,growing up on your own?
[03:20.83]Didn't it get a bit lonely sometimes?
[03:24.90]Yes,kind of.
[03:28.07]I sometimes got a bit upset because I didn't have anyone to play with,
[03:34.54]and my parents were too busy to spend much time with me,
[03:40.11]but most of the time it was OK.
[03:44.55]You just get used to it and anyway,
[03:49.38]I often used to go round to friends'houses and play there.
[03:54.53]Conversation 2
[03:57.87]Yes,why? Do you want to borrow it?
[04:02.60]If you don't mind.I won't be on it long,I promise.
[04:07.67]I just need to ring work quickly and tell them I won't be in tomorrow.
[04:12.63]OK.There you are.You have to press that button there first,
[04:18.27]then dial the number and then press that green button there.
[04:25.43]OK.I've got it.Thanks.
[04:29.69]Conversation 3
[04:33.06]You're joking,aren't you? I haven't even got a driving licence6!
[04:39.22]Really? Why not?
[04:42.98]I don't really know.I've just never learnt.
[04:48.26]I've lived in big cities most of my life and I've never really needed one.
[04:54.50]Public transport is usually fine for me.
[04:59.18]I can't believe it!You're 54 and you've never learnt!
[05:05.74]Yes,well...who knows?Maybe next year,eh?
[05:11.61]Conversation 4
[05:15.14]Yes,I have.I graduated in mechanical7 engineering8 in 1995.
[05:22.38]OK,good.And have you got a Master's?
[05:28.31]No,I haven't yet,I'm afraid,
[05:32.70]but I'm thinking of applying to do a part-time one sometime in the next few years.
[05:39.54]Right.Well,we might be able to help you with that if we did decide to offer you the job.
[05:46.98]We could give you some free time to study in.
[05:52.16]Conversation 5
[05:55.81]Yes,but it's a really old one.It's very slow and it crashes all the time.
[06:04.17]Yes? Well,why don't you get rid of it and get a new one?
[06:09.92]I don't know.I don't really need a new one.
[06:16.29]The old one does everything I need it to.
[06:21.26]I mean,I can send e-mail on it,type things up on it,that kind of thing.
[06:28.83]It's not really that bad.Just slow. Yes.
[06:34.76]Conversation 6
[06:39.12]Yes,kind of!My son's got a little snake he keeps in his bedroom.
[06:46.28]I don't really like the thing myself,
[06:50.33]but he's very keen9 on it,so I let him keep it.
[06:55.50]Oh,right.Yes,but I'm sure that one day
[07:01.25]I'll wake up and find it deed because he's forgotten to feed it.
[07:06.61]Yes,well,kids need to learn about death sooner or later don't they?
[07:13.97]And that's as good a way as any.
[07:18.33]Conversation 7
[07:21.68]Yes,two.A boy and a girl.
[07:26.25]Oh wow! That's nice.How old are they?
[07:31.71]The boy's two and the girl's about seven and a half now.
[07:36.96]And are you thinking of haveing any more?
[07:41.09]No,two is enough,believe me!They're quite hard work.
[07:46.68]I can imagine.
[07:49.84]6 Further practice



1 nasty q5Rzz     
  • She got a nasty knock on the head when she fell.她跌倒时头部受到严重碰撞。
  • When this material burns,it flings off a nasty smell.这种物质燃烧时发出一股难闻的气味。
2 plaster LO7xz     
  • He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall.他和了一些灰泥去补墙。
  • She applied the plaster on his shoulder.她将膏药贴在他的膀子上。
3 plasters 1e9bef25bf8093006a388f7b6ee52046     
n.塑料学,整形外科,塑制信用卡;灰泥( plaster的名词复数 );膏;药膏;石膏
  • Surgical Dressings, Laparotomy, Cottton Wool, Plasters, Tapes, Bandages, Surgical Clothes. 采购产品外科的穿衣,剖腹手术,羊毛,石膏,音带,绷带,外科的衣服。 来自互联网
  • Shandong Anticancer Plasters is a black adhesive plaster spread upon a gauze. 本品为摊于布上的黑膏药。 来自互联网
4 screwdriver rDpza     
  • He took a screwdriver and teased out the remaining screws.他拿出螺丝刀把其余的螺丝卸了下来。
  • The electric drill can also be used as a screwdriver.这把电钻也可用作螺丝刀。
5 fuse BfXz6     
  • The metal will fuse at a relatively low temperature.这金属在不太高的温度下熔化。
  • This is the right fuse for the refrigerator.这是电冰箱上使用的保险丝。
6 licence O1hxO     
  • The restaurant applied for a licence to sell wine.那家餐厅申请售酒许可证。
  • He hadn't paid his television licence fee.他尚未缴纳电视机使用许可费。
7 mechanical YCDxt     
  • He borrowed a mechanical book from me.他从我这儿借了一本力学方面的书。
  • He looks very mechanical.他看上去非常呆板。
8 engineering vtyzmS     
  • The science of engineering began as soon as man learned to use tools. 人类一学会使用工具,工程科学就开始了。
  • It was the first great engineering works in the world. 这是世界上第一家大型的工程工厂。
9 keen nRfzj     
  • There is keen competition between the two motorcar firms.两家汽车公司之间存在着激烈的竞争。
  • The children are mad keen to go to the zoo.孩子们非常想去动物园。

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