

时间:2009-11-30 02:55:04



[00:04.88]2  Making plans
[00:12.54]Are you going to the party for new students tonight?
[00:17.29]I think so.And you?
[00:21.05]Yes,it might be nice to meet a few new people.
[00:25.81]Yes and it's free!
[00:30.17]Exactly.I never say no to Anything that's free.
[00:35.45]What time does it start?
[00:39.99]Seven,but I'm going a bit later.I don't want to be the first one there.
[00:46.37]Nelther do I.
[00:49.21]I hate gooing to places on my own.
[00:53.76]Do you want to meet up before,and then we could go together?
[00:58.80]Yes,great.Where shall2 we meet?
[01:03.76]How about the cafe3 next to the school?  We could have a drink flrst.
[01:09.62]Yes ,ok.What time?
[01:13.87]How about a quarter past seven?
[01:17.84]We don't want to miss all the food and drink.
[01:21.68]Ok.That sounds fine.
[01:25.63]What're you doing now? Have you got time for a coffee?
[01:30.59]I don't know.What time is it?
[01:34.64]Just gone half past nine.
[01:38.30]Half past nine? Oh,I've got to go.
[01:43.65]I'm late for my Class.
[01:47.21]Ok.Well,I'll see you in the Cafe at quarter past seven,then.
[02:04.58]June 14th is a big day for me
[02:09.72]because it's the anniversary4 of the day I finally stopped smoking5!
[02:15.60]When people ask when I gave up,I always say'June 14th 2001'
[02:23.75]not just'2001'or 'a few years ago',but the exact1 date.
[02:30.88]It took me so many years to finally stop that I'll never forget that day.
[02:41.10]June 21st is a big day for me because it's the longest day of the year.
[02:48.46]Where I live,in the north of Scotland,the light changes a lot during the year.
[02:55.62]The winters are very dark,and summer days go on for ever.
[03:02.10]In summer,the sun sets at aobut half past ten at night,
[03:09.26]but it never really gets dark before the sun rises again at four.
[03:15.00]It feels really special,
[03:19.44]watching the sun come up on the longest day,but it's also a bit depressing6.
[03:26.81]Even though you know that July and August will be warmer,
[03:32.38]you also know the days will be getting shorter,
[03:37.94]and you've started the long journey8 back to winter and the endless9 cold dark days.
[03:49.04]December 8th is important to me
[03:53.51]because it's the anniversary of the day John Lennon was shot10 in New York.
[03:59.36]I grew up listening to The Beatles and my dad loved them too.
[04:05.13]I can still remember coming home from school that day
[04:10.17]and finding11 my dad sitting in the kitchen,crying like a baby.
[04:15.84]I started crying too,and every year on December 8th
[04:21.59]I always listen to lots of Beatles songs and John Lennon songs.
[04:30.00]March 14th is quite a big day in Japan.
[04:34.96]We call it White Day.
[04:38.52]It's exactly a month after Valentine's Day and in Japan,on Valentine's Day,
[04:45.88]women give men chocolates.
[04:49.96]On White Day,men return the favour12.
[04:55.11]Women have become very clever about this,
[05:00.28]and often buy tiny little chocolates and give a few out to lots of people.
[05:07.54]We call this'duty chocolate'.
[05:11.98]They then hope they get bigger,better presents back on White Day!
[05:21.70]An important date in Italy is 25th April.
[05:28.36]We call it Liberation13 Day and every year on this day
[05:34.32]we celebrate the end of the Second World War7 in Italy.
[05:42.73]There are two dates that are more important for me than any others.
[05:47.77]October 5th is the birthday of my son,Lewis,
[05:52.94]and on that day in the year 2000 I became a father for the first time.
[05:59.29]Also,December 10th-it's my daughter Sam's birthday.
[06:05.77]She was born in 2002.
[06:09.71]I'll never forget those dates for as long as I live.
[06:14.18]2 Pronunciation:linking
[06:48.95]4 Listening
[06:55.95]Conversation 1
[06:59.21]I think it was about three or four months ago,but it grows really quickly.
[07:07.08]I can see that-and it's really thick as well,isn't it?
[07:13.24]I'll need to give it a wash.OK.Fine.
[07:17.89]So what do you want done to it?
[07:22.02]I'd basically14 just like it cut a little bit.
[07:28.08]Just take a little bit off all round,please,and tidy it up.
[07:33.96]I'll see what I can do.
[07:37.80]Conversation 2
[07:41.56]It was so long ago,I can't remeber!
[07:46.81]That's why I really need to get some new things tomorrow.
[07:52.27]Yes,those jeans do look a bit old.
[07:56.94]I know! And this shirt is quite old as well.
[08:01.80]So where are you thinking15 of going,then?Any idea?
[08:06.24]Well,I thought I might try the High Street.
[08:11.10]There's a sale on at the department16 store there at the moment,
[08:16.46]so I might be able to find some cheap trousers or a jacket or something.
[08:22.62]Conversation 3
[08:26.28]It was ages ago! That's why I'm not really looking forward to going tomorrow.
[08:34.04]I'm sure he's going to tell me I have to have a tooth taken out.
[08:39.81]I've had really bad toothache for the last two or three weeks.
[08:46.47]Really? That sounds awfukl.
[08:50.52]Are your teeth really that bad?
[08:54.18]They're terrible!I've got about ten fillings.
[08:59.85]I eat too many sweets and don't really look after my teeth very well.
[09:06.01]Conversation 4
[09:09.56]It was five years ago.Just after I graduated from university,
[09:16.51]before I started working.
[09:20.17]Wow!That's ages ago.How did you go so long without one?
[09:27.43]I don't know.
[09:30.31]I started working here and then suddenly five years went past without me taking a break.
[09:37.57]I've just beenso busy.
[09:41.02]Yes.I know the prblem.
[09:45.25]Anyway,that's why I'm really looking forward to going away next week.
[09:51.28]I really need some time on my own,so I can just lie around and do nothing.
[09:59.01]I'm sure you'll have a great time.
[10:03.27]Conversation 5
[10:07.24]It was last Christmas.
[10:10.69]They rented a house out in the countryside
[10:15.34]and the whole family stayed there for a few days.
[10:19.91]It was lovely.
[10:23.07]Wow.That sounds great.
[10:27.23]So does that mean they haven't met your new girlfriend yet,then?
[10:32.58]No,they haven't.
[10:36.03]That's why I'm a bit nervous about them coming down to our flat for the holidays.
[10:41.91]I'm not sure what they'll think of her.
[10:45.85]Oh,don't worry aobut it.I'm sure they'll her.She's realy nice and friendly.
[10:52.72]Conversation 6
[10:56.56]It was nearly 20 years ago,just before I left school.
[11:02.44]I took three when I was 17 and failed them all,
[11:07.59]so I'm notreally looking forward to the one tomorrow.
[11:12.44]Don't worry about it.I'm sure it'll be OK.
[11:17.72]You've done really well this term,haven't you?
[11:22.27]I suppose so.I'm probably just worrying about nothing.
[11:28.12]Maybe,but it's only natural to feel like that.
[11:33.39]It's perfactly normal to get a bit nervous before something like this!
[11:39.35]Review:Units 1-4
[11:44.05]1 Recording17 word stress
[12:24.61]Consonant sounds
[12:32.06]Listen and practise the sounds.



1 exact InKxE     
  • I need to know the exact size.我需要知道确切的尺寸。
  • Do you know the exact date?你知道确切日期吗?
2 shall lzFwQ     
  • I shall always love you.我将永远爱你。
  • Which club shall we join?我们要参加哪个社团?
3 cafe 0SCyW     
  • I always go to the cafe to have a rest.我经常去那家咖啡馆休息。
  • Is there a cafe near by?请问附近有没有咖啡店?
4 anniversary Cw0zD     
  • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
  • Today is my parents'30th wedding anniversary.今天是我父母结婚30周年纪念日。
5 smoking NilzKh     
  • He was wise to give up smoking.他戒烟是明智的。
  • He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.他已决心戒烟、戒酒。
6 depressing wuJzpo     
  • Laundromat is really depressing. 自助洗衣店真闷。
  • The retrospect was depressing. 回想起来令人沮丧。
7 war whfwY     
  • We ended the Korean war.我们结束了朝鲜战争。
  • The war made many people lose their house and home.战争使许多人无家可归。
8 journey k3mx1     
  • She will give up this journey.她将放弃这次旅行。
  • The journey home was great fun.回家的旅程非常有趣。
9 endless rp4xI     
  • He has an endless supply of jokes.他有说不完的笑话。
  • They turned into an endless street.他们转入一条看不到尽头的街道。
10 shot xyiwb     
  • He shot a wild duck.他射中一只野鸭。
  • All the children shot out their hands for the money.所有的孩子突然伸出手来要钱。
11 finding 5tAzVe     
  • The finding makes some sense.该发现具有一定的意义。
  • That's an encouraging finding.这是一个鼓舞人心的发现。
12 favour utHzLf     
  • Chances favour the minds that are prepared.机会只青睐有所准备的人。
  • Will you please do me a favour?劳你帮个忙。
13 liberation 61SxI     
  • We should help those who are still struggling for liberation.我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。
  • Many people died during famines every year before liberation.解放前每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。
14 basically 7POyW     
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
15 thinking ggzz2u     
  • All thinking men will protest against it.凡是有思想的人都会抗议这件事。
  • Thinking is mainly performed with words and other symbols.思想主要是用言语和其他符号来表达的。
16 department vwRxc     
  • What department do you study in?你在哪个系学习?
  • Welcome to the sports department!欢迎来到运动品部!
17 recording UktzJj     
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。

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