

时间:2009-11-30 03:27:07



[00:04.28]Follow-up questions
[00:11.05]1.What did you last night?I went to the gym.
[00:21.00]Oh,I didn't know you did that.How often do you do that,them?
[00:26.04]Quite a bit.About two or three times a week.suppose.
[00:32.57]2.What did you do last night?Oh,I went to my yoga class.
[00:41.12]I didn't know you did that.How long have you been doing that,then?
[00:46.26]For quite a while a while now.It's really good.
[00:51.23]3.What did you do last right?I went for a swim.
[00:58.98]Oh,really?Where do you do that,then?
[01:03.43]At the new Olympic pool down in New Market.
[01:08.70]4.What did you do last night?
[01:14.45]I went to the Arsenal-Liverpool!Was it very expensive?
[01:22.00]Yeah,quite,It cost us about twenty-five pounds a ticket.
[01:27.95]5.So what did you do last night?
[01:34.30]I went to a friend's house and we just played PlayStation all night.
[01:39.76]Oh,really?I love PlayStation.Are you any good?Not very.but I enjoy it anyway.
[01:47.83]6.What did you do last night?
[01:53.29]I went out to the cinema to see The Black Hand.
[01:57.94]Oh,I'd like to see that.Was it any good?Oh,it was all right.
[02:04.11]An unusual hobby  Interview with Fritzi
[02:16.86]So,Fritzi,how did you get into collecting china elephants?
[02:23.31]Well,it all goes back to when I was a kid.
[02:28.45]When I was about six or seven,one of my cousins gave me a small china elephant for my birthday,
[02:36.11]and I liked it so much I decided1 to start collecting them.
[02:41.75]so it just started from there,really.
[02:46.11]So,you've been collecting ever since?
[02:50.48]Yeah,that's right.It's almost thirty years now.
[02:55.93]I know some people might think it's strange that I didn't grow out of it,
[03:02.00]but the more china elephants I bought,the more interested in them I got.
[03:08.26]So,what is it that interests you about them?I don't know,really.
[03:15.03]I like the fact that there are so many different kinds and I also like the fact
[03:21.38] that some of them are so beautiful,
[03:25.64]Also,I just really like elephants,They're amazing animals.
[03:32.19]There's something very special about them.In some cultures,they're sacred2.
[03:39.27]Actually,I think I might have been an elephant in one of my past lives!
[03:46.72]And how many have you got now?
[03:50.79]I've got over five thousand,
[03:55.15]It's one of the biggest collections4 in the country,I think.
[04:00.33]I'm getting new ones all the time as well.I find them in second-hand5 shops.
[04:07.17]I buy them on the Internet and sometimes friends give me them as presents.
[04:12.92]Where do you keep them all?
[04:16.55]Well,I've got a special room in my house where I've got them all on display.
[04:23.18]I've got shelves of them!
[04:27.62]Actually,one day I'd like to open my own china elephant museum.
[04:33.79]I'm sure a lot of people would come and see it.
[04:38.65]You also run a club,don't you?How did that start?
[04:44.21]Well,back in the late 1980s,I just wanted to try to meet other collectors and find out more about the history of china elephants
[04:54.19]and about all the different kinds that exist6 around the world.
[04:59.65]I found out that there weren't really any books or catalogues7 on the subject,
[05:06.49]so I started my own club.
[05:10.33]It's just grown and grown and now there are about 125 members.
[05:17.60]We meet up from time to time and we swap8 elephants and things like that It's great,
[05:25.07]and since we went online,collectors from all over the world have got in touch with us,which is great.
[05:33.11]Do you have a favourite one?
[05:36.48]I do,actually.It's one of the oldest one in my collection3.
[05:42.73]It's from 1897,and it's a big black one with really sad eyes.
[05:49.81]It's so beautiful,it makes me want to cry-but in a good way.
[05:56.47]3.Pronunciation:sounding interested
[06:11.80]1.Oh,really?How long've you been doing that,then?
[06:17.57]2.I didn't know you went to the gym.How long've you been doing that,then?
[06:27.00]3.Oh,really?How long did you do that for,then?
[06:36.46]4.You!Karate9!I don't believe it!How long did you do that for,then?
[06:47.93]5.Yeah,John mentioned you played.How long've you been doing that,then?
[06:59.68]6.A marathon10 runner,Really?How long did you do that for,then?



1 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
2 sacred EC5z7     
  • A church is a sacred building.教堂是神圣的建筑物。
  • The cow is a sacred animal to Hindus.对印度人来说,牛是一种神圣的动物。
3 collection cWDyH     
  • He has a large collection of stamps.他有大量的邮票收藏。
  • I have a large collection of CDs.我采集了得多唱片。
4 collections 0b9abfe67cc31fcf1ecd022eb19a5216     
n.收集( collection的名词复数 );收藏品;作品集;募集的款项
  • There are two collections a day from this letter-box. 这个信筒每天收信两次。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • How many collections of letters are there every day? 每天收信几次? 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 second-hand second-hand     
  • I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。
  • They will put all these second-hand goods up for sale.他们将把这些旧货全部公开出售。
6 exist nzPyr     
  • Perfect things do not exist.完美无缺的东西是没有的。
  • Does life exist on Mars?火星上有生命存在吗?
7 catalogues f8d52ca87095a11200e3996502160ff5     
v.为…编目录( catalogue的第三人称单数 );登记分类;记载;登记(某人、某事等的详情)
  • Catalogues of our books will be sent on request. 书籍目录承索即寄。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Catalogues of our books will be mailed on request. 书目承索即寄。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
8 swap crnwE     
  • I will swap you my bicycle for your radio.我想拿我的自行车换你的收音机。
  • This comic was a swap that I got from Nick.这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的。
9 karate gahzT     
  • Alice's boyfriend knew a little karate.艾丽斯的男朋友懂一点儿空手道。
  • The black belt is the highest level in karate.黑腰带级是空手道的最高级别。
10 marathon 9o7z9c     
  • I'm hoping to be in the marathon next year.我希望明年能参加马拉松赛。
  • The meeting was a bit of a marathon.这次会议有点马拉松赛的味道。

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