

时间:2010-04-20 06:54:20



[00:05.49]LISTENING   Listen to the interview with Mr Malcolm Langland
[00:12.46]Today,on our program of the history of mordern theater film.
[00:18.81]We'll interview Mr Malcolm Langland.
[00:23.04]He is a famous actor who plays the leading part
[00:27.87]in the new Shakespeare1 play in London.
[00:31.82]"Welcome to studio2,Mr Langland."
[00:35.97]"Thank you.It's a pleasure to be here."
[00:40.12]"As the first question
[00:43.36]I should like to ask you how your career in the theater started."
[00:49.11]"Have you always wanted to be an actor?"
[00:52.95]"No,I'm not really.When I was a student I hope to become a teacher."
[00:59.40]"I sometimes dreams of being a famous star
[01:03.95]but I grow up in a small town in the west.
[01:08.21]People there don't have big dreams.
[01:12.46]When I was young,I looked only what I saw was possible in our small town.
[01:18.11]We live far away from the big cities.
[01:22.36]We didn't even have a theater.
[01:25.92]Films were shown in the school library,there wasn't a lot to do.
[01:32.29]"When you were 18 years old you went to university in Lebanon.
[01:37.93]You studied law,why didn't you study art?"
[01:43.08]"Because my father didn't want me to study art.
[01:48.72]He said that I could never find a good job as an art student.
[01:54.08]My father wanted me to study medicine or engineering3.
[01:59.54]Well,I chose to study law,It was boring to me.
[02:05.28]In my free time,I joined the students'club.
[02:10.14]I spent many many evenings there.
[02:14.61]We used to sing,dance and act on the stage."
[02:19.86]"And when did you decide to become an actor?"
[02:24.22]"When I met my wife Meryl in the students club.
[02:28.77]She made me live in university and start a career with her in the thearter."
[02:35.01]"You had a job in the theater before planning your first film.
[02:40.89]How did that come about?
[02:44.23]"In the first film I acted I was only given a small part.
[02:49.87]It was the dream machine."
[02:54.52]Keanu introduced me to the director4.
[02:58.57]I was only a beginning actor and didn't have any experience.
[03:03.93]It was a small beginning but it was the beginning of my career.
[03:15.13]Ask questions about the place where they grew up,the time when they were young,
[03:22.37]the reasons why they chose their jobs and about their career.
[03:29.32]Meryl Streep was born in a small village in American in 1949.
[03:37.08]After high school Meryl went to study at a famous drama5 school.
[03:43.92]While still a student,she played roles in many plays.
[03:50.09]After graduating,she went to New York,where she started working as an actress
[03:57.84]and won the Theater World Award for her role in a play.
[04:02.00]Meryl Streep made her first film,called Julia in 1977.
[04:10.04]A few years later,
[04:13.88]she won her first Oscar as Best Actress for the film Kramer vs Kramer(1979).
[04:21.43]During the 1980s and 1990s she won many more prizes while acting6 in famous films
[04:30.58]such as Sophie's Choice(1982),
[04:34.34]Out of Africa(1985)and Music of the Heart(1999).
[04:39.59]Meryl Streep got married in 1978 and has a son and three daughters.
[04:47.95]Keanu Reeves was born in Lebanon in 1964.
[04:53.90]He grew up in Toronto and left high school without a degree when he was seventeen.
[05:01.17]In the beginning he took many small jobs to make money.
[05:05.92]When he was twenty years old,he acted in his first film,called Wolfboy(1984).
[05:13.29]In 1986 he moved to Hollywood7 to live with his stepfather,who is a film director.
[05:21.54]After acting in many cheap films for a few years,
[05:27.11]he was asked to play a role in the film Speed in 1994.
[05:33.95]This film quickly made him famous.
[05:38.52]Since then Keanu Reeves has acted in more than twelve films such as
[05:45.97]The Matrix (1999),Sweet November (2001)and Hardball (2001).
[06:00.80]Steven Spielberg, whose mother was a music teacher,
[06:06.45]was born in 1946 in a small town in America

[06:12.40]He started making short films when he was still a young boy.
[06:18.04]He made his first real film when he was twelve.
[06:22.90]This was a film in which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys.
[06:29.56]He wrote the scripts8 for the films himself.
[06:34.14]In 1959 Spielberg won a prize for a short film which he made
[06:41.19]when he was thirteen years old.
[06:45.16]A few years later, when he was sixteen,he made a film called Firelight.
[06:52.53]When Spielberg was young,his dream was to go to the Film Academy,but he could't.
[06:59.97]The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.
[07:06.14]After studying English he got a small job at a film studio.
[07:11.99]Here he worked on a short film,
[07:15.96]which won him a job as the youngest film director in the world.
[07:21.81]This was the moment
[07:24.97]when Spielberg's career really took off Jaws9(1975),
[07:31.13]one of his first films,was a real blockbuster.
[07:36.18]It is about a big white shark that attacks swimmers who are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea.
[07:44.72]Many people who saw the film
[07:48.58]were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.
[07:56.45]Spielberg has made two films about creatures that come to the earth from outer space.
[08:03.50]For example,ET(1982)is about a young boy called Elliott
[08:09.67]who makes friends with a small creature from outer space
[08:14.71]and helps him to find a way to go home.
[08:18.96]The world of adults is cold.
[08:22.91]Scientists want to find ET to cut him into pieces to do research.
[08:29.78]But in the world of children and the world where ET comes from,
[08:35.63]love and friendship are the most important things in life.
[08:40.91]Jurassic Park,which Spielberg made in 1993,
[08:46.97]is about a park where a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs10.
[08:53.45]When the park is hit by a storm,things start going wrong.
[08:59.19]The film becomes very exciting when the children are hunted by meat-eating dinosaurs.
[09:06.27]After these highly11 successful films Spielberg made several follow-ups of Jaws and Jurassic Park.
[09:14.14]His later films such as Schindler's List and Saving12 Private Ryan
[09:20.20]are about the cruelty13 of war.
[09:23.96]In his war films,he has shown that love and peace will win over war in the end.
[09:31.04]Steven Spielberg is one of the top directors14 in the film industry
[09:35.58]and also has many fans in China.
[09:39.84]When asked about the secret of his success,
[09:44.28]He met Cate Capshaw,who is an actress,when he was working on one of his films.
[09:51.33]After that it still took seven years before they finally got married.
[09:57.29]The couple has seven children in all.
[10:07.76]Reading and writing    NOT ONE LESS
[10:13.62]Zhang Yimou's film "Not One Less"tells a simple but moving story.
[10:21.37]Mr Gao, the only teacher of the Shuiquan Primary School,
[10:27.93]has to stay away for a month to take care of his sick mother.
[10:33.89]The village leader,
[10:36.81]Mr Tian,asks Wei Minzhi to take Mr Gao's place until he comes back
[10:44.55]Minzhi is only a 13-year-old girl who has finishied her primary school.
[10:51.62]When she is asked to do the job, she says she can read,write and sing.
[10:59.38]She gets the job because there is nobody else in the village who can take it.
[11:06.33]The most important thing for young Minzhi
[11:11.01]is not to lose any more pupils from the school
[11:16.47]-NOT ONE LESS-before Mr Gao returns!
[11:22.63]At first Minzhi doesn't know what her students need to learn.
[11:29.01]And she doesn't know how to keep them quiet in class.
[11:34.57]She writes the lessons onto the blackboard
[11:39.22]and then makes her students copy them into their notebooks.
[11:44.86]She tries to keep the students in the classroom
[11:49.90]by locking them up in the classroom and running after those who escape.
[11:56.77]The naughtiest pupil in her class is an 11-year-old boy named Zhang Huike

[12:04.32]He causes trouble for Minzhi almost every day.
[12:09.60]Perhaps you think Minzhi will be happy when Huike runs away from school.
[12:16.44]No!When she hears that Huike has gone to town,
[12:22.69]she becomes very worried and determines to bring Huike back safely.
[12:30.05] Minzhi wants to go to town,but she can't afford to buy a bus ticket.
[12:37.11]All the other pupils do their best to help her get onto a bus without a ticket.
[12:44.47]When Minzhi has to get off the bus,she walks till she finally reaches the town.
[12:52.13]She looks everywhere but cannot find Huike.
[12:57.90]Then she decides to ask the TV station for help.
[13:03.23]She wants them to let her appear live on the air,hoping that Huike will see her.
[13:11.48]She waits at the gate of the TV station for two days till the boss calls her.
[13:18.85]When Huike sees the crying Minzhi on television,
[13:24.41]he himself starts crying,but he is also happy to see her.
[13:30.58]At last,both Minzhi and Huike go back to their village
[13:37.42]together with the people from the TV station.
[13:42.28]Many people like this film not just because the story itself is moving,
[13:49.44]but also because most of the people in the film
[13:54.19]use their real names and play themselves.
[13:59.24]Words and expressions UNIT 5
[14:09.53]silver screen
[14:12.69]Bicentennial Man
[14:16.06]Jurassic Park
[14:27.58]Malcolm Langland
[14:29.25] 马尔科姆.朗兰(男子名)
[14:36.20]Meryl Streep
[14:55.43]Kramer vs Kramer
[15:07.31]Sophie's Choice
[15:25.05]speed  (sped,sped;speeded,speeded)
[15:28.98]vt.&vi.加快;速飞;飞跑  n.速度
[15:32.91]The Matrix
[15:38.95]Steven Spielberg
[15:53.55]take off
[16:14.65]go wrong
[16:20.56]Schindler's List
[16:23.80]Saving Private Ryan
[16:36.57]vt.& vi.欠(债等);感激;把...归功于
[16:37.85]owe sth to sb
[16:44.38]Cate Capshaw
[16:47.54]in all
[16:51.71]vt.接受;认可 vi.同意;承认
[16:55.69]Vincent van Gogh
[16:59.25]stay away

[17:05.07]primary school
[17:10.87]lock sb up
[17:14.42]run after
[17:17.48]bring sb back
[17:25.51]adv.现场地;直播地 adj.实况转播的;精力充沛的
[17:26.83]on the air
[17:33.92]n.& vi.评论;注释;意见
[17:37.93]think highly of



1 Shakespeare 9i7zjD     
  • Shakespeare is a giant among writers.莎士比亚是作家中的巨擘.
  • He read Shakespeare to help his English.他阅读莎士比亚的作品以提高自己的英语水平。
2 studio Otkw2     
  • They are building a modern studio.他们正在修建一座现代化的摄影室。
  • He had to spend long hours in the recording studio.他不得不花很长的时间在录音室里。
3 engineering vtyzmS     
  • The science of engineering began as soon as man learned to use tools. 人类一学会使用工具,工程科学就开始了。
  • It was the first great engineering works in the world. 这是世界上第一家大型的工程工厂。
4 director mPlzm     
  • The director has taken the visitors off to his office.经理把客人带到他办公室去了。
  • The new director is easy to get along with.新来的主任很好处。
5 drama rsWxY     
  • He acted his part very well in the French drama.他在这出法国戏剧中演得很成功。
  • The college published a drama review.学院出版了一份戏剧评论刊物。
6 acting czRzoc     
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
7 Hollywood dr9zTx     
  • She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.她梦想成为好莱坞的银幕女神。
  • The film has a Hollywood happy ending.那部电影有一个好莱坞式的美满结局。
8 scripts d6c5855a62cf32a4dadbc2831f0f295f     
剧本( script的名词复数 ); 文字; 笔迹; (一种语言的)字母系统
  • Many felt he was prostituting his talents by writing Hollywood scripts. 许多人觉得他给好莱坞写剧本是滥用自己的才华。
  • The scripts had a rather tired plot. 这部陈旧的剧本的情节是非常俗套的。
9 jaws cq9zZq     
  • The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws. 那只羚羊无法从鱷鱼张开的大口中逃脱。
  • The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。
10 dinosaurs 87f9c39b9e3f358174d58a584c2727b4     
n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西
  • The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs. 雷龙是所有恐龙中最大的一种。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 恐龙绝种已有几百万年了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 highly XdFxR     
  • It is highly important to provide for the future.预先做好准备非常重要。
  • The teacher speaks very highly of the boy's behaviour.老师称赞这个男孩的表现。
12 saving XjYzGK     
  • Energy saving is term strategic policy of our country.节约能源是我国长期的战略国策。
  • Old-fashioned housewives were usually very saving.旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。
13 cruelty dyDxy     
  • He was treated with great cruelty.他受到残酷虐待。
  • Mercy to the enemies means cruelty to the people.对敌人的仁慈就意味着对人民的残忍。
14 directors 0fd7899d4b3abde815003bc1cc94c4ea     
n.主管( director的名词复数 );董事;负责人;导演
  • I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors. 我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。
  • one of the most exciting directors of the Australian new wave 澳大利亚新浪潮派中最为振奋人心的导演之一

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