

时间:2010-04-21 01:37:03



[00:19.70]Unit One  Making a difference  Listening
[00:26.36]Who were the famous scientist described on the tape?
[00:30.93]1.This one is one of the greatest scientist of all times.
[00:37.59]Even her name tells you that she likes science.
[00:42.84]A good scientist should want to find out answers and ask many questions.
[00:50.78]In other words,they should be curious.
[00:54.94]This woman was certainly curious.
[00:59.30]Together with her husband she tried to learn the secrets of radio activity.
[01:06.06]The couple were award the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903.
[01:12.91]Eight years later,she received the second Nobel Prize,this time for chemistry.
[01:20.27]2.It is said this English Gentleman was sitting in his garden one day,
[01:27.43]when suddenly he was hit by a falling apple.
[01:32.58]The story is probably not true,but this man did mention,
[01:38.53]that he got one of his best-known1 ideas
[01:43.11]while watching apples fall from a tree.
[01:47.55]His name makes you think that he was not too interested in all things.
[01:55.12]He discovered the force of gravity2.
[01:59.85]and he drew up the system of how objects move.
[02:05.62]His laws for motion3 are still used in physics today
[02:12.18]at least in schools and universities.
[02:16.93]3.Food is what sets this great mind on fire -- rice to be exact.
[02:24.59]This great mind has spent most of his life looking for ways to help farmers grow more rice.
[02:31.75]So that all of us will have enough food to eat.
[02:36.32]He is known as the Father of Modern Rice.
[02:41.28]But because of his long friendship with all the farmers in China,
[02:46.74]he would rather be known as 'the Farmer'.
[02:54.79]Work book   Unit one  Listening
[03:00.35]Many animals and plants have developed ways to solve problems that are similar to the ones we humans have to deal with.
[03:08.81]Part One
[03:11.48]Scientists often look at nature in order to find new ideas.
[03:17.72]In ancient times,Chinese scientists studied how spiders made silk.
[03:24.38]Modern scientists are interested in the spider too.
[03:29.42]The spider can make silk that is much stronger than most man-made4 materials.
[03:35.69]Spider silk doesn't break easily,instead of breaking,it gets longer.
[03:42.82]Best of all,
[03:45.88]the spider produces the silk without the use of dangerous or poisonous chemicals
[03:52.96]If we could learn to use the technique,
[03:57.11]we might be able to use the strong silk to make things like seat-belts and wires that hold up bridges.
[04:04.56]Part Two
[04:07.33]There are many other examples of how new technology has been developed by learning5 from nature.
[04:14.48]A group of German scientists wanted to find out why leaves and flowers are able to stay so clean.
[04:23.03]They decided6 to take a closer look at the white lotus7,
[04:28.07]a flower that is know for it's cleaning leaves.
[04:33.35]At first,the scientists believe that the very flat leaf
[04:38.91]would be better with stain8 clean.
[04:42.67]However,when they looked closely9 at the white lotus,
[04:47.71]the scientists saw that the leaf was in fact covered with tiny hairs and needles.
[04:54.09]The needles and hairs collect the dust that falls on the leaf.
[04:59.55]So that a rain drop can easily wash it out.
[05:03.80]The German scientists use this technic to design a new kind of paint.
[05:10.15]The new paint could keep out as looking clean for years.
[05:15.14]Scientists also believe
[05:18.59]that the butterfly could teach us a way to keep our computers cool.
[05:24.26]A computer must be kept cool to function well.
[05:29.12]The fans we use today are not always good enough.
[05:33.84]The butterfly is cold-blooded and must change its body temperature all the time.
[05:40.32]Scientists have found that there are small parts on the two wings
[05:45.68] of the butterfly uses to change its temperature.
[05:50.22]If scientists can learn how it has done,
[05:54.38]it maybe possible to use the same method to keep computers from becoming too hot




1 known hpKzdc     
  • He is a known artist.他是一个知名的艺术家。
  • He is known both as a painter and as a statesman.他是知名的画家及政治家。
2 gravity Felz2     
  • An apple falls down because of gravity.由于重力的关系,苹果往下掉。
  • The stone rolled down the mountain by gravity.这块石头由于重力作用而滚下山。
3 motion nEzxY     
  • She could feel the rolling motion of the ship under her feet.她能感觉到脚下船在晃动。
  • Don't open the door while the train is in motion.列车运行时,请勿打开车门。
4 man-made joPzdv     
  • Nylon is a man-made fibre.尼龙是一种人造纤维。
  • Many countries have sent up man-made satellites to circle the earth.许多国家已经发射人造卫星围绕地球运转。
5 learning wpSzFe     
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
6 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
7 lotus foJzw0     
  • Lotus grows in Africa and Asia.荷花产于非洲和亚洲。
  • I like enjoying the moonlight beside a lotus pond.我喜欢独自欣赏荷塘的月色。
8 stain muAws     
  • It will remain an indelible stain on his memory.这将成为他记忆中一个不可磨灭的污点。
  • Does this material stain easily?这种料子容易染色吗?
9 closely XwNzIh     
  • We shall follow closely the development of the situation.我们将密切注意形势的发展。
  • The two companies are closely tied up with each other.这两家公司之间有密切联系。

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