Judy Garland was a multi-talented performer - first known for her childhood role as Dorothy in the 1939 classic fantasy film, The Wizard of Oz. Garlan...
Political experts agree that the economy and worries about the high unemployment rate will be the dominant issues in this year's election, even though...
George McDonald was born in 1944 to an Irish Catholic family in the eastern state of New Jersey. At Catholic school, he learned the importance of serv...
Keith Ellison's election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2006 captured international attention. He was sworn in on the Quran owned by Thomas J...
A Thai court has ruled more charges against Russian arms dealer, Victor Bout, should be heard. The ruling will delay steps to extradite Bout to the Un...
Advocates of liberal political positions have converged in the nation capital Saturday to express their concerns before Congressional elections in Nov...
Middle East peace talks remain in crisis after a decision by the Palestinian leadership. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas gathered leaders of the P...
A rare performance by renowned Aboriginal dancers marked the start of one of Australia's most important festivals of indigenous art. The unique dance ...
In India, tensions are ebbing over a sensitive court verdict which has divided a contested holy site between Hindus and Muslims. The government says i...