1.愉悦口语:第928期 孤注一掷英文怎么说
讲解文本: go for broke 全力以赴,孤注一掷 You are really going for broke. 你真是在放手一搏啊。 They decided to go for broke in this game. 他们打算在...
2.愉悦口语:第927期 安静还能这样说?!
讲解文本: hear a pin drop 听见针的掉落(形容安静,通常因为吃惊或兴奋) It was so quiet. You could hear a pin drop. 当时安静极了,连针掉落也听得见。 T...
3.愉悦口语:第926期 掉以轻心英文怎么说
讲解文本: lower one's guard 丧失警惕,疏忽大意,轻视而漫不经心 We should never lower our guard at any time. 任何时候我们都不应该掉以轻心。 It's not s...
4.愉悦口语:第925期 包邮英文怎么说
讲解文本: free shipping 免运费,免费运送 Will you provide free shipping? 你们包邮吗? The company offers pay on delivery and free shipping. 这个公司...
5.愉悦口语:第924期 污渍英文怎么说
讲解文本: stain 污点,污渍, (名声上的) 污点 Can you remove this stain? 这个污点能洗掉吗? It will be a stain on his reputation. 这将成为他声望中的污...
6.愉悦口语:第923期 666英文怎么说
讲解文本: impressive 厉害的,令人印象深刻的,超强的 How did you do that? That's very impressive! 你怎么做到的?6666。 Mike's speech is so impressive....
7.愉悦口语 第922期 交给我了英文怎么说
讲解文本: I am on it 包在我身上,交给我了 Don't worry. I'm on it. 别担心,交给我了。 -Anybody do the dishes? 有人洗碗吗?...
8.愉悦口语:第921期 没抓住要领英文怎么说
讲解文本: miss the point 没有抓住要领 Sorry, can you explain it again? I think I missed the point. 不好意思,请问您能再解释一遍嘛,我好像没抓住要领。...
9.愉悦口语:第920期 战术英文怎么说
讲解文本: game plan 策略,战术 What's the game plan? What are we doing tonight? 我们的策略是啥?今晚怎么做? I don't like your game plan. It's not go...
10.愉悦口语:第920期 战术英文怎么说
讲解文本: game plan 策略,战术 What's the game plan? What are we doing tonight? 我们的策略是啥?今晚怎么做? I don't like your game plan. It's not go...