
225 美国能应付生化武器的恐怖袭击吗?

时间:2005-04-29 16:00:00



225 美国能应付生化武器的恐怖袭击吗?

Is the US Prepared for Bioterrorism?
Deborah Tate
Capitol Hill
24 Jul 2001 09:46 UTC

A panel of experts has warned U.S. lawmakers that the United States must do more to prepare for a possible 1)biological weapons attack. The experts are warning that such an attack could bring the country to the 2)brink of 3)collapse.
The experts, working with the Center for Strategic and International Studies here in Washington, presented a shocking 4)scenario1 of how a bioterrorist attack could affect the nation.
The experts included former deputy defense2 secretary John Hamre, Oklahoma City Governor Frank Keating, and former Senator Sam Nunn.
The 5)panel Monday presented their conclusions to a House 6)subcommittee on Government Reform, after taking part in a two-day exercise, dubbed3 'Dark Winter', which 7)simulated a biological weapons attack on three U.S. states.
Under the scenario, some two dozen people check in to an Oklahoma City hospital with an unidentified illness. It is discovered to be 8)smallpox, the 9)contagious and deadly disease not seen in the country in more than 50 years.
Within days, similar cases are reported in two other states and in Mexico, Canada and Britain. In this simulation, a thousand Americans are dead within 12 days, and the country has run out of 10)vaccines4.
The scenario continues with one million people dying two months after the 11)outbreak, and the National Security Council considering imposing5 12)martial law to contain the disease.
Again, it was all a simulation, but the experts warned it could happen, and that the United States needs to do more to prepare for that possibility.
The panelists urged that doctors and nurses receive training to respond to a bioterrorist attack, that there be better coordination6 among federal and state agencies and between law 13)enforcement and public health officials. They also 14)underscored the importance of developing more vaccines and establishing a procedure for distributing them in case of such an attack.
Former deputy defense secretary Hamre. "It is very hard to cope with something you have never experienced before, ever. We are going to have to start doing exercises," he said." Hopefully that is as close as we will ever get to it. Finally, it is going to take an investment in public health, it is going to take an investment in research and development. We have to find a 15)solution to this problem."
Former Senator Nunn called for better 16)detection of 17)infectious diseases world-wide. "I think we need a global health system, that can detect at an early stage any infectious disease, because in the period of globalization, when people are moving all over the world, if we do not have the early warning, whether it is from Africa or Asia, or Oklahoma City to the world, then we are not going to get in front of this 18)episode," Senator Nunn said.
Former Senator Nunn said he believes the threat from biological weapons is greater than the threat from a missile attack from a so-called '19)rogue nation' like North Korea or Iran.
The Bush administration wants to speed up plans for a national missile defense. But Subcommittee Chairman Chris Shays, a Connecticut Republican, says he believes more resources should be going to prevent a possible biological weapons attack. "Which is more likely, an 20)errant missile from North Korea? Or this kind of experience, a terrorist attack. Not that they are mutually 21)exclusive," he said. " But if you told me we only have the dollars for one, there is no question I would put my dollars here."
Congressman7 John Tierney, a Massachusetts Democrat8, criticized the Bush administration's decision to oppose an international draft agreement on enforcing a decades-old biological weapons treaty. Mr. Tierney said the decision will hinder U.S. efforts to combat biological weapons. "It is important that we get some sort of a protocol9 on this if we are going to get any type of advance notice," the congressman said. " Instead of just keep making these things forever, the idea is to try to get some negotiated concept of how we are going to 22)forestall their development, or to the extent that we cannot do that, at least try to put something in place that gives us some ability to have some notice."
U.S. officials fear the proposed enforcement rules would be 23)burdensome to U.S. industry.

(1) biological[baIE5lRdVIk(E)l]adj.生物学的
(2) brink[brINk]n.(峭岸、崖的)边缘
(3) collapse[kE5lAps]n.倒塌, 崩溃vi.倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解
(4) scenario[sI5nB:rIEJ]n.想定,游戏的关,或是某一特定情节
(5) panel[5pAn(E)l]n.仪表板, 座谈小组, 全体陪审员vt.嵌镶板
(6) subcommittee[5sQbkEmItI]n.委员会的附属委员会, 小组委员会
(7) simulate[5sImjJleIt]vt.模拟, 模仿, 假装, 冒充
(8) smallpox[5smC:lpRks]n.[医]天花
(9) contagious[kEn5teIdVEs]adj.传染性的, 会感染的
(10) vaccine[`vAksi:n,-sIn]adj.疫苗的, 牛痘的n.疫苗
(11) outbreak[5aJtbreIk]n.(战争的)爆发, (疾病的)发作
(12) martial[`mB:FLl]adj.战争的, 军事的, 尚武的, 威武的
(13) enforcement[In`fR:smEnt]n.执行, 强制
(14) underscore[ 9QndE`skR:(r) ]vt.划线于...下, 强调n.底线
(15) solution[sE5lu:F(E)n]n.解答, 解决办法, 溶解, 溶液
(16) detection[dI5tekF(E)n]n.察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测, 发现
(17) infectious[In5fekFEs]adj.有传染性的, 易传染的, 有感染力的
(18) episode[5epIsEJd]n.一段情节, [音]插曲, 插话, 有趣的事件
(19) rogue[rEJ^]n.流氓, 无赖vt.欺诈vi.流浪, 耍无赖
(20) errant[5erEnt]adj.周游的, 不定的, 错误的
(21) exclusive[Ik5sklu:sIv]adj.排外的, 孤高的,唯一的, 高级的
(22) forestall[fC:5stC:l]vt.之前, 阻止,用先发制人的方法预防
(23) burdensome[5b:d(E]nsEm]adj.繁重的, 烦累的, 难以承担的




1 scenario lZoxm     
  • But the birth scenario is not completely accurate.然而分娩脚本并非完全准确的。
  • This is a totally different scenario.这是完全不同的剧本。
2 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
3 dubbed dubbed     
v.给…起绰号( dub的过去式和过去分词 );把…称为;配音;复制
  • Mathematics was once dubbed the handmaiden of the sciences. 数学曾一度被视为各门科学的基础。
  • Is the movie dubbed or does it have subtitles? 这部电影是配音的还是打字幕的? 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 vaccines c9bb57973a82c1e95c7cd0f4988a1ded     
疫苗,痘苗( vaccine的名词复数 )
  • His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines. 他的小组处于疫苗科研的最前沿。
  • The vaccines were kept cool in refrigerators. 疫苗放在冰箱中冷藏。
5 imposing 8q9zcB     
  • The fortress is an imposing building.这座城堡是一座宏伟的建筑。
  • He has lost his imposing appearance.他已失去堂堂仪表。
6 coordination Ho8zt     
  • Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination.体操是一项需要高协调性的运动。
  • The perfect coordination of the dancers and singers added a rhythmic charm to the performance.舞蹈演员和歌手们配合得很好,使演出更具魅力。
7 Congressman TvMzt7     
  • He related several anecdotes about his first years as a congressman.他讲述自己初任议员那几年的几则轶事。
  • The congressman is meditating a reply to his critics.这位国会议员正在考虑给他的批评者一个答复。
8 democrat Xmkzf     
  • The Democrat and the Public criticized each other.民主党人和共和党人互相攻击。
  • About two years later,he was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter.大约两年后,他被民主党人杰米卡特击败。
9 protocol nRQxG     
  • We must observe the correct protocol.我们必须遵守应有的礼仪。
  • The statesmen signed a protocol.那些政治家签了议定书。

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