
北师大初中英语七年级上--Unit 3-12

时间:2011-03-26 03:14:54



[00:00.00]Unit 3 Houses and Homes
[00:08.87]Lesson 12
[00:14.01]Exercise 1.4
[00:17.97]Excuse me .Where's the hospital ?
[00:20.82]It's on Mason Street.
[00:22.64]How do I get there?
[00:24.58]Go straight on and go past Adams Street.
[00:28.18]Turn left on Mason Street.
[00:30.60]The hospital is on the left,
[00:32.69]between the library and museum.
[00:35.40]Okay.Thanks a lot.
[00:37.38]You're welcome.
[00:44.94]Exercise 2.2
[00:48.55]Excuse me .Where's the post office?
[00:51.74]It's on Mason Street.
[00:53.46]How do I get there?
[00:55.11]Go straight on and go past Adams Street.
[00:58.35]Turn left on Mason Street.
[01:00.60]The post office is on the right,
[01:02.80]next to the department1 store.
[01:04.60]Thank you very much.
[01:05.92]You're welcome.
[01:13.00]Exercise 3.1
[01:16.15]How do I get to the hotel?
[01:19.08]Go straight on
[01:20.53]and then turn left on Adams Street
[01:23.80]The hotel is on the right,
[01:25.76]between the movie theater and the clothing store
[01:29.11]How do I get to the movie theater?
[01:32.24]Go straight on
[01:33.59]and then turn left here on Brook2 Street.
[01:36.92]The movie theater is on the right,
[01:39.57]next to the bookstroe.



1 department vwRxc     
  • What department do you study in?你在哪个系学习?
  • Welcome to the sports department!欢迎来到运动品部!
2 brook PSIyg     
  • In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。
  • The brook trickled through the valley.小溪涓涓流过峡谷。

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